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Everything posted by xDrac

  1. Dude, calm down. What you want isn't possible. Could make a wallpaper with that picture, but I certainly won't make it after the ridiculous attitude you've shown here.
  2. xDrac

    Archeage World

    Note, this is not your typical asian MMO. You have a lot more freedom, you can do nearly anything. This is going into the sandbox direction. You can plant trees, make your own farm, have an own ship etc. etc. etc. The possibilities in this game are nearly endless, you are nowhere bound to only combat, there is a million other things to do too. I doubt you will need a lot of farming to have fun or do anything of impact in the world. Though, to be honest, I can't say for sure. Archeage is too new to make promises yet. But for me, personally, it is a Lineage III how it should have been, before they screwed Lineage II up with all the horrible updates. Definitely, especially this. I see a lot of people wanting a game like Lineage II. Where they can get the same level of nostalgia and fun. And I assure you, if anything, then for me it is ArcheAge. Nothing final was announced yet. But I suspect it will be P2P just like Lineage is. Though the beta's that are currently running are free to play. IF you manage to get in, that is. But then again Betas are always free.
  3. Use default fonts Verdana Raavi Tahoma Bebas Neue etc.
  4. Lol. The image is 595x397... If I made that be 1920x1080 you'd have immense loss of quality ie. the image would look totally crap. Try and search for a wallpaper version, I doubt this can be done otherwise. Unless you want the original image to stay that size and have us add other stuff on the 1920x1080 canvas so it looks like a wallpaper or something. lol
  5. I guess they did but that's really old news to me.
  6. xDrac

    Archeage World

    I made the site for people to know about the game, discuss about it etc. It's about Archeage, yes. But it's also a community and anyone is absolutely welcome to just join and have a good time on the forums.
  7. xDrac

    Archeage World

    CBT5 (closed beta test) will start in a few weeks in Korea. That means the game is still in beta. An Open Beta is scheduled to begin (in korea) at the end of this year. We should soon get a publisher for EU/NA too and we can probably expect the game over here in english in about 2013.
  8. First Vote: xDamian I like the color scheme. Not too overloaded with effects, held rather simple. Text isn't a disaster. Second Vote: F1n4lGod Good effects, good blending, different color shades. I like it. Doesn't look off. Third Vote: Voqus Colors look a little too harsh for me. But I really like the text (kudos). Rest doesn't look bad and is fine to look at.
  9. xDrac

    Archeage World

    Years ago I first saw the video that I linked in my first post and I was impressed by the physics, graphics and overall concept of the game. Later on as I got more involved with the game and gained more information I learned that Jake Song, the former head behind Lineage II is developing it and that got me even more hooked. I see it as my personal Lineage 3 that sadly never saw the light of the world. And for this, I want to dedicate the fansite and have people love this game as much as we all loved Lineage. Because that guy, Jake Song, really knows how to make a game with a soul. :)
  10. xDrac

    Ban Psomas

    Guess he changed his signature. :o So where's the problem!
  11. What's all this buzz about? Close it, let people vote, crown the winners and everyone's happy. :)
  12. Just tried out Elementalist... finding them way too fun xD
  13. xDrac

    Archeage World

    No, this isn't a server by any means. Archeage is a korean MMO just like Lineage II was before it came to NA and Europe. Archeage is being developed by Jake Song, the same guy that brought the Lineage series to life. Jake Song originally made Lineage the game we all loved. He resigned from NCSoft to build his own company which is now called XLGAMES and from that point on L2 got crappy with it's new updates etc because many other employees left to make Tera. Jake Song now developes Archeage, his baby as he likes to say. Archeage is very similar to Lineage in many aspects. Not only in the name But only from the systems it has for example the Open PvP, being able to attack anyone anywhere at any given time etc. Other than Lineage though, Archeage lets you have a LOT more freedom. And obviously the graphics are a milion times better since it runs on the Cry Engine 3. I dedicated a fansite to that game as it's not vastly known in NA/Europe yet. Archeage will hold it's fith closed beta in a few weeks over in Korea where it isn't even released yet. Archeage is set to come over sea to NA and Europe too, probably sometime next year. So, no. archeageworld.com is by no means a private server or anything. It's meant to showcase the game to people that don't know about it yet, get them hooked and excited and let them gain some knowledge. Everyone is very welcome.
  14. xDrac

    Archeage World

    It has the same PvP system that Lineage II has. /facepalm
  15. It's not THAT dead. But a few events would do no harm.
  16. xDrac

    Archeage World

    lol? It has the best graphics in an MMO to date. http://archeageworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/c4.jpg <- This is INGAME.
  17. Hey there. I just launched a new site about Archeage Online called Archeage World. It focuses mainly on Archeage's artistic and art related side. It shall highlight the beauty of the game and let people enjoy the different and diverse sights the game has to offer. Would be cool if you show up and give it a visit! http://archeageworld.com/ _____ Videos showing what Archeage is - Archeage is an MMORPG developed by XLGAMES. Other than TERA, ArcheAge really is the inofficial Lineage III. G*Star 2010 - ArcheAge gameplay trailer 2 - It'd be cool if you paid me a visit, possibly register on the forums and bring some life to them. THANK YOU
  18. Wtf, how well showcased! XD Thanks, might as well download them when I'm here *g*
  19. Logic man, logic! When your tag is black and white, why do you make the text bright colored? Generally you should stick to simple colored text, try not to use vibrant bright and crazy colors too much, most times they don't fit. Go with white, white is always nice. Stick to simple fonts. That's very important. Not too shabby for a first try.
  20. i prefer the current one xD more vibrant.
  21. Nah I'm just surprised cause ur making one topic after another xD I find the red doesnt go well with the render. I'd go with blue or purple, something in between maybe. It looks like you put the render on a random bg, tossed a c4d on it or smth, maybe added a few brushes and a text to it. :/ My, personal, opinion ^^
  22. Dude no offense intended but you seem to toss out these sigs with no thought put into them at all :/
  23. Too bright and over-effected for me. Colors are too harsh for me personally. I'm not quite sure where to look in the sig, the focal is a little lost. I believe by "stroke on front brush" he meant the black line around the red tribal shape you used in the midle left of your sig. It's called stroke in layer effects im sure you know that too xD The text, sadly, is a utter fail again :/ You somehow....... you seem to place it wrong, size and color it wrong. I think you people think too complicated with texts, i know i say it a lot but its true. I'd personally make it a bit bigger too, stop rotating it around and use another font + color, perhaps something along the lines of white or more of a soft subtle red i can't tell hastily like that.
  24. Looks alright, already told you what I think ^^ Prefer the first one too, I'm not too much into bland b&w stuff That other text you had was a disaster xD
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