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Everything posted by Szakalaka

  1. chimera got decent chance and in final also mos upper
  2. im playing tyrant ho ho ho or even longer, i CANNOT imagine tyr w/o heavy set. OK Daggers can wear only heavy, bishops light, tanks robe then i will play tyr without heavy
  3. hacking and MMO-games cheating is not click click in program u just have to anazyle packets, look at structure of files, maybe some client stored data... there are many ways to have something illegaly on our love l2j :)
  4. phx is just a packet sniffer... if server is phx protected write on google "packet sniffer" and u got all you had in phx
  5. u will get tons of "friendly gms" who will sell items on ur server :D
  6. wtf is this shit? its no geodata server its not exploit, when there is no geo u can ven go on moon in l2...
  7. im sure the same person who did on last editions, pure fun
  8. stop spamming, do you see there any interlude or h5 typical skill? i dont so it works
  9. The problem is if you got one version, installer wants to update it instead of installing second. I made it this way: Install client 1, make a copy, uninstall. So u got 1st (copied) client fully working and installer doesnt detect any other version
  10. if you want to hack something u have to do everything yourself. Write own program, own bot, own sniffer because servers are protected from the common programs available in net
  11. l2j is full of bugs, many ppl know adena/exp/dupe bugs but they dont share it by obvious reason: they will exploit it themselves. You just have to search for it, or write any tricky script.
  12. on official i made 3.4kk damage to tiat Here u got some random video 1,6kk damage. If you look carefully u will see he doesnt have coutner critical triggered, could make 3,2kk then
  13. Dont agree: orcs are most powerfull chars. WC got best buff+highest damage as a support char, OL is best support to pvp+highest defense, tyrant got totems (fackin OP) + zealot and destro... noone has to present it Generally the point if playing orc is reaching the limits, 2kk critical damage etc
  14. I agree that eu servers die quickly and thats the charm of the lineage - u farm 4 days for full vespers and pvp whole month, after this time server dies and new one is presented. This infinite loop + unexpected content of l2j packs is the essence of today lineage.
  15. ok so i answer u :D Demon set+homu conv > cast BTB from staff > doom hvy+10 +waraxe+health > zealot + hawk > item skill:battle roar + low hp talisman(forgot name) > item skill: duel might > light set + fists focus > voila!
  16. imagine its fixed on 100% servers... noone uses datapacks from 2 years ago
  17. so how you win tyrant vs ee/se/bp/ol without prezealot (no noobserver)
  18. not working. in new servers npc buffer adds whole scheme in 1 moment and lag is only client sided problem. so when u enter oly all buffs are cleared
  19. is there any COMPLETE free pvp server? enchant/elements/gcm in shop? link plz
  20. y thats the problem when u buy item each item got its unique id. If u find any scriptiong tutorial it would be easy
  21. not rly free, skill enchant costs soooooooooooo much
  22. Link item, capture packet and check if there are some 00 00 00 00 spaces, try changing it its the simplest way to see if it works. Its easy to change name of linked item but i didnt try element, got to test it :)
  23. the problem is there is no phx scripting tutorial at all... im sure its very very easy but there is nothing to learn from But i think there is anyther way: 1. talk with npc 2. open the multisell list 3. choose the item and buy it 4. crystalize Capture packet from every step and paste it to packet send with some delay... should work
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