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Everything posted by xDrac

  1. Take this or any other logo as an example, they're all help rather simple. Just dont add too much on it. And dont use uber-crazy fonts such as Jellyka or something.
  2. Hm, well I think it would be a good addition. It would encourage some activity too. Or at least that is how I would want it to play out :P
  3. Looks pretty cool actually. I like the colors and the lady fits in well. But I think it might of be a little too "empty" space on the sides, specially the right one. But kudos
  4. Mhm....... just cause im bored.. xD
  5. Why can't you people discuss properly? If you have nothing useful to add, then just do me a favor and don't reply to begin with. >.<
  6. So. You expect people to gift you for things that you posted back in 2009? Hmmmmmmmmmm...
  7. Well..... I can't say i've ever seen you in the GFX Section. Or well, not that I remember at least. :/
  8. Thank you buddy, that's very nice of you. :) I appreciate it
  9. Yes, I would agree with this.
  10. Wasn't that for the whole thing? And just always hold shift when resizing so things don't get screwed up.
  11. Why is it so.... dim and dark? Looks weird to me somehow. It FEELS like you resized the render wrong, maybe it's just an optical illusion though xD (lol) Did you hold Shift while resizing? One big mistake of you: STOP PLACING THE TEXT THE WAY YOU DO! Honestly.............. stop turning and angling it around all the time that doesn't look good at all, not like that. So please, please, stop doing it. Blending looks okay. I like the slight hint of an hexagon pattern on the left side at the bottom. Not too bad but there's is enough space for improvement. PS: The color of the text is wrong, the font is wrong and so is it's styling. Or would you honestly say it fits the signature?
  12. Background looks very pixelated for me... Dunno. Doesn't look like you did too much there. But it's not utterly horrible so if you like it.. but personally I wouldn't consider this something to be very proud of, sorry mate. You see the fine little line over his hair? I'd find it better without xD
  13. I think the signature badges and "awards" which they didn't get yet.
  14. I like it but I'd remove the url text, it's "too much" for me personally.
  15. lol? You got your "reviews" inside the server's thread.
  16. Just double click the layer. :)
  17. Just do what I described above >.< What do you not understand? Tell me, so I can explain.
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