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Everything posted by xDrac

  1. the music is good but nothing like l2.. dion ftw :D
  2. decrease size of the canvas so you have less space to fill. no idea about the effect.. *you* made the sig so you should know what to fill it with :P I'd fill it with text
  3. well thats bad xD just toss me ur msn in a pm though
  4. Dude.......... sigh.. xD Come, seriously now. I am willing to help. Add me up on MSN or something and I'll try and show you how to *start off* properly, okay? One time offer! :P Usually I don't have much time
  5. The abundant use of greek language really makes me feel unwelcome and uncomfortable here. Not to mention it's incredibly annoying. Duh, nothing will change. Never expected anything to change. Because most of the management of this community is uber bias and should have been tossed into the trash bin long ago.
  6. Just looks a little 'empty' on the left hand side because there's no text or real content :)
  7. That's pretty nice actually. I like the red color tone - personally. The render could've been a tad bit better blended. But overall it isn't too shabby. Don't take that offensive please. But I'm glad to see you decided to go without text as it would have PROBABLY just screwed it up :P
  8. ask around :D or pre-purchase like we did.
  9. Take another font.. (Raavi?) Soft outer stroke (about 20-30~ opacity) Soft grey to white to grey gradient? Just ideas no idea how it'd look visually on that signature :D
  10. No it's not. It's blatantly ugly in comparison to the rest of the sig :P
  11. I got a spare key that I don't need so... if anyone wants it
  12. I very much doubt that the release is in June.. lol.
  13. You should not have posted this one bud... :P
  14. What..... the fuck? Look at the quality.. even if it were good.. god, man. That's poor.
  15. I like the faint colors. What I don't like is how bright it looks. A little over the top for me personally. Lack of text makes it look a little empty but I don't mind that. Though I need to say the render is so well blended in that it doesn't really stick out at all. Not sure if that's a good thing :P I take you were going for that faint color intensity from the very beginning?
  16. mind providing the original images?
  17. During BWE#2 we're going to be playing on the Sorrow's Furnace server - located in the US.
  18. about time if you ask me >.< jeez, why not start it on the 1st
  19. Getting a lot of clients as of late. So if you need something please plan in some additional time - unless it's pre-made.
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