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Everything posted by An4rchy

  1. You're gonna need to forward login and game server ports in your router settings. Search it up there's plenty of guides how to do it. Also you might need to add an exception to your firewall.
  2. Achievements = more free stuff for players. 5% of players will look at achievements, others will just randomly get them and have no clue what happened. Good feature, just make it automated, don't expect players to go to npc for them.
  3. Good features, trusted seller :D
  4. Very low info on your issue, + you're gonna need to post a lot more code than that if you want someone to help you.
  5. You can try removing the zone completely from xml (the boss zone), that way antharas nest will be neutral zone, no special attributes such as max players etc.
  6. There is a simple explanation for the number of shares being decreased over the past few years. Lineage II community is getting older in average (yes, I doubt L2 has new players nowadays, specially private servers). What this means is that people who used to learn how to code on l2j and share their codes (because their excitement of creating something exceeded their money expectations) have moved on to actually being programmers/other jobs in real life and will no longer provide their hard-acquired knowledge for free. I would feel stupid now spending some hours of my day or even a few days making something for L2 just to give it out for free, because I can now (after having a degree on Computing Science) see that it's not as simple as it looked to be when I was learning and that I should be rewarded for it. Sry for off-topic.
  7. Such events are shared in numerous packs nowadays, I don't see the reason for someone to buy it. GL.
  8. Very unprofessional from my experience. ETA was 21:00, postponed to 21:20 without any warnings. 21:20, server opens but most players can't login, so the ones already in get huge advantage. Then I propose a wipe and clean, bugless server restart on discord and I get banned XD GL anyway.
  9. You do realise what that sounds like right?
  10. If you have 500 to spend on the pack, don't just randomly ask people for their packs. It's not like you can test all the features to see if they're working properly. You should consider l2off for a low rate server, l2j packs are incomplete (and most completed stuff have incorrect values too). It's not like l2off will be retail like tho, it's just the best you got.
  11. Why would someone walk all the way to the Party zone? :D But even if he did, a party zone that needs 3 people to enter should have difficult to kill mobs, therefore someone going there solo (by walking) would achieve nothing for him other than wasting his time. Anyway, I just pointed out how to improve your code, perhaps you should implement my improvements in your other codes too. The logic ‘if it works, it’s ok’ is not quite right and you should consider all possibilities when you code something.
  12. Well that sucks. The weird thing is on my friend’s pc he can open the server and login from his pc fine. So I guess it must be my internet provider blocking me. Anyway I fixed it by adding a check on ServerList as you suggested. Thanks!
  13. No changes. The only difference in my internet connection from the last time I opened a server at home is that I have cosmote TV configured in my settings as well, but I checked and nothing interferes. I mean it doesn't really make sense why I would be able to establish a connection with login server but not game server. (at least to me)
  14. Tried hostname = IPv4, still nothing. Anyway, going to bed, I hope someone will help out tomorrow or maybe I'll figure it out with a clear head in the morning. Ty anyway.
  15. No antivirus, already tried disabling firewall completely. Gonna try the IPv4 in hostname. BTW, about the delayed debug messages I got, they're not from client connection to game server and they're not delayed. I was just checking my 7777 port in some random site and it sent the messages :D
  16. It's not the clients (mine and his), we're both using clean latest interlude clients. It's not the protocol either, I removed protocol checks just to be sure about that (in protocol request client packet). I think the problem is with my network or something local, not the client (since I'm able to connect when the server runs on localhost).
  17. Tried it, just because I'm desperate :D Well if I put on both login server and game server properties hostname = localhost, I can login but now my friend is stuck on server select screen with no-ip. There might be a possibility that the connection is made very, very delayed. Saying that because I've still got debug messages when a connection is established and after trying 3-4 times I got some messages on console after 10-15 minutes. But I had already closed L2 client (and it wasn't my friend logging in, I asked).
  18. Configs are not touched, I only changed Hostname as I should do. Ofcourse I use localhost for me. The no-ip thing is unnecessary.
  19. Hello everyone. So I've been working on a little event in L2 the last few days and today I wanted to test it with a friend, so I decided to open up a test server with my ip so me and my friend can both join and test it. Nothing I haven't done like 1000 times before. I forwarded the ports 2106, 7777, 9014 (which are the default by l2jserver and I didn't change) and added a firewall exception for these ports. I put as hostname in login server properties and game server properties my IP address and sent a l2.ini with my ip to my friend. Here is the weird part. He can login normally, make a char and enter the game. But when I try to login (with localhost/ in my l2.ini, I tried all 3 just in case), I get a connection with the login server, get the server list, but when I select the server I have registered (1 - Bartz) and press OK, nothing happens. I press cancel, try to login again and get account already in use. So what I thought is that I get a connection with the game server but something goes wrong. So I put debug messages in SelectorThread in order to see if I am actually getting a connection established and I'm not getting one. The message account already in use occurs because the login server assumes (and is right to do so) that the connection is established since I was able to connect to login without any problems and select a server so it adds my account to a connected list. In a few words, the message 'account already in use' means nothing and I can't seem to make a connection locally on my GAME server when it is up using my IP(as I said in the beginning, I am able to connect if I don't use my public IP and use localhost to open the server). Using aCis btw, but I don't think it really matters since Tryskell hasn't really made huge changes in game server connections. I would appreciate any help, I've been trying for hours without any luck. I even tried connecting to the server from another PC in my network in case it was the PC and still nothing, same thing.
  20. I don't think deleting my reply is by any means the right thing to do here. I am not spamming, I am expressing my opinion and helping/warning admins that might want to use a party zone in their own server. Your code works, I am just saying how to improve it, I did not force you to do it but someone might want my opinion. Reposted: Variable naming is terrible. byte var1 = 0; This will always be 0, since you don't check if the players leave the party while within the zone, a simple check in the teleporter would be enough. This whole code can be replaced by 1 line of code. In addition to that, the method onZoneEnter, can be made like so: public void onZoneEnter(Zone zone, Creature creature) { if (creature.isPlayer() && (creature.getPlayer().getParty() == null || creature.getParty().getMembers().size() < 5)) { creature.getPlayer().sendMessage("You are not in a party that consists of 5 or more members, you cannot enter the party zone."); creature.getPlayer().teleToClosestTown(); } } Generally, the idea to teleport players back, the moment they teleport in the zone is very very bad and will result in a laggy, long teleport or even some critical errors.
  21. Been a long time since gaming paradise :D Good to see you too bro
  22. Hey. Regarding your XML issue, it's not really used in this code, except for the icon table which I basically don't have anymore in order to provide a fix/help for you. But IXmlReader is much easier and cleaner to use than previous methods for reading xml (on aCis always). Try to see some examples in datatables.xml. As for a limit on the items one can add on the shop, it's quite simple really, you just need to add a method in AuctionTable to read how many items a player has for auction like so: https://pastebin.com/XANukcpm Then just add a check under else if (command.startsWith("addit2")) to check if player exceeded the limit: if (AuctionTable.getInstance().getNumberOfAuctions(player) >= YOUR_LIMIT
  23. Well the forum is dead already, might as well allow a bit of 'spamming' here and there to show activity.
  24. Large engines written on C++ (talking about game engines mainly because that's what I'm studying) actually have memory management systems which do that exact thing. One of my coursework specifications is to actually make a memory management system for a game engine we are writing that allocates memory when the engine starts and allocates more (if needed) while the engine is running. To be honest, I've only just started working with C++ (first and second year at uni we used Java) so I wouldn't be the one to compare it with Java performance wise. However the statement I made is based on things I've read. Most comparison articles clearly say that you can't directly compare the languages since their performance differs based on what part of the language you're talking about.
  25. Performance wise C++ and Java are currently very close. The reason you see C++ being used more by big companies is because their engines/software is written in C++ since years (maybe even before Java was being used) and the most important is that you have the ability to manage your memory in C++. On top of that, C++ is more flexible and you can do many things that you can't in Java. On the other hand C++ is more complicated and will not allow users (like the topic's author) that have no knowledge of how things work to write code like the above. Nowadays the difference in performance of the 2 languages is minimal and barely noticable, if you ask me.
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