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Everything posted by xDrac

  1. I am :o Please do re-send me your skype name in a PM again. Maybe something went wrong then.
  2. The uhm.... I somehow miss the Sylvari part imo it should be more visible :o But looks good
  3. xDrac


    i dont really understand why i made this thread myself LOL
  4. Look at the left side. And look at the right side. And the midle on the man's chest. That is what she means with 'lightsource'.
  5. not sure why it looks off like that... looks really lq and pixelated ): dunno about god of war xD I like it yes but i never tried making anything with it :P
  6. we'll see we'll see :P no haste :D Just tell me what its gonna be themed as! I need to practice making signature again too LOL
  7. The quality looks a bit weird... and duh I can do better xD But I thought I'd post SOMETHING lol
  8. I know I know, it's too late. The participation is long over. And I don't mind. And frankly I don't think I can even keep up with you guys right now as it is literally months ago I made any kind of signature. I think too much in structure and concepts right now. But still, an idea popped up in my mind and I gave it go. Truthfully I have no clue if it even fulfills the requirements but for thos who wanna see, it's below. Don't mock me about texts and the like, it has never been my thing! _________________________________ And again, to clarify: I don't intend this to be added as a participation!
  9. 2nd is absolutely awesome. the others are meeh, not bad. but only okay imo :D nothing special xD
  10. been close against portugal yday... hope we get better against the netherlands
  11. Did your sig find inspiration on mine? lol :D It's simple.. too simple for me. Tribal look, very uncommon. Looks okay though.
  12. Due to repeated abuse of my trust from a good chunk of this community I will - effectively now - stop posting updates on new projects etc. I am simply tired of people trying to rip stuff that I have put hard work in.
  13. The prices are cheap, I kid you not. I'm already going easy on you people. And I won't lower them for anyone just because they find themselves unable to pay. :)
  14. Agree, render is a bit too small imo. But else, gj. Text -> no comment xD
  15. GW2's classes are different.... and I don't just say this cause it's fun LOL
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