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Everything posted by xDrac

  1. Stop arguing, both of you. You can PM eachother if ur so keen of doing it.
  2. Well it's quite simple. :P I wouldn't necessarily say it's looking bad because it doesn't. But imo there's a few things you could have maybe done a bit better. I'll point them out to you. ^^ 1. - That logo you used in there, especially on the avatar. It has those kinda white pixelated outlines. That makes it look a little odd for me. If the logo was bigger before and you made it smaller, there's a way to erase them. Now, assuming the logo was bigger and still had those outlines at the begining. What I often use is go to the layer effects and apply a 1px stroke. Set the opacity to 0% and set the stroke itself to inline. It'll look smaller but the white outlines should be entirely gone. Or try and erase or color them out by hand, that means more work but it will likely have a better outcome. Of course, if this wasn't a serious project and just for fun this might sound like too much work. But such little details stand out, to me at least! What you could have done too, would be to cut out the different parts of the logo: Red upper part -> set color overlay red Blue bottom part with the cup -> set color overlay blue Result would be that the white pixelated outlines are gone. I know this all sounds tedious and complicated. There are probably logos that don't even have those outlines to begin with. So use quality resources if you can find them. Dont use whatever you see first, use whatever looks best! Proper preparation before a project is most of the job already done. 2. - Simple, lame and boring RGB color. A simple and plain blue background. While this might not look totally off, it's kinda boring. It's just MY opinion. Because I like rather complicated stuff. I'm not saying it looks bad, just that I maybe would've add a little gradient in there, or maybe a texture that is set to low opacity. Just a little something that will have it look more fancy to eye. :P This isn't really a point for criticsm, it's just my personal preferance so dont get it wrong! It's good, don't let things discourage you. Keep going and keep sharing :)
  3. That looks pretty neat buddy! xD I wouldn't use it as a wallpaper, wouldn't like all my icons spread out on the text like that :D But it's cool and certainly looks fine to me. ^^ Show us some more!
  4. You sure this wasn't a premade AE project that you merely edited a little?
  5. Working on a lot of stuff lately.. so if you want something please be patient with me.
  6. If things go well from now on it should soon be there.
  7. Mix! No honestly, I like them all^^ All nice people that you can talk with properly :P
  8. I can't see ANY of these pictures, man.
  9. Don't bump please, if people have something to say or comment on, they will do so. As for the logotypes (?) I like the plain white best, it's simple and clean. Use the black or white one depending on background. I don't like the Bevel and Emboss effect you used on the first one. :P
  10. Give me examples. And I used these on purpose.
  11. No, he can't. It depends on me but mostly on Maxtor, so go spam him. >.< Just be patient.
  12. Just shut the f*ck up, alright? Thanks. Theme is still being worked on.
  13. Text is a no-go. Render is waay too big imo. And it really sticks out I mean it kind of feels like the render is separate from that bg canvas. It doesn't fit together. The weird.... pattern you used at the render looks horrible and just makes the dwarf look worse. I wouldn't let the dorfs foot stick out of the bg either. Its a cool idea but it needs a lot of work.
  14. Because the site that represents the community and whole project WOULD look good if it was a serious project and reflection of their skill in that area. sigh... whatever, people like you don't understand.
  15. Because the site that represents the community and whole project WOULD look good if it was a serious project and reflection of their skill in that area. sigh... whatever, people like you don't understand.
  16. Most "GFX" sites just look totally crappy. Which is ironic if you think about it... ::) At least I yet have to see a good looking one, one that's unique and really shows off quality in design...
  17. Most "GFX" sites just look totally crappy. Which is ironic if you think about it... ::) At least I yet have to see a good looking one, one that's unique and really shows off quality in design...
  18. I won't tolerate stupid trolling. This is to be taken serious. If you people want to support trolling of such events maybe we should re-think holding them at all.
  19. I won't tolerate stupid trolling. This is to be taken serious. If you people want to support trolling of such events maybe we should re-think holding them at all.
  20. How can you quit this for a fixed amount of time xD Good luck to all participants.
  21. How can you quit this for a fixed amount of time xD Good luck to all participants.
  22. No. Honestly, from a GFX stand-point of view it's really terrible because.... well you DID make it worse, at least for me personally. And from a more professional point of view it just doesn't fit together or looks very good. The original image looked just fine, I'm not sure why you picked this to be "edited". And the text... I mean, mate we're trying to help. If things look bad it's my job here to point it out so you can do it better the next time. I'm here to give advice and possibly help people figure out their mistakes in early areas. Text looks like overlay or something, it's very hard to read and it just doesn't fit. That's the rough truth. But if you really liked Photoshop you would accept this and just try making it better next time with the help of the critism received on this topic. Not everything one makes will be liked. You know?
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