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Everything posted by xDrac

  1. I like the direction you should work more on it :)
  2. Told you what I think already xD :) Thunder buddies FTW!
  3. xDrac


    Ban this weirdo.. :o http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=244609.msg2237891#msg2237891
  4. the lightning effect around his body you could've made it more intense/flashy/realistic/cool/better. lol Looks very bland like this. The rest looks good, nothing to criticize. But it's not a sig that would WOW me away :P For the Guardian one.. the text doesn't look bad don't get me wrong. But I feel like it's just a little TOO simple? But sigs look great overall
  5. Sorry, but that's utter bullcrap lol. The render doesn't fit with the background at all. Colorwise at least in my opinion. The BG (you said it yourself) looks bland and empty so far. I'm not very fond of the little.. dots or bubbles on there. Lastly and that isn't really a bad thing but I noticed you put the text at the exact same spot as on your other two sigs. Perhaps try doing something else with it. And I wouldn't use a blue outer glow (at least not with such high opacity) on the text. But hey, I didn't make sigs in a while so if I were to make one it'd probably look like crap too xD
  6. srsly take these big sigs out i dont feel like scrolling a day to get to relevant info.. xD
  7. i mean its okay and its good you want to keep practicing but dont you see yourself that this doesnt look any good? I dont know honestly i wonder. Maybe its just because I'm used to viewing things differently now that i work with ps for years.
  8. Why do you people feel the need to post shit like THIS...... don't you REALIZE it's horrible and not worth posting? I mean come on >.<
  9. Quick bump as we prepare for launch!
  10. By the way, when I say high quality I mean this. Recently starting on game company projects too.
  11. thanks xD but why activision? lol :P
  12. I wanted to make something out of wood xD And I was bored xD Very simple and minimalistic, probably not my best but it was fun to make
  13. Got various sites done for clans and fansites. If you want previews or confirmations please contact me privately. Due to repeated abuse from this community I will refrain from publishing newly created websites.
  14. 450x250 IS quite big actually. Too big better use something like 400x150 or something. Why do you place your texts weirdly like that? work and try blending the render a little better into that background it stands out a bit too much IMO.
  15. RFO FTW!!! But yeah... it's pretty bad. The colors of the background don't quite fit with the render. The render isn't well blended at all Anywhere and the space on the sides adds to the unspectacular look. :/ Keep going though, keep going.
  16. Anya dear stop requesting gay signatures.... xD
  17. which? maintext font: GWTwo Font subtext font: Klavika
  18. ;) Thanks, you already know I like it ^^
  19. i love this game, i couldnt play it.... too immersive, too scary xD
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