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Everything posted by xDrac

  1. At least he wants a text, and didnt mention any color... cause he sent me a PM, so I think that's certain.
  2. I think I saw this somewhere, might actually have this already. I'll look it up and tell you if I had any luck or not.
  3. Try saving as PNG-24. If it screws up again on photobucket, then it's the uploading process there that is causing the loss of quality.
  4. i dont think he has much of a color preferance, and yeah with the "ATS" text.
  5. I feel like the effect repeats too much. Kind of looks very similar wherever you look. And don't use any kind of effects on the render, ie. focal. Cause that needs to be clearly visible at all times. The text in the first sig looks okay, but the the one in the second just doesn't cut it for me anymore.
  6. I think I actually MADE those ranks for GP.... lmao, they look so bad :D
  7. *facepalm* Forum ranks are never for a certain forum software..... you can use those on either, SMF or IPB, even on mybb or vBulletin. Weird, I think I've seen those rank image somewhere before...
  8. Tell me where I said that I am "wasting my time"? You are making me laugh now. Go look up how "many" people participated in the last event.
  9. If no one does, you have no mods. lol. God, seriously just keep your smartass replies to yourself, alright?
  10. Sure, no one does. But it is what you people demand. And for voluntarily doing this people like you (especially people like you) should be more thankful. Because, YOU "Valve" really don't contribute anything of importance to this community. As far as I am concerned. And FYI: Yes, we do have a crapload of reported posts. Who said they are shown in the Staff section? Because frankly, they are not.
  11. Personally I do not use the spam topics. lol. And you guys need to realize this is not a job. We do this voluntarily to keep things in order and help people out. We sacrifice our own time to help you resolve issues and problems. We too have the right to spam a little or join a discussion etc.
  12. Elfo's right. There's a shit-ton of "Reports" that need to get resolved every single day. Along with the reported staff that is being posted in the Report section. + PM's and general kiddie drama. Lots and lots of work, day for day for day.
  13. Seriously, if you have a problem that needs to be solved just PM a staffer and get it done/over with. And if no one responds just PM me and I'll do my best to help or gain attention of the one guy you need to get this resolved. People on here aren't all bad and carefree. But no one will babysit the entire forum 24/7 either, you realize.
  14. Nothing's going to change because Maxtor isn't willing to change it. Makes sense... right?
  15. Dude, just shut up, alright? You really seem to be one of those mentally retarded people that disgrace humanity day for day. DDoSing a forum just because you dislike one or two people is absolutely pathetic if you ask me. And now on top you act like you're the alpha male. I really hate such behavior. So yeah, don't take it personally but I for one really despise you, lol. And god people just stop this senseless arguing. Say what you and/or feel about that other guy and let it be. I understand forums are for discussing and such but this is really not helping at all. Actually it just annoys me because it's unnecessary. It's like children arguing over a pencil. In the end we all know nothing is going to change. Hence it's all just wishful thinking <<
  16. Without an active admin this comm is doooooomed.
  17. Feel free to use if you want, just don't claim them as yours. :P
  18. New ones are better, keeping only what's needed.
  19. Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake. :x I bet it is.
  20. Nah, I wasn't meaning it's fake. Was just wondering because there are a lot of pre-made AE projects for use. ^^ In that case it's pretty cool. :) But I'm not much into AE, so I'd take my 'compliment' with a grain of salt. :P
  21. http://i.imgur.com/dJFLx.jpg That's the image.
  22. There's some compatibility issues applying the theme. We're hoping to get them sorted out soon. Hold on tight.
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