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Everything posted by xDrac

  1. just use this. Open it in Photoshop. Click on the layer. Go to layer effects. Select Stroke. Set the color to black. Set it to 1px (it should be default). Set it to inside. Save for web -> JPG -> Maximum Quality -> Press "Save" button. Done xD
  2. More. And maybe try adding a 1px black stroke inside on the sig.
  3. The sig there is still BRIGHT -er (ie. brightness) there. :P No, but honestly, that looks a LOT better than the original you posted.
  4. Use different fonts for menu text etc. , without bevel and emboss. Few "logical" mistakes on the top bar. You took 1599px as width, thats good, planning ahead for bigger resolutions. But why do you place stuff like "Server Status" and "Social Networks" so far on the sides? That defeats the purpose of having the content area placed in the midle of the website since people on lower resolutions will need to scroll to the sides to be able to see the top bar statistics. So move them from the sides of the page to the center. I don't really like the menu bar, I'd use a shape to define such an element and make it clearly visible. But other than that it's surprisingly good^^ PS: change the background color. Let the background image fade out into it. PPS: I wouldn't center the menu text. Keep it left or right. Center looks stupid.
  5. Yea ill do that sometime later though Maybe later if people use this one well.
  6. I would say: wrong section.
  7. Definitely, now we're talking. But I'd lower the brightness on the top right corner of the signature a little bit.
  8. And what did I just do? Or do you mean entire .psds lol
  9. And it's pretty much a default font.
  10. This is just a fraction of what I use, obviously these aren't the only ones :P
  11. BonJovi is all they need xD Active 24/7 (not really, but still xD) C-C-C-Combo Breaker! lol
  12. :/ I have to disagree. I don't really like it. The background looks a little weird, let things be darker the further away from the render it is. Don't know, can't shake it. Just doesn't look like much to me. I'd use those particles differently too, imo they way you used them here it doesn't quite fit. Render looks like it was tossed on top and stands out a lot to me. But it's good that you are trying different things^^ After all that's they way to go!
  13. Np, use it well. :) I'll share more
  14. Heya, I decided to share some of my most used resources. I've included: Stocks: - Castle sceneries - Cliffs and stonehenges - Underwater *Download here* - Additional Hi-Res Fire Stocks *Download here* Textures (HI-RES): - Stone textures - Wood textures - Paper textures *Stone - *Wood - *Paper Patterns: - Pixel Patterns -> mostly carbon and hexgon - Some stone patterns *Download here Fonts: - my most used fonts (only about five) *Download here I hope you can use them somewhere. I might add some previews later on. I'll update this with more if people like it :P
  15. Kinda cool, I like it. No obvious flaws but I had a hard time properly spotting the render for the first time. Text is okay, not a disaster. I'd still add 1px black stroke on it with like 40-60% opacity.
  16. I guess it's a template for gaming (-news) sites and the image on there is just an example of what COULD be on there. Looks good buddy. Very clean, I like that paperbox background. Nothing to fault^^
  17. Thanks Epimetheus :P The more people vote the better^^
  18. Yea, let it fade out into darker color on the sides, that will look better. But it looks surprisingly good so gj. :P I would've let the avatar completely without text though.
  21. If it's a render then nvm :P For a moment I thought you used an entire image with the woman on it. Well that alone should tell you that the outcome is pretty good :o Can't spot any real mistakes there. So good job^^
  22. Can you please add the original image? :P
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