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Everything posted by xDrac

  1. Why are you posting here? This was posted in APRIL! -.-
  2. Again, if you don't have anything useful to contribute, don't post. This goes out to everyone, no matter what your 'membergroup' is.
  3. Isn't having that background on the official theme reward enough? What else would you want?
  4. In reference to this Event. Feel free to discuss
  5. Because of this I thought how about we make an event out of it? Remember that we are looking for a general gaming background. With a few game characters maybe, or some neat looking pattern? It's your choice. Use your imagination and create something unique and grahpically stunning. There is a few rules however. Size: 2000x1000 Theme: General Gaming related Background color: (RGB): #111 Please note, that most likely only the upper part will be visible. We are not searching for a full sized background image. I will show you on this image. ____ We are giving you time til Saturday, the 18th of August 22:00 CET Post ONLY entries in this topic please. [b]Name[/b]: MY NAME [b]Image Link[/b]: MY LINK
  6. "you must be new here" is not considered an opinion. It's no optimism, neither is it enthusiasm. It's support I offer. This doesn't need to be added, but I talked to him and I firmly believe should the community choose so, then this change will be made.
  7. Unlike you, I am trying to encourage improvements. So if all you have to add is your pathetic trolling, then just get out of this thread and don't visit it again.
  8. memes suck. And yes I do think it will be added.
  9. Imo Gearbox doesn't really look like anything special at all. But that's personal preference. The "new theme" I tried to keep more modern, sleek and dark. You know, dark, black, makes you sexy. ;)
  10. You guys have no idea about what looks good though... :D
  11. That logo is more of a placeholder for now :D
  12. I was thinking, how about Maxcheaters maybe gets a new Skin. So I sat down and started messing around a bit. I'll be going to show you a preview. Please note I'm still actively editing it here and there, but you will get an idea of it at least. Here the preview: _ Some people suggested me to add a picture background with some kind of gaming BG. I personally tried it and didn't like it. But this theme isn't for me, it's for the MXC community. So I wanted to ask you: Do you want some gaming background for it? Personally I think that having it clean like this is good. Just like the current maxcheaters theme has it done. Safes resources too and the loading time is quicker on top. If you have any suggestions, please do feel free to post them here. I am open for everything. This poll is only there to determine if MXC would want such a skin or not. PS: I will not add a live preview as of now.
  13. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=247910.0
  14. You seem very mature... ::)
  15. I would say that's one of your best tries actually! I really like the direction this is heading, buddy :) Try adding a 1px stroke though (or 2px if 1px isnt big enough and looks barely visible) and perhaps (i like to play around with this) apply inner glow on the sig, with 0 range, about 3px size, dark color, and set it on overlay. something like that so you get two kind of borders. You MUST not do that, its just something i was thinking about :P I like it :) And the text isn't too crappy either, so that's good. Personally I would of liked the sub-text a little smaller though. Just two pt smaller or something, not a lot. And maybe use another font. (helvetica?). But it looks good, honestly. Good job, Observer! ;)
  16. xDrac

    For Voqus

    Looks cool though to be perfectly honest, it kind of creeps me out a little bit :D I wouldn't add texts on such large art. But if you want text on it for example to label it someone's property, I would of used another font. Simple, default ones like Arial or Tahoma. I'd make the font bigger and place it somewhere else. Not on the render at least. But it's cool, mate. :)
  17. Did you apply the stroke? Can't really see it xD If you did, make it bigger. And there's not enough distinction between render and bg colors still, if you ask me. It's still very monotone and everything. Meh, better start anew :) I'm sure the next is going to be better again!
  18. Thanks :P I'll carry on your legacy!
  19. No, there isn't and image called "logo.png" in there, Alex. -.-" And changing that so you can use it for your own server (just an assumption) is basically ripping man. Shouldn't be hard to change though.
  20. I'll just share the .psd so everyone can write whatever they want, wherever they want to. >.<"
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