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Everything posted by An4rchy

  1. Pay kara 20 euro, very good idea. This guy compare java to sex. Pay 19 me I make cancellation return back not only your buffs, but Heroic Valor 20 hour duration, ez (not for Kara). - On a serious note, as I explained in personal messages, avoid trying to open a server if you can't even apply a simple code in your core. This section is called 'Request Server Development Help', not 'Find Slaves To Build Your Server': Kara explained to you how it should work, do not expect people to just give you free stuff. Not only because there's no win for them, but also because you learn 0 if you get everything ready. Read what he said, read other examples in your core and fix it yourself. That's the correct way to do it. This way, when something happens with cancel when you're live, you'll know where to look and what to look for.
  2. activeChar.setAutoPot(1539, null, false); activeChar.sendPacket(new ExAutoSoulShot(1539, 0)); activeChar.setAutoPot(728, null, false); activeChar.sendPacket(new ExAutoSoulShot(728, 0)); activeChar.setAutoPot(5592, null, false); activeChar.sendPacket(new ExAutoSoulShot(5592, 0)); Add these lines to disable running auto pots when olympiad game starts.
  3. There's still quite a big audience for MMO/RPG type games. Botting in general is the worst plague in these types of games and it is unavoidable. A necessary evil. However, you can limit botting enough to not have that great of an impact in the game's economy/playerbase. But careful, there's a fine line in L2 between how much you should allow or block botting. Block everything (captchas, antibot software, anti dualbox) and you'll most likely do more harm than good. Allow everything and your server will be dead within a week. L2Reborn has the perfect balance of botters and non-botters. Only those who know what they're doing can bot, as it should be.
  4. This check is applied after UseItem is called. Auto potions do not apply these checks (depends on how the system is made) usually.
  5. Please do not use the code shared in the mentioned topic. Find the original Dungeon code from eola files and adapt it yourself.
  6. This code is old and there's a few bugs (like the bypass vulnerability). This was taken from L2Eola files but not the latest files obviously, so you have to find and fix any bugs. The person who tried to adapt this clearly did not bother to read the code or was unable to, therefore whole systems such as player memo have been copied from aCis for a single use (dungeon). Or even ThreadPool class when frozen already has a thread pool implementation. Instances code is incomplete too and there will be issues for sure. Some other parts of the code are changed too, I suppose it's because you gave credits to 5 other people besides me so some of them must have made the changes. - If you need a proper adaptation don't use this, ask a person that knows what they're doing to adapt this for you. ALSO this made me physically sick: + if (_command.startsWith("bp_reward")) + { + int type = Integer.parseInt(_command.substring(10)); + int itemId = 0; + int count = 1; + + switch (type) + { + case 0: + { + itemId = Config.DUNGEON_ITEM_RENEWAL0; + + break; + } + case 1: + { + itemId = Config.DUNGEON_ITEM_RENEWAL1; + + break; + } + case 2: + { + itemId = Config.DUNGEON_ITEM_RENEWAL2; + + break; + } + case 3: + { + itemId = Config.DUNGEON_ITEM_RENEWAL3; + + break; + } + case 4: + { + itemId = Config.DUNGEON_ITEM_RENEWAL4; + + break; + } + case 5: + { + itemId = Config.DUNGEON_ITEM_RENEWAL5; + + break; + } + case 6: + { + itemId = Config.DUNGEON_ITEM_RENEWAL6; + + break; + } + case 7: + { + itemId = Config.DUNGEON_ITEM_RENEWAL7; + + break; + } + case 8: + { + itemId = Config.DUNGEON_ITEM_RENEWAL8; + + break; + } + case 9: + { + itemId = Config.DUNGEON_ITEM_RENEWAL9; + + break; + } + case 10: + { + itemId = Config.DUNGEON_ITEM_RENEWAL10; + + break; + } + } + + if (itemId == 0) + { + System.out.println(activeChar.getName() + " tried to send custom id on dungeon solo rewards."); + return; + } + if(activeChar.getDungeon() != null) + { + L2ItemInstance item = activeChar.addItemDungeon("dungeon reward", itemId, count, null, true); + item.setEnchantLevel(25); + activeChar.getInventory().equipItemAndRecord(item); + PlayerMemo.setVar(activeChar, "delete_temp_item_" + item.getObjectId(), item.getObjectId(), System.currentTimeMillis() + (1000 *60 *60 *5)); + InstanceManager.getInstance().getInstance(0); + activeChar.setDungeon(null); + activeChar.teleToLocation(Config.DUNGEON_SPAWN_X, Config.DUNGEON_SPAWN_Y, Config.DUNGEON_SPAWN_Z, Config.DUNGEON_SPAWN_RND); + } + else + { + activeChar.sendMessage("No puedes recibir el premio"); + } + }
  7. https://github.com/Elfocrash/L2Autobots/blob/master/patch.diff This patch has to be applied in your aCis core first. Then you have to checkout Autobots project in your IDE (IntelliJ Idea preferably) and fix any invalid method calls (many methods changed in aCis from 382 to 401). Rebuild the project and you're good to go. It's not rocket science.
  8. Nobody can help you unless you post your code here. There should be some methods to disable an auto potion, you just need to call them when a match starts and then add a check if (player.isInOlympiadMode()) return; when player tries to activate them.
  9. Start by debugging the values that are being sent (System.out.println(collisionHeight)) and check if they are correct (compare them to values from packs that it works fine). This makes no sense, don't overcomplicate things in your mind. Height is a single static number that is sent to the client depending on the player's base class. If this number is incorrect, the player will either be above or below ground. Print this number to see if it is correct. Add the println() statement I mentioned above inside UserInfo runImpl() method and then login and check your gameserver console for the value that is being sent.
  10. The major problems with essence are basically missing features, so you won't have much luck there. Some russian forks claim they have finished the content for essence but I doubt it. You can try to go for lucera, they have both essence and interlude emulators but don't expect to find bugless files. Interlude lucera is tested a lot though so it should work fine for your needs. Regarding essence, I hear they're actively working on it it's called lucera legacy or something.
  11. I'm guessing it's the 'power' of each skill. Similar to other skill xmls from other packs.
  12. Just change the collision height to a bit lower, like -1 or -2. See the xml of any other pack and use the same values.
  13. idTemplate refers to npcgrp id. So either remove idTemplate completely or change npcgrp id to 9004. Type should be Folk. Try this: <npc id="104" name="Runia" title=""> <set name="usingServerSideName" val="true"/> <set name="usingServerSideTitle" val="true"/> <set name="level" val="70"/> <set name="radius" val="7"/> <set name="height" val="22"/> <set name="rHand" val="0"/> <set name="lHand" val="0"/> <set name="type" val="Folk"/> <set name="exp" val="0"/> <set name="sp" val="0"/> <set name="hp" val="2444"/> <set name="mp" val="1345"/> <set name="hpRegen" val="7.5"/> <set name="mpRegen" val="2.7"/> <set name="pAtk" val="688"/> <set name="pDef" val="8950"/> <set name="mAtk" val="470"/> <set name="mDef" val="8160"/> <set name="crit" val="4"/> <set name="atkSpd" val="253"/> <set name="str" val="40"/> <set name="int" val="21"/> <set name="dex" val="30"/> <set name="wit" val="20"/> <set name="con" val="43"/> <set name="men" val="20"/> <set name="corpseTime" val="7"/> <set name="walkSpd" val="80"/> <set name="runSpd" val="120"/> <set name="dropHerbGroup" val="0"/> <ai type="DEFAULT" ssCount="0" ssRate="0" spsCount="0" spsRate="0" aggro="0" canMove="true" seedable="false"/> <skills> <skill id="4045" level="1"/> <skill id="4416" level="7"/> </skills> </npc>
  14. Try to disable your firewall (or add exceptions for 2106 and 7777). Also you can connect with if you're on the same pc as the server is hosted. Only your friends have to use your ip in l2.ini.
  15. No need to check every 5 sec, Use ThreadPool.schedule for 12 o'clock, then ThreadPool.schedule with 1000 * 60 * 60 * 12 (12 hours in milliseconds). However you should look into ScheduledQuest, it's much easier to use and it handles any time format you want.
  16. It's the admin's fault for using it. If you decide to open a server and don't even bother to use your own created or purchased site but instead you use stolen or shared sites, what respect do you expect to gain from the players? Using such templates only shows unprofessionalism and zero respect towards the community, as you're adding to the shit server list that keeps piling up. A site is not just a simple interface for people to join in-game, it's the first thing a player will see when they click on your server. It must be pretty, simple and straightforward, but most importantly unique. For example this Echokinetics server uses a template I've seen on many other servers, mainly Russian servers. Be honest, who would ever play a x7 using a shared website. In my head right now, the owners have probably 0 idea on what they're doing and are using most likely lucera which is ready for them and they will 100% fail. And this is all coming from just a look on the website. An example of a decent website: https://l2aqua.net/
  17. It's about effort. How do you expect your server or any server to be respected when you don't even bother to prepare/buy a proper and professional website template? It's not 2010 anymore, the 1-week server spam fiesta that was going on back then is over and admins need to understand that. It's a public forum, expressing your opinion is the point to begin with.
  18. Consider adding multilingual support and paying for translators for your site( and htmls in-game). Trust me, it's so worth it, most Russian players or Brasilian players (both these groups make up more than 50% of the community) can't speak english and it's difficult for them to give your project a try. Personally, I have translated htmls to chinese with a translator And it was so worth.
  19. Don't play Aden or any latest chronicle. Go for Interlude low rate.
  20. New L2 clients are like mobile games. Everything is automated and the more money (real) you put in the game the better your character will be. Not worth a penny or your time. Some 'fake' efforts every now and then by NCSoft to revive the game (like Classic) which eventually end up worse than the original. However, due to the clients being updated with newer technologies and better performance, it's given a great opportunity for private server developers to move the L2 scene a step further. Many more possibilites and organized projects compared to the shit fiesta that happened from 2011 - 2016-17. There's great servers out there worth your time and options to choose from: Do you prefer zero pay 2 win content with time being the key factor to progression? L2Reborn is for you, either mid rates or low rates. Do you like to pay for your gear due to time? Go with L2Dex (seems pretty stable with seasons opening every year and characters merging into the main server, so you don't lose your progression/money). However it's hardcore pay 2 win which I hate. L2 is not dead yet, but I doubt any new players will come for a while (until NCSoft tries to scam some more money and advertises the game).
  21. You need to make a new ItemHandler and in there add player.addExpAndSp or whatever similar method orion uses. Then, you need to create a new item (in xml or sql, idk what orion uses) and specify the handler you created (if it's xml smth like <set name="handler" val="YourHandlerName"/>0). Also, having a pack that has 'no core bugs' like you said does not mean everything will be OK when you open a server. You will probably end up with 500 errors/missing things/not working things you had no idea about and 0 clue how to fix them. You cannot open a server if you don't know what you're doing, avoid it. Pay a developer to do it for you, or start learning. Even if you use lucera, which is a pack used by numerous online servers (L2Unity, L2Dream namely and 99% of russian servers) you will still have errors and problems. But as long as you don't leech the pack and buy it, you will have support by experienced developers (a thing that I cannot say for orion unfortunately). Long story short if you don't pay or spend numerous hours learning, you'll fail. But gl.
  22. Don't spend money if you have no idea how to maintain a server. Having files + ready npcs is not a ready server to open, there's hundreds of issues/bugs on server opening regardless of the files you use. Unless someone already opened like 10 times with those files and I doubt they would sell to you. HIRE a developer, don't spend money on files from randoms.
  23. Did you just share your mobile number on a public forum? XD Also what exactly are you looking for? Server files or a server to play. Did you even bother searching?
  24. Bro, use pastebin.com for large chunks of code. It's unreadable like that. You need to make a new npc with type L2Achievement and add its html in data/html/achievements. If there is already a html there, leave it as it is (only rename with your npc id). If there isn't make sure to include %list% in the html so the actual achievement list can appear. I just had a look at the code, it should work fine unless I missed something. If you find any problems just reply. P.S. Kindly suggestion, don't use orion. If you don't have a developer and need ready features, use lucera. Otherwise pay a developer and use aCis.
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