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Everything posted by xDrac

  1. How am I a hater? I like what you made, kind of cause its something different but I'm not sure what to comment on? It's just a scribbled background with wonky lines, and that all colored. Or am I wrong?
  2. you didn't even play it lol.... you can't compare two things solely based on videos :P GW2 will be more about immersion and fun TERA is just.. very gear dependent and kinda clunky. But the combat system itself is really breath-taking and amazing. BTW where are ya i didnt see ya in agez!!
  3. I smell someone being patheeeeeeetic
  4. Well nothing to lose, since GW2 is free and TERA I dont mind to pay for. :P Suffice to say both are great games
  5. Ans dear, I never claimed it's bad. In fact I have pre-ordered it months ago. I was also a Focus Group Tester on the NA version for years and was included in all their previous tests and I do agree that it brings something new into the genre that is genuinely refreshing. But the quest design is awful, honestly. Kill this kill that. Developers should have long realized players need a little more variety. I have played every single TERA Beta and left the CBT's with a Level 38 (cap) slayer. It was very fun. But while I agree TERA is a great game, I don't see it up to par with Guild Wars 2 where I believe the immersion and pure variety of choices and activities is more appealing. To me at least but that's yet to be tested. I have pre-purchased both: Guild Wars 2 and TERA we'll see what I like better, for now I'm gonna stick to TERA until GW2 comes and that is still quite far away. Just a couple badasses :D
  6. yea probably gonna make a guild in gw2 and no i didnt play gw1, not really. already pre-purchased :)
  7. What.... do you expect people to say? That this is artistically beautiful?
  8. TERA gets boring quite fast I think GW2 will keep you entertained longer than TERA, tbh.
  9. its worth playing until gw2 hits the market. already pre-ordered the us version of tera months ago
  11. Ah, well just my opinion anyway.
  12. That's really poor... lmao.
  13. Yeah... this SOOOOOOOOOO belongs into the GFX section.... NOT
  14. Well it's the official Guild Wars 2 font which I supposed would fit as the guild is for GW2 xD Too fancy? I tried keeping fancy fonts to a minimum and just hint at the theme by using fonts that the game is known for. so the user viewing has other things to indicate that this is GW2 themed. Dont know I'm bad at explaining xD And my typography isn't the best, I admit that.
  15. Care to give me your opinion? First time I'm trying this actually. And I'm not sure whether to be proud or disappointed lol.
  16. I don't think you got what he meant... I think what Dask meant is that there is no clear distinction between actual render and background. Whereas the focal of the viewer's eye should - obviously - always be on the render itself showcased in the signature. But the bg in this as well as his other sigs is always very bright and heavily contrasted. And that clear distinction in color and depth between BG and render isn't there. Viewers eye won't settle easily and wander from corner to corner from side to side. The background is very bright Zeon bud. Maybe lessen that a little and consider what I said above. Just friendly advice from my personal perspective. Don't feel obligated.
  17. And why do you need to make a new topic... here? And... stuff? Anyway, yea, oh I feel you. I'm so sad you didn't continue
  18. There is no focal... The colors are all very bright and your eyes won't settle on a certain point, the render in this case that you probably wan't to showcase and highlight. The pattern of the BG repeats faily quickly and isn't that appealing to the eye.
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