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Everything posted by xDrac

  1. Not saying you should use these. But most common fonts that I often use are Trajan Pro, Raavi, Felix, Sava Pro etc.
  2. dunno i was cleaning up my design folder and found it xD Dunno about you but i think it isn't too bad. a little out of date. but not a complete disaster^^ god knows when i made that :D if its that bad, how about you make one xD oh and i just noticed i posted it in a wrong topic. LOL okay so.. on topic: Please, please. Use normal looking fonts. Preferably default fonts. Set your color scheme. Don't go crazy on colors. Using a wide color spectrum won't make it look good. Don't let the colors contradict. Have them compliment eachother. if you use gradients, use different spectrums of the same color, keep it soft. harsh differences will look stupid. Keep an eye on your spacing and the gaps between your letters. Having them be too small or big can destroy the layout.
  3. I tried, but I just can't bring myself to understand this.
  4. Looks good! Going into the right direction :o First one is better than the second imo. First one is well structured, the second one.... well as it was said above it really does look like a mess, I'd re-structure it and not fill it up with content that much. Maybe try and make things like banners etc fit the color scheme that you are going for so they won't look off that much and stand out a lot. But kudos, it's decent. I like the logos. Very clean and simplistic.
  5. xDrac


    I never followed tutorials, but try out these for now http://www.sigtutorials.com/tutorials/basics If you have questions about anything, PM me. I'll try and help
  6. The reason this forum went down the road is because people like you can't contribute anything of use to an important discussion like this. Seriously, what's that trolling for? Self-satisfaction?
  7. xDrac


    Specify, you got to start somewhere. learn what? signatures? web design? making wallpapers? banners? typography? What elements of it?
  8. It's cool, I like the colors, good flow. Almost missed the text (lol!) BUT! I think the white frame is WAY too thick. xD
  9. I think the render looks too small for the size of the canvas that you chose. That's my opinion at least. I don't like the light blue outer glow that you used on the text, it doesn't go well with the white that you used. I'd change the text to something like Raavi or Arial in caps too. If you like, try it. Other than that I think it's pretty decent, so good job! :P
  10. I like the bottom part, I somehow dislike the top part. I think they're too diverse in color for me. It doesn't look off but I don't know, just somehow irks me. I would of liked a text, maybe on the right side where the black spot sits. But then again at least you didn't (sorry) screw it up with a crappy text. lol I like it, it's kind of decent for (don't take it personally please) your 'level'.
  11. Dude.... Start a entirely new signature, that will be better. And the changes.. Not even sure if they made it better or worse. And they're minimal.
  12. Colors and scenery look off too.
  13. In all honesty, I expected a "little" more. This doesn't exactly count as a "restructuring" to me somehow and I find it laughable. But who knows, perhaps they can pull it off. I doubt it though, so prove me wrong.
  14. Uhm, personally I don't exactly feel like.... well, ANYTHING has/will changed. I don't know. And I don't get what took them so long that they had to postpone the "maintenance". What do you think? :o
  15. Do we still have hope? We'll see. dum dum dum DUM.
  16. xDrac

    Archeage World

    Not yet, however I got access to the CBT5 that will start in Korea next month.
  17. xDrac

    Archeage World

    I doubt there are any, since the game isn't even out yet - not even in Korea.
  18. xDrac

    Archeage World

    What do you mean? :o
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