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Everything posted by xDrac

  1. I just wanna see what resolution you are using. :P It's just side info for me.
  2. I need some more practice, and I thought I would ask you guys to vote and help me find the right basis for a next project. I will let you vote and consider your input. I want you to give me the following information: Primary color: black or white or dark blue or faint yellow <- these are only examples, please only mention one or two colors. Secondary color: red or blue or green or orange <- these are only examples, please only mention one or two colors. Color spectrum: warm colors or dark colors or cold colors Level: Simple or Complicated Resolution: What is your resolution? Theme: Lightning or Wood or Stone or Peaceful or War or Battle or Water or Dirt or smth <- these are only examples, please only use one theme, you can describe it with more than just one word though. Direction: Fantasy or Sci-Fi <- these are only examples, please only mention one. _______ Thanks for voting :o And before I get haters that say I should decide these on my own: I do decide this on my own. But I would like to know what others think and see if it fits my own choices.
  3. It's too packed, my eyes can't settle. Everything's very bright you should make things fade out and set a focus on the render. The text is barely visible too, wrongly placed in my opinion. Try blending the render a little more with green. But it's cool, visible progress, that's a good thing^^
  4. I don't know, I don't really like it. How you won a second place with that is beyond me. Not like something's blatantly wrong in that sig, but it just doesn't really look like anything to me. Perhaps it's just looking too simple to my eye. I like complex stuff.
  5. No offense mate, but the thunders look pretty crappy too. Good idea though.
  6. Doesn't really make sense to me.
  7. So, I'm curious. Do you listen to music while you're designing in Photoshop? I do, I must lol. I do most of the times at least. When I try and design something rather calm, serene and peaceful I like to listen to Lineage II music such as Dion's and Gludin's theme. My all time favorites. I listen a lot of Sum41, Three Days Grace and The All American Rejects too though. So how about you?
  8. Started working on this months ago. Have not heard of the client ever since so I decided to just put it up on my dA. Here you go, that it is: http://xdrac.deviantart.com/#/d59b859 Sorry if the image appears to be low in quality, my Photoshop is going bonkers lately.
  9. There is a lot of empty space mate. Makes it look very bland and boring. The render feels carelessly tossed onto the background, no real blending whatsoever. But it's not that bad, keep on going you are already progressing. I won't comment the text, it's bad you know it yourself. I'll repeat it: use default fonts please.
  10. Make the canvas smaller! I think it'll look better then. I feel like the canvas is too big for the render, or other way round. But yeah, v2 looks better.
  11. Better, but use default fonts mate. That really doesn't fit for a maxcheaters-like forum. Doesn't really look like you used any layer effects though, looks very simple now. Too simple. But its better than that bevel & emboss disaster :P Make subtext even smaller, main text little bigger still.
  12. Don't use Outer Glow either man. Work with soft gradients. No Bevel and Emboss, too complex for you I think (no offense). Make the subtext smaller, main text bigger.
  13. Use another font for the text mate. Decide on one color spectrum for the gradient on text. :) It looks good, the background fits with the render but yeah I agree you could have blended it more. At first glance I couldn't even make out the render xD But maybe that is because I'm still sleepy :D
  14. lol? xD How about more information?
  15. Come on.. we all know it sucks freaking bad but at least point out whats wrong and stuff... Man, you are using 'Bevel & Emboss' wrong. It looks totally off and doesn't give it a clean and linear effect. And when using text, please please, use normal fonts. I have no idea what font it is that you used here, but it's bad for a logo like that. The letters have different proportions and the 'E' can't even be seen as an 'E'. I'd place the subtext closer under the maintext. The gap is too big, imo. Work on this for now. Remember: The choice of font is half of your text already made.
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