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Everything posted by An4rchy

  1. Fast, cheap and good work. Totally recommended. Good luck mate.
  2. Otan to eftiaksa eixa valei ena lahos check kai den mou estelne to DeleteObject kai ta objects den efebgan, emenan san dummies. Meta to eftiaksa kai to afisa etsi, den alazei kai kati etsi kai alios. The version I shared is minimalistic, if you want to store objects inside instances and keep data of the instances you have to create a manager and make a few changes on the code. Check Trance's shared version, the code is more completed and it stores the objects in difference instance objects.
  3. Makes no sense, legit. You want to play Lineage 2 but you don't want to grind/farm? ;dd
  4. Shitty frozen files made even more shittier with extra piles of shit added to them. WP.
  5. You use preconfigured packs..
  6. LOL why so mad xd If you are actually looking for an answer you can get 2nd pc for 2nd box hahah
  7. If you can't even copy features from one pack to another (same pack basically, only different revision) don't bother opening a server. Btw, please don't go around all forum pming members, a topic is enough. Also, put code tags between the code you posted.
  8. Seriously, if you are indeed such an experienced team with big knowledge on interlude, you should go for java files. It's not 2007 anymore, start looking around the forums.
  9. The opinion of a random, good luck with that. L2Eola had a great success in the eyes of most of its players, despite the fact that there were some issues which eventually got fixed. However, L2Eola Valzeroth x500 comes to revive the project this time with double (or even triple) the effort and time put into the development of the server, fixing and improving all things that were reported in Genesis x1000. More than 3 months of development have been put into this new project (excluding the time put for the previous one, which was significant too), and with all the support we had from the first server, Valzeroth will not fail any player who joins it and will provide a unique, balanced and bugless experience to the players. It is also worth to mention that targetting a world-wide audience we expect triple the online players amount of the first server, specially with the advertising that is being done and will continue being done for the server.
  10. I doubt you will find any geodata bugs if you use a shared one, but even if you do, since you are willing to pay for geodata you can pay for geodata fixes(deMev has a topic about it too).
  11. Doulemena apo esena ti ennoeis akrivos? Kai pou einai based?
  12. ???????????????? Black Desert has a pretty decent combat style, Overwatch too(it's basically the classic fps shooter combat style but easier overall imo).
  13. Please avoid saying things like that, try to look professional.
  14. It's funny how people get mad and start spitting random things thinking it will make them seem clever lmao
  15. Donate button is ok, putting different color in a different position is a SIN imo.
  16. I am actually laughing reading at your replies pirama. You are actually trying to judge people for things you will never even get close to accomplishing in your whole life, which is so pathetic. Just get your facts straight and before starting to argue with someone about a specific thing, make sure you can at least understand what it is.
  17. You don't pay to get revision 350 and 360 in a while.
  18. Friendly advice, don't say this shit or you will end up like absolutepower.
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