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Everything posted by xDrac

  1. xDrac


    what does this mean in english? im curious i wanna be filled in!
  2. What's the original image/render?
  3. Yesterday when I tried to sleep I was thinking how the more fear you have that he's gonna come get you, the more likely it is going to happen and I nearly freaked myself out... LMFAO And that's without even playing the game! Oh, should I travel through the woods or should I not wish I would. For above me lurks within the trees. No one could hear my deathly screams. The palest man, the blackest suit. Bigger than the tallest brute. Six black arms will grab you up, stalk you til you just give up. A top hat bares upon his head. Makes your soul fill up with dread. He takes you when you least expect. Boil you up, and eat your neck. He'll leave your body not to eat, but staple it on a tree. Fear the man, the Slenderman. For he can do, what no one can.
  4. I did lol no need to dig it up.
  5. I just thought the same xD "Didnt I already see this somewhere?"
  6. Serious* ..... Look at your thread title, little tip.
  7. Much better already, see? Nothing that I would blatantly criticize. And surprisingly the text doesn't look off either. So: good job :P
  8. Just guessing now. But I assume it's rather hard for you to start out and get a proper background to go with the render? If that's true, perhaps try using a nice wallpaper or scenery that will go well with the render and theme you will use. And then add in effects etc.
  9. Why must? the bright green is just fine and has a very vibrant feel to it.
  10. The green fits with the default link color of the theme, which is green.
  11. It's bad mate. Sorry but that's how *I* see it. What's with all the different colors there? Some purple? Some very faint... beige? Some bright yellow and some green? I would try and focus on few complementary colors that fit with the actual render. The background looks very bland too, not very complex and it makes the render stick out very much.
  12. xDrac

    Epic 2

    Good lord..... Why are you even in this topic if you fail to add anything of value? The karma system is okay imo what would encourage people to post etc. would be a currency system like MXC one had. Why was it even taken out to begin with? But spam would need to be monitored even more, lol.
  13. xDrac

    Epic 2

    See? Because of trolling people like you this community has reached it's low. Because you can't be serious when it's needed and respond properly. And that is what mxc needs, people who know how to do their job in an appropriate manner.
  14. xDrac

    Epic 2

    What is said "last card" for you?
  15. Looks off but I like a visible change from time to time.
  16. Looks okay for that price man :) GL!
  17. xDrac

    Epic 2

    Look at the previous 'Epic' thread there. Very rarely you see someone post something serious or of quality and when they do they get trolled with stupid and annoying pictures. That's what I mean. A "staffer" can't have that kind of attitude and needs to know how to behave in his position.
  18. xDrac


    Well there's more to it than being greek or not lol. You need to be capable, have a professional approach and not jerk around because that'll make you look like an idiot. Lots of things to consider and you either have it or you don't. And I know I say this a lot but imo as someone in the staff you should have fluent english and a good sense for what's right and wrong. Not to mention activity.. I mean take Maxtor as an example. People of high rank in this community must be active. As long as that's a given it's all good and dandy. Now dear maxtor isn't the most active guy on earth and look at how many people have an issue with this. So specially now you need a halfways capable staff and flip da damn tables around. So better restructure this properly! xD Just starting to babble now.. lol
  19. xDrac


    I have considerably low hopes. But they're there!
  20. Lame. So much for reviving the boards! Just now that we picked up some activity!
  21. yup :) looking forward to asura and sylvari!
  22. bitchfight...... lol. everything here is incompetent.
  23. I like his foot sticking out xD Uhm, I feel like you should've added something on the text. I'd add a texture on it or something. Looks too bland and simple to me right now. And look at the sides of the "transparency". You kind of failed there because there's plenty of visible spots that need to be erased (unless you wanted it to look like this but i doubt it). The bg looks good, I like red. But perhaps could be a bit more complex? ie. add in some more. But it's definitely not a bad signature. I just think it can still be improved.
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