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Everything posted by xDrac

  1. *shakes head, deems this hopeless and walks right out of this thread again*
  2. That's up to you. People need lots of imagination to make things come together naturally and make it fit. Also, depending on what the site is for, there'll be certain things that could come in handy. If it's an l2 server, a server status page or something, if it's a fansite, then maybe a database or drop calculator etc.
  3. The thing is that this issue with the greek everywhere doesn't appeal to people. And it turns people off. Like me - to some degree.
  4. It doesn't look finished is what he means. It's a background, a few boxes with text and little images on them.
  5. You are one of the many people that have crappy english.
  6. The height doesn't really matter in that aspect.
  7. Yeah see your boxes are too huge and you'd also be advice to design stuff for lower resolutions, ie. 1024
  8. I don't think there is a guide man. People depend tooooo much on guidance... try things yourself and mess around that will be time more usefully used.
  9. Plan things out properly. Get to know complementing colors. That green from your background and that intense bright red don't match. You need to get a feel for colors too. Your body elements are way too huge in comparsion to the entire layout. What resolution did you make this for?
  10. Dude, take yourself more time to do things. You seem to just toss out one after another, that's not how you do it. For some of my designs I need weeks and months, it isn't about quickness. Take your time to plan things out and structure it up properly. There's many flaws in your structure and you think too big with the body elements.
  11. You think in too huge dimensions. What resolution was this for?
  12. This is one of the many reasons this forum is going down the road. Honestly, this isn't meant to be offensive against greeks but what do you think how foreigners feel when you talk in your native language all around leaving us wondering what you just said? And I find it kind of sad that a lot of people here act very, very childish and improper. All the trolling and stuff it's annoying me.
  13. You won't find that on the internet just laying around to be used. In most cases these are hand-crafted. lol <- I draw these or just create them with different elements and shapes in Photoshop. It's not easy which is why most people tend to use simple boxes without any ornaments or vectors. It's a lot of work in most cases. I'd say the easiest alternative are brushes.
  14. The gap between L and 2 (imo) is too big. And use a different font, something serif related maybe. Because the current font doesn't match with one you used for the server name at all. You see, things need to look like they fit together!
  15. I don't understand why people take their time to say "oh it was only a 5 min job.." If it was so ridiculously easy then why even post it then? I'm not complaining, just wondering - you know? It looks...... bad actually. I mean there isn't much to mess up, really. But the L2 font doesn't fit in the least. Don't you agree?
  16. Like anything will result in significant changes ::)
  17. Launch of the game is still a bit off, so no worries :P
  18. how about making that preview a bit bigger? lol
  19. Look at your background image, and then tell me what's wrong.
  20. You can install it anywhere you like once you buy the game. Applications currently aren't really required. Just register on the forums and introduce yourself in the "introduce yourself" thread. And be active on the forums because come launch we will sort people out that proved unworthy. When you buy the game you automatically get into Beta Events etc.
  21. Like, what do you want this to look like? - since you say its unfinished
  22. If that https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/547516_369389126453890_296566477069489_966850_1285487835_n.jpg is an implication of inspired pixel's capabilities then...... that's a pretty poor price.
  23. The gradient.... you need to use colors that complement, otherwise the gradient will look off (as you see, there's too much of a color spectrum for it to look smooth). The text is way too spread out and snorkly for my taste. Just.. I mean there isnt much else to say. Background dude, background. Use gradients smartly. Use similar and complementing colors that create soft and light differences.
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