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Everything posted by An4rchy

  1. Good to hear from you mate, you and Ventic are the first friends I made in mxc and gaming paradise. I hope you're doing fine! Thank you!
  2. Hello everyone. For the past 2-3 months I've been working on making aCis compatible with 110 client protocol. Why? I played it on L2Reborn and I liked it. The graphics feel smoother, more options available for the developer to make nice features, in-game mechanics that make the player's life easier and more. What is the purpose of this topic: Since my time has been limited the past few days and I have other things to work on as well, I am searching for people to join the project and assist me to finish it. What is the state of the project? I would say about 70% done. All main Interlude features work (except for a few like Olympiad, Siege, Manor). You can create character, attack, level up, duel, trade, party, private stores, etc etc. Check the trello for more information: https://trello.com/b/8MZHlQ5f/acis-110-protocol (Please note that trello TODO is not complete, I add things as I go.) What you need to know before contacting me: - Java (should this even be listed?) - Understanding of L2 networking, packet structure etc. - Debugging, how to properly do it and what to look for and where. - Be confident with your skills, as I said my time is limited and I won't be able to answer 500 questions per day, we'll work together on separate things to speed up the development. - I'm not going to pay you, the project itself is the payment since you will be able to make an Interlude server unlike other servers out there (very few servers have opened with Classic client and they all succeeded, players love it). - At times I might not be active for 2 weeks straight, it's due to my irl work (I'm required to travel from time to time). - Sharing the project with anyone or trying to sell it will just lose you your access from future updates, and believe me I'm planning to add some nice stuff after the client is playable 100%. After I decide development is done, you're allowed to do w/e you want with it. Also I've got a VPS with a server always on to test, I will give access to that as well so we can speed up the development/testing. - If somebody knows how to edit client well, I'm offering access to the files if they complete my trello client todo list and a few other things that need doing in order to make Classic be Interlude. If you're interested, PM me here for discord info. UPDATE: I am not longer looking for members, the topic can be locked.
  3. Such behavior should be made retail like but should be fully configurable. I doubt any mid-rate (or even low-rate) owners would like the players to be annoyed having to spam click to attack someone. Otherwise just hardcode everything for a clean Interlude x1 and only keep networking & database configurations.
  4. Lucera is basically a ready to go server, ideal for people with 0 experience on how to make their own server. Moreover, lucera's values are closer to L2OFF than other packs and there is no game-breaking bugs/missing things in the pack, so one could consider it 'stable'. The downside is that Deazer is a bit of a dick to his customers and I don't think he's still updating the Interlude files.
  5. Playing with fire. A friend of mine got in real trouble for selling facebook account phising, back when 2FA wasn't a thing. I think you're just a troll tho.
  6. Again you're choosing to ignore the facts. It doesn't matter why you did it at all, the only thing that matters i that you did it. Anyway I'm out, it's like talking to a wall dude.
  7. W/e you cannot seem to understand what you did wrong so it's pointless trying to explain further. You cannot deny facts, no matter how hard you try. He asked you for something not paid? Say no, end of story. Don't go restarting his vds because he's inactive. Unless he owed you money, things change if he did but I'm pretty sure he didn't. Good luck and stay humble.
  8. My blood's pure THC, not bothering with blue-blood peasants,
  9. I have no quarrel with you or any other members in this or the previous topic, but I don't agree on the term 'haters'. If your services are legit as you claim, you have nothing to prove to people trashtalking, let the happy customers prove everything. Some advice (take it or leave it): 1) Re-read my previous reply because I doubt you did, there are some points to take note of, it's the point of view from a person who has nothing to gain by supporting or undermining you. 2) FOCUS more on apologizing and requesting that your ban be made non-permanent instead of trying to prove why it was unjust.
  10. I'm not a hater, I do not know you or what you can do and you do not know me or what I can do, as you stated in L2Raptor's post. My view on the matter is completely neutral, I don't even know who L2Raptor is or never talked to him in the past. I quoted the ONLY important text in your reply, what I ignored is what you wished for the mods to read so they can unban you. But it doesn't work like that, you don't get to define what is important and what is not to someone, only they can. You should have been extra careful with the actions you took on someone else's property. If I tell you that you can use my car, does it mean it is ok to drive it into a wall? Please. That's not up to you or me to decide, it is up to the moderators of the forum and the administrator. And don't hide behind your finger, you know very well that you deserved to be banned (I wouldn't permaban you btw, I would ban you for like 1 month). You basically blackmailed your costumer into giving you more money because he had many requests (that you could have denied at any point).
  11. That's the only context the mods need, this is 100% bannable. You had no right performing any unauthorized actions on HIS vds. Unless you bought the vds for him and used your name in the license. Otherwise w/e you might think, however small this action appears to be (to you), it is still a reason to ban you.
  12. I suppose you've never done this before, so go with lucera.
  13. And I adhere to your opinion, however keep in mind the community you're targeting. Remember: L2 players don't want to learn anything new, they don't have the patience for it and will not appreciate your hard work if it's not something they already know how it works. Good luck tho, also consider using classic client with x1 Interlude gameplay, L2Reborn basically ruined the market for Interlude client (and it was about time).
  14. To craft D try x0.1 rate, there is no point. L2 made older gear grades obsolete as the chronicles progressed. Shadow weapons were added to skip crafting d and c because crafting A and S was too hard and D and C too easy. In Ertheia chronicle they gave you S85 for free.
  15. Price needs to be public noob read the fcking rules.
  16. java/net/sf/l2j/loginserver/network/serverpackets/ServerList.java
  17. Refusing to deliver services you have been paid for is basically the definition of a scam. Vilmis restarted L2Raptor's server without his approval and refused to re-open it unless he was paid. Even worse than a scam.
  18. It's pretty clear, do you dislike any international companies? He can do the job, just name it. Did your mercedes malfunction? Clone won't let them screw another tire ever again. Did Instagram ban you for posting a dickpick on your story? Instagram go bye bye after Clone pays them a visit.
  19. Price to take down meta.com ?? Get serious people.
  20. This is terrible, why make 10 different item handlers haha.
  21. This is out of context, you responded to your own imaginary reply. I never called any of the things you saw 'bullshits' and I certainly did not question their integrity. What I said, in simpler words: You cannot blame a whole country for the actions of few men. There are Russian families struggling to get by (like families from all countries all over the world) and they want nothing to do with the war or sanctions, yet you put them in the same category as Putin and call them names.
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