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Everything posted by Szakalaka

  1. How do you detect bots? By name? ^^ Will be great fun ti play with it! Let me know when u release
  2. My antibot can handle literally any request - //dlls returns targeted character's loaded dlls in client, //processes returns process list if someone is suspected of havin some clicker program :) May i ask devs, what custom commands would u need?
  3. I wrote you on skype. I'm puttin a lot of time and effort in that system, im sure the beta tests will start sooner than expected. Everyday adding more features.
  4. Im working with nevermore right now, we made plenty of great features. If it will be tested and accepted i will think of interlude too
  5. Glad to hear that people are interested. I already got 4 of you, so its hard to choose, but given fact that i started development with h5 client, i would prefer someone from h5.
  6. Lol someone put javascript parameters checks and uses them on server without additional check :D Well player sir
  7. Sure, we can talk on skype. I got plenty of time and will. The most important part is to be synchronized. First thing i'd like to do would be to add custom packet encryption, modify login scheme a bit to trick OOG bots, then go for something more fancy
  8. Everything is bypassable. I made it very hard to bypass, and speakin about server side check i meant i can add some packet on login with hwid data to check how many clients from this hwid are connected And to AlmostGood, dont u think l2 doesnt need new bot? Adrenaline is good especially when old uprotected version got released
  9. Maybe, maybe thats true but i still would like to give it a try. Antibots like Lameguard or CliExt are blocking tower, walker, l2net and thats all... Lameguard was last updated in january 2013.... Adrenaline is a perfect example of new bot - its nothing complicated, its mechanism is simple as any other bot, but sloppy "anti-devs" do not modify their protection schemes My anticheat offers handful of features, written by experienced cheater and reverser myself. -strong antidebug. You cant dig in process or analyze the program live with debuggers, it has tons of hidden tricks -blocks ways the bots are working, blockin all the popular bots, detects intruder code, attempts of function calls or packet injection -changed protocol and packet encryption -ability to customize, can add custom game packets, heartbeats etc -Hardware ID check -prevents threads from being suspended -implements temporary and perma bans -strong obfuscation preventing from analyzing sensitive code areas -customized protocol core, i rewrote whole mechanism of generating packets -anti hook -anti patch -box limitation on client side (with HWID check you can implement it on server side for total security) -simple launcher I am still developing it. I can say it really is worth giving a try :)
  10. Do you want screenshot of antibot icon? :D The INSIDE is important, the tons of checks, yesterday i rewrote protocol core its very good. I will list the features and post them soon
  11. I added even more features and im still improving it. I am still looking for someone who would like to try it out
  12. This achylek guy. He isn't even a troll. Hes is straight subhuman
  13. Hello. I would like to go forward and test my new anticheat system for l2 with someone owning even a small server, just for some beta tests, to see if it throws false positives, if it runs good on other people computers. I assure the client sided module is very strong, it blocks all popular bots, debuggers, it's equipped in mechanisms detecting packet inejction, engine function calls, it blocks generaly the ways bots are working. I would share the client mod for tests. I do not expect money or anything, all i want is to test the anticheat in real situation. Greetz
  14. Made my day :D And that second line adds even more :D
  15. You are not goin to write it. Custom servers got custom encryption, protocol etc. What are you goin to do is basically L2Net bot, which relied only on packets. It is not working anywhere now
  16. Thank you for interest Tessa. I would attach 16 byte array containing hardware id to packet, lets say RequestAuthLogin, to limit ammount of game windows from one computer. I would switch some packet headers, just to make small additional protection against l2net and packet based bots, but i already found that big switch-case in L2GamePacketHandler.java so i consider it done. Lastly, add additional encryption of every packet just before sending (so i would keep default encryption but i would cover it with one more, so server would firstly decrypt received packet with my alghoritm and then would do the same with the default one). Well all i need is to put my additional encryption on EVERY packet, starting from pressing "login" button, from what i see gameserver and loginserver are using other encrpytions (might be wrong)
  17. If someone is interested i could show the client sided module, it's pretty powerful on debuggers/bots detection
  18. Hello. My anticheat development is almost finished on client side. I am looking for someone who could help me find few basic things in server source (im not java coder and the files are very large). I just need to modify some packet headers, add HWID byte array to AuthLogin packet and change encrpytion alghoritm. It would be great is some experienced java dev could spend 10 minutes on it, im sure it would be easy peasy for him ;) Shoot me PM if you are willing to help! Thanks in advance!
  19. Did someone actually do some research on it? Did u see what it executes internally? The bypass is working indeed, but the app is doin some shit before it :)
  20. im not a scammer im selling lameguard bypass but cliext is nto lameguard. My bypass works for tales cartel and redemption, but i dont support nanna. I think of creating my own bot from 0 working everywhere, similar to adrenaline with tower like scripts
  21. Is it even real? Is it 10th edition?
  22. http://i.imgur.com/t6T6PMu.jpg Ez
  23. http://i.imgur.com/0AYw1tx.jpg 10 euro, tested by 3 users using free version of tower
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