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Everything posted by xDrac

  1. Stop digging up old threads please.
  2. This is from April...... don't dig up old threads.
  3. If no one else volunteers, I'll make you one tomorrow. :)
  4. WOOPS! Looks a little weird, but hey, no one shall say I didn't give it a go.
  5. To celebrate my promotion, avatar for those that want them :P Member Avatar VIP Member Avatar Donator Member Avatar Legendary Member Avatar Please feel free to use them.
  6. We'll monitor it. If there's an increase in gifts who knows. But for now I think it's useless. Just use a tag in front of your title :) Or straight out mention it in your post.
  7. There is not a whole lot of gifts, imo. I would stick to using the showcase section and adding a gift tag before the topic title.
  8. The canvas looks too wide for me in proportion with the actual render. Overall, I find the size a little weird but that mustn't be a bad thing :P I'd always add some kind of borders on my signatures to frame them in a little and underline the tag. (just personal preference) I guess you didn't add a text on purpose? It's not bad, don't get me wrong. But that's the flaws that I would see at first glance^^ On a more upbeat note, I like that background and the colors :)
  9. Hm well blended xD But (dunno what it is) the scarf or something, on the left at his head. I think you cut it. That's not good, doesn't look very great with obvious flaws like that^^ Place the text somewhere else, and use another font! You're always using the same one as far as I can tell xD Add a border on the signature. At least I would add one. Add some more color and saturation variety. Brighten it up a bit on the center and darken it out to the sides. Colors look very monotone right now. But it's good to see you're doing things in PS :)
  10. It's the little tool with a rubber-like icon. It's used to erase/remove (as you said). Can't miss it, use a soft brush on lowered opacity and carefully erase what you don't need. Or ie. brush around the thing you want to blend in a bit more. Refer back here: http://cdn.all4yourwebsite.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/photoshop-tools.gif 1st column 6th Row Name: Eraser Tool
  11. The render really doesnt fit in there, color-wise I mean. And maybe darken it out on the sides a little. Not the render, the sig I mean. Text could of been better too. Use neutral white, and give it a soft stroke.
  12. Here's the official lawsuit: http://tsi.brooklaw.edu/sites/tsi.brooklaw.edu/files/filings/ncsoft-corporation-et-al-v-bluehole-studio-inc-et-al/20120109ncsoft-corporation-et-al-v-bluehole-studio-inc-et-alcomplaint.pdf If you scroll down to the Lineage 3 part... whoa thats what L3 would have been originally. I'm kinda glad they didn't release it for that matter since TERA is boring to me... Just thought this might be interesting to people, to see what L3 could have been like, originally and what the ideas were for that game.
  13. Good idea, something else for a change. I think another color for the text would of looked better, perhaps white? And when you make such signatures you need to be careful. Look at the renders left ear or w/e at the border of the signature. It's smudged ie. erased, but its needs to be consistent so it looks "realistic". You got it right on the right one though. And I'd add a border on the sig canvas. 1px stroke black inside.
  14. Others: PREMIUM WEB ELEMENTS - Preview - *Download HIGH QUALITY FIRE EFFECTS - Preview - *Download LOGIN BOXES PREMADE - Preview - *Download
  15. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=247725.new#new
  16. Yoghu spamming in http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=134.0
  17. Anytime :) Respect to whom respect belongs! You really need to work some on your text though, I'd make that your number one priority now haha But once you figure it out you'll be all *facepalm* it was so easy all the time, why did I always think so complicated xD
  18. Try making the text white (main text) or use a gradient going from white (top) to light grey (bottom). Lower the black (outer glow?) on the subtext a bit. assuming this is 100% opacity, make it about 65%
  19. Really cool stuff you got there man, I bid you my respect :)
  20. I like it :o Maybe add a border if you didn't already :p 1px black inside The subtext isnt even that bad, just.. hard to read and stuff. Did you edit letter-spacing? As for your "main text" yeah well hm. xD I wouldnt use Outer glow there. Try something like Klavika, make it caps. Make the letter spacing smaller so it looks tighter. And perhaps add a 1px stroke outside to make it visible.
  21. Looks good :) It's nice of you to gift us people, great show of appreciation ^^
  22. Yea pkmans spamming big time http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=247590.15
  23. To introduce yourself.
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