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Everything posted by xDrac

  1. Dude, you think too complicated... and take default fonts. All the other things I've told you in your previous topics apply to this design too - sorry but there's no real improvement yet, IMO.
  2. Unblur them on the important places of the render that are in the focal.
  3. Well you didnt play LE yet so you can't really know for sure if its better huh? :D
  4. I'm saying that in general. But it's most likely this weekend - if you ask me.
  5. Looks kinda cool. Really like the vibrant colors you used here. I'd like it more though if hulks head was in focus and not blurred like this (at least that is what it looks like to me) The text kind of downgrades the sig. Because the text is bad.. and the reflection is a real fail. But other than that bravisimo :P
  6. Update Gearing up for #2 BWE!
  7. stroke in layer effects. faint is a english word. like 'light' or 'weak'
  8. Give me that hat. I must have it. I MUST.
  9. I like that hat. Where'd you get that hat from dude? Answer! The "ELIXIR-RADIO" text is HORRIBLE. Colorwise and font-wise. lol But I like the color scheme you were going for. Faint orange to yellow.
  10. Make the boxes all be the same size. Try adding a faint stroke. Like 1px or 2px with about 40%-60% opacity.
  11. Dude, I am all in for helping you out and giving you advice. But do you really need to spam this section with every little crappy thing that you mess around with in Photoshop? I mean come on. Try a little harder than that. This "intro" or "under construction" page doesn't look good. You use wrong colors for your body boxes. You use wrong effects on them too. The content is always way too huge and big. So that it feels out of scale. Your choice of fonts is weird too.
  12. Text is like math. No ones likes it. LOL
  13. Blegh.. well I like v.2 better. The basic idea of what you wanted to do is quite nice. But the outcome could be better. It's alright though. The text is horrible.. but I understand. Texts are assholes. I'm speaking out of experience. Perhaps try adjusting the background color more to iron man's suit.
  14. Just for the record: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=240522.0
  15. xDrac

    Noble Gift

    Yeah, but imagine you are not speaking greek and have no idea what any of it means. Doesn't really make you feel comfortable or welcomed around here at all.
  16. xDrac

    Noble Gift

    Can you... stop using greek please? It's annoying >.< ON TOPIC: I like it. Honestly. It's a bit weird looking though. And the patterns and colors are very one sided. The text is HORRIBLE and kind of destroys the good points I mentiond above though ^^
  17. Looks alright, but it's too huge IMO. Would you be so nice to send me the brushes too? They seem to be quite nice.
  18. Imo the dirt (or w/e it is) is too sharp and clear. But other than that, good good. :P The nikoloudos7 sucks though
  19. And then you wonder why greeks are being disliked on the internet...
  20. Dude. Ignore everyone else's request and just trust me with this. Light Yagami (Kira) from Death Note In all his might and cruelty..
  21. I'm not here to improve your PSD. I'm here to give advice.
  22. *tired sigh* Nooooooo man! No! Don't you see the issue? What is with that body element there! Huh? What can you tell me about it? Dude! It's freaking invisible! That's the problem! Isn't it obvious that nearly invisible boxes with content information are a bad idea? The harsh blue/purple inner glow on the input-box is bad too. It doesn't complement the white tone. You should've picked a faint grey or something. So it looks like a faint dark shadow. You need your content boxes to stand out a little. The header text.. I don't like it. Too big, too fat. I don't like the font as it is. Too bright if I compare it to the rather dark background. The BG looks okay though.
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