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Everything posted by Szakalaka

  1. yup, i remember some servers where we had 4 cp and in 1 week we did 12 full vorpals + around 20 weapons freya
  2. aq baium dies in 3h after server start... thats most important issue, vesper weapons in full party is like 6h since start and sets 2-3 days
  3. the topic author is asking for oly i think, i can tell u on my example (i am tyrant), it took me like whole year to master the class, but the best way is to play every other class and see with what you may be surprised
  4. counter spirit means u need to be hit to trigger, same as celestial. Anyways both are useful and range/haste is basic
  5. its a lottery, if tyrant lands crit from combo fod+hurri its really painful
  6. 1. use AOE skills, thats the true power of duelist 2. go youtube watch duelists it rly helps
  7. k, anyone knows ID if this effect?
  8. damn this forum has rly nice bugs... but the language is kinda.... "freaky" :P
  9. really useful u should move it to english section
  10. Hello. On many servers i had hero but i have never ever know how to make this big flash, to see what i mean look for example at the end of video: Btw nice music xD
  11. everyone will have own dorf+summoner on back :D
  12. google it.. i typed the error and got shitloads of websites with solution
  13. i have had similar problem, and the soluion was to lower the level of "protection" in my router, now i canconnect everywhere
  14. lol, u did zaken for 72-450 ppl 50 times? Nice joke those topics are about DAYTIME read about "ZAKEN 60 NIGHTTIME" ja pitole stop spam NOT "ZAKEN 60 DAYTIME" NOT "ZAKEN 83 DAYTIME" THE 85% CHANCE IF FOR NIGHTTIME how many times i have to explain to u
  15. Wtf is geodata? On oly nukers shoot through walls.... just start casting when u see enemy and even when he hides behind a wall he gets damage... nc...
  16. x50 or x20 no difference at all, u will make 85 in hour instead of 2, items in 2 days as always
  17. mby stupid question, when u have c4 client and use h5 system u will get error on loading files or protocol version?
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