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Everything posted by xDrac

  1. If people used it I'd have nothing against it being added :o
  2. You... actually made it look much worse man.. lol.
  3. Yay, thanks :) I'll definitely use that! Could I get a fitting ava too? :D
  4. If this comm gets these retarded trolling smiles I'll instantly leave here lol
  5. Add me on MSN, I want this issue resolved now, though I'm quite mad still. PM me your MSN or Skype. Now. Asap >.<
  6. Add me on MSN, I want this issue resolved now, though I'm quite mad still. PM me your MSN or Skype. Now. Asap >.<
  7. I would suggest you to first add me on MSN. What did you even pay me for? lol And why 7.50? Tell me whether you want it back now, as i said it'll take a few days to transfer the money back. I can make you a banner or w/e. But it's really outrageous to blame me. Talk to AlexKiss or if you want something from ME, then DO PM *ME* and not someone else.
  8. I would suggest you to first add me on MSN. What did you even pay me for? lol And why 7.50? Tell me whether you want it back now, as i said it'll take a few days to transfer the money back. I can make you a banner or w/e. But it's really outrageous to blame me. Talk to AlexKiss or if you want something from ME, then DO PM *ME* and not someone else.
  9. Lol you guys really are stupid, you know? Why do you listen to AlexKiss about things that I supposedly SAID or CLAIMED? I mean lol? If you are gonna pay me for something or want something from me I think its common knowledge to at first TALK TO ME, lmfao. What did you send me the 7.50 for? What is that money for? Did you ever even talk to me? No, lol. So I basically got money, yes 7.50, for like no reason. I'll send it back now and next time don't accuse and act like a freaking retard trying to damage my image, alright? It's honestly pathetic. If you want to order something you need to talk to ME (XDRAC) not to AlexKiss or ANYONE ELSE. lol. The 7.50 is on my bank account so you will possibly have to wait 2-3 days until its transfered. And I am disappointed in the people that honestly thought I would scam someone, and on top of that for such a little pathetic amount of money. Honestly, such crap. I'd close this topic, but hey, respond and I expect you to confirm that you got that 7.50 back lmfao. And as I said. TALK TO ME OKAY? In caps so it catches your attention and stucks in your mind >.<
  10. Lol you guys really are stupid, you know? Why do you listen to AlexKiss about things that I supposedly SAID or CLAIMED? I mean lol? If you are gonna pay me for something or want something from me I think its common knowledge to at first TALK TO ME, lmfao. What did you send me the 7.50 for? What is that money for? Did you ever even talk to me? No, lol. So I basically got money, yes 7.50, for like no reason. I'll send it back now and next time don't accuse and act like a freaking retard trying to damage my image, alright? It's honestly pathetic. If you want to order something you need to talk to ME (XDRAC) not to AlexKiss or ANYONE ELSE. lol. The 7.50 is on my bank account so you will possibly have to wait 2-3 days until its transfered. And I am disappointed in the people that honestly thought I would scam someone, and on top of that for such a little pathetic amount of money. Honestly, such crap. I'd close this topic, but hey, respond and I expect you to confirm that you got that 7.50 back lmfao. And as I said. TALK TO ME OKAY? In caps so it catches your attention and stucks in your mind >.<
  11. *cough* no *cough* Honestly, TERA is going down the road so fast.. just lol.
  12. Hold on a minute, cowboy. When did you supposedly PM me with anything related like this? When did we EVER agree, discuss or even TALK about such a thing? lol Not to mention I never received any money to even begin with, you know? Paypal Balance: €0,00.
  13. I know what you mean. Maybe add some very very VERY slight 1px stroke with very low opacity. Not sure how it would pan out til I would see it though. Could be that outer glow fits more than stroke too, hmm.
  14. Maybe so. And I know you meant it in a friendly manner, no worries there. Just know that it's good and dandy, whether added or not. I just think it would be a good addition ;) And the community is here to push maxtor to finally get this done with, because believe it or not: we mods do the same. Thank Anni. It's more of a gift. It isn't up to me whether it will be accepted or not. I am only giving it to the community here. But I appreciate the support. :)
  15. Aforic, due all respect mate. I have a hell of a lot income. But I do all this graphic related stuff because it's fun, and more importantly because I enjoy it immensely. What I will do when, and how I'll do stuff is none of your or anyone elses concern. And I don't meant that offensively, I hope you realize. But once started, why not get it finished. Not to mention it didn't take a hell lot of time like other things do. And I think I already said (not sure) that it MUST NOT be implemented. If not, okay. MXC's "loss". If yes, then that's cool and dandy you know? Y'all do what we can to help.
  16. It looks okay. But only okay, you know? They start looking all "the same" to me in a way. Even if they are fundametenlly different in colors etc. It's simple. I don't like that kind of simplicity you used here, personally. But as always: personal preference and I'm just adding my two cents xD
  17. Whoa, that looks freaking cool actually. While I agree with the 'A' in Annie, other than that I don't see a lot that I dislike. Really cool. Subtext doesnt seem 100% right to me somehow but, really. It's good.
  18. ArcheAge korean beta atm. Best fucking MMO I have ever fucking played. Definitely my Lineage 3.
  19. Theme isnt finished yet to even begin with.
  20. Most definitely, that has absolutely nothing to do with 'being professional' at all.
  21. Due to lack of participation the event was cancelled. Next time, don't complain that we aren't making any events.
  22. Due to lack of participation the event was cancelled. Next time, don't complain that we aren't making any events.
  23. lol.. I proposed making a theme long ago already. But Maxtor never responded. Now that im a mod he did so there we go lawl.
  24. Dude seriously. Shut your fucking mouth and get the fuck out of here.
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