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About koronzon1

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  1. Why it is in previews? @edit. umm, ok. i thought this server already started. gl then
  2. 4 min left yes? @edit. i don`t get it, why u adv this server at maxcheaters (eng/gr site) if u speak only LT on ur server?
  3. Hey! Looking for server, which have not votes system reward, would be nice if online will be growing 150 up. I hope there is any server which haven`t added vote system yet.
  4. 400 online and 0 ppl at pvp zone - enjoy vote system.
  5. And what? I don`t use blessed scrolls there so It dont need to be correct. Anyone have suggestion how to fix it?
  6. Hey guys. I`ve problem with L2 Tower and enchanting by this way. When i start the script, my item is enchanted once or twice, then it stopping, and I need to spam the ">" to enchant my item. Any solution what I have to change in this script? Here is the script: -- SCRIPT CONFIGURATION! item_name = "Nightmarish Tattoo" enchant_name = "Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade A)" blessed_enchant_name = "Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade S)" max_enchant = 25 max_safe_enchant = 25 delay = 0 -- END OF SCRIPT CONFIGURATION -- HELPER FUNCTIONS function enchantResult() return GetEnchantManager():getLastResult() end function getItemByName(name, maxenchant) invList = GetInventory(); for item in invList.list do if item.Name == name and item.Enchanted < maxenchant then return item end end end stats = {} function registerSuccess(base) if stats[base] == nil then stats[base] = { success = 0, failure = 0 } end stats[base].success = stats[base].success + 1 end function registerFailure(base) if stats[base] == nil then stats[base] = { success = 0, failure = 0 } end stats[base].failure = stats[base].failure + 1 end function printStatistics() for i,v in ipairs(stats) do ShowToClient("Enchant", "[" .. i - 1 .. "->" .. i .. "] Rate: success: " .. v.success .. " / fail: " .. v.failure .." (" .. ( v.success * 100 )/ ( v.success + v.failure ) .. "%)") end end -- MAIN LOOP! while true do -- find item for enchanting item = getItemByName(item_name, max_enchant) if ( item == nil ) then ShowToClient("Enchant", "Out of items" ) break end -- find proper enchant scroll enchant = nil if ( item.Enchanted >= max_safe_enchant ) then enchant = getItemByName(blessed_enchant_name, 5) else enchant = getItemByName(enchant_name, 5) end if ( enchant == nil ) then ShowToClient("Enchant", "Out of enchants") break end GetEnchantManager():setDelay(delay) GetEnchantManager():setEnchantId(enchant.objectId) GetEnchantManager():setItemId(item.objectId) GetEnchantManager():Enchant() while ( enchantResult() == Enchant.ENCHANT_PENDING ) do Sleep(0) end if ( enchantResult() == Enchant.ENCHANT_SUCCESS ) then Sleep ( 0 ) -- sleep so item data is updated item = GetInventory():FindById(item.objectId) ShowToClient("Enchant", item.Name .. " is now +" .. item.Enchanted); registerSuccess ( item.Enchanted ) elseif ( enchantResult() == Enchant.ENCHANT_FAILURE ) then ShowToClient("Enchant", item.Name .. " failed on " .. item.Enchanted .. " -> " .. item.Enchanted +4) Sleep ( 0 ) -- sleep so item data is updated registerFailure ( item.Enchanted +4 ) end printStatistics() end ShowToClient("Enchant", "Enchant script finished") printStatistics()
  7. This server sux because of one thing, vote coins system. 90 online, 30 are afk and waiting for coins, thats why
  8. Hey guys. I saw many people there have full maxed sets in 1/2 days. Is there any way to get fast gc/adena without spending $?
  9. C4 L2 EPI polish server :d i lvl uped my destro from 1 to 73 w/o buffs, just haste potion. Next one was l2 sieghardt server, then dragon-network :p
  10. <br />WOW u are 2gud...!! I have proofs. It called bugged server.
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