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Everything posted by An4rchy

  1. Building something secure, tested and functional is a lot more work than 2 clicks away. I wouldn't trust someone who doesn't have experience to provide me with code to handle my donations/payment. Speaking as someone who doens't know shit about web-development (except a bit php).
  2. In my opinion (I have 0 web development experience, only few stuff) the one he's selling is the best I've seen being sold (not in existence). Why? Because there's not a shittone of stuff when the player logs in, like for example most donate panels even have top pvp and pk in the user's control panel. What is the point? People only need 2 buttons, Login and Donate. Rest is useless, and this donate panel offers exactly that. Btw I have the best l2j codes in the scene, unlike Kara. Prove me wrong.
  3. For some reason I can't pm you @Nightw0lf, can you send me your Discord to ask you something
  4. I can do the hunting for you, if you pay me. I'll start with Kara to give you an example of my work. (I heard he's 1.60 height, should be easy)
  5. 20% is 1 out of 5, it's been like that for years. Btw, who would want to gamble like that? Imagine if there's 5 donations, 4 of them for 5 euros and one for 100 and you get the lucky one. Pretty bad, I doubt someone with a serious project would ever use that without a license. You can request the 20% at the end of each week/month and if the admin ignores you, block the panel.
  6. https://lineage.pmfun.com/list/set Similar for other item types, pmfun has the whole database if I'm not wrong.
  7. The visual bugs you're refering to (target showing their back when really their heading is different) are not caused by the server. Each input you make into the client is sent to the server to calculate the correct heading, position etc. However, there's always going to be desync and some minor character movements that are caused by other effects/collision might alter the player's heading client-side, but such info is not sent to the server causing wrong calculations. And this exists in L2OFF too. It's true that old packs used to have incorrect formulas but you need to understand that it's not really easy to replicate a math formula based only on result and testing. And I would say nowadays l2j is pretty close to the retail formulas for % landing or damage. But if you think 'if it's not 100% same, it's crap' then it's a different story. Also most servers keep adding a shittone of customs that affect mdef/pdef and resists which ends in a fiesta. Btw L2 was never balanced, if balance is what you're refering to. And it was never meant to be played full buffed at all times, so unless you're talking about no-buffer lowrate off servers, they're still crap. The only reason I can think of server interfering with FPS is networking. It's true that L2J packs handle some packets wrongly and the result is them being spammed to the client (for example, sending 3 UserInfo when 1 is needed for some actions). When a packet is sent to the client, then it has to make the proper changes for the effects to be visible. If you send more than the necessary packets, the client will do more work each frame, leading to FPS issues. But to be honest, I don't think older L2 clients ever did a good job at performing during mass PvPs, even in L2OFF servers that I've played. Population does not mean a server is good, but persistent population sure does. But 'good' is subjective after all I guess. I don't think L2Damage is a good server or that we can even talk about L2Damage since it's a PvP server. I don't even care for PvP servers as the game was never meant to be played like that. I think you give very little credit to what L2J teams and developers are trying to do or have done so far. Replicating the logic of an MMO game is a big deal and even if we've not reached 100% similarity (or ever will), I think it's generally more worth giving all your efforts in assisting this task rather than undermining the whole concept just because it's not 100% similar to L2OFF from the beginning (how could it be?).
  8. Did you change the html of the buffer in any way? If not, post here the full BufferInstance and your html so we can see what's going on.
  9. Yeah I got your point about performance and I'm currently in the process of optimizing my source I'm working on atm. There's a huge room for improvement in most packs for different things (networking, caching, loading). I said about features because people had the wrong idea about L2J because of missing features/incomplete for many years. That's not true anymore.
  10. Exactly this, also nowadays most retail features are already implemented in most l2j sources. An experienced dev can easily implement what's missing.
  11. Words without context again. I've been on L2 (as a player) since C2 and as a developer since 2012. Unless you know how server-side is structured and works, you can't express an opinion because player opinions don't matter (like the idiot who replied after you), they simply judge on what they see. Still no mentioned bugs. Saying 'aggression' doesn't really mean anything, it's like saying there's bugs with movement. What bugs? One example? Also I doubt Reborn is aCis, but I could be wrong on that one. A random appeared, how funny. If you read the whole sentence you'd see I said in all 3 of their servers, but you're not even close to my level when it comes to L2 so I'm not even gonna bother giving you a conversation (if you can even make one). You cannot even grasp the meaning of what we're talking about, yet you're fanboying for whatever reason lmao. Please never say this again. I can make tutorial pop 20 minutes after or 0.1 seconds after. What you said makes no sense. I've been in L2 servers scene (as a developer) long enough to know what I'm talking about, I wouldn't even dare to compare crap like L2Dex or Dream or (insert random low/mid lucera here) to a clean and well developed project like Reborn. I mean if you can't even appreciate the fact they took the time to provide you gameplay in 2 different clients, what can I say.
  12. I doubt someone will just share such things. You can buy one from the marketplace, there's many people selling (even noob @Kara selling something similar I think). Or just find shared packs with custom community board and copy it.
  13. You need to cancel this task when the player moves as well in order go avoid getting NPE (error). Save the Future locally and use Future.cancel() when you despawn the npcs on player movement.
  14. You need to store the Npc that is being created by the Spawn here (or the Spawn itself, same thing): final Npc npc = servitor.doSpawn(); There's multiple ways to store them, a generic way could be to make a List<Npc> in Player and add the npc that is spawned to the list: ArrayList<Npc> _gemSpawns = new ArrayList<>(); To add the npc to the list: _gemSpawns.add(npc); Then to delete the npcs: for (Npc npc : _gemSpawns) { Spawn spawn = npc.getSpawn(); if (spawn != null) { spawn.setRespawnState(false); SpawnTable.getInstance().deleteSpawn(spawn, true); } npc.deleteMe(); } _gemSpawns.clear(); HOWEVER, as I see in your code, there is a delete being scheduled for these npcs already. So you might run into NPE if you don't cancel the task to delete the npcs when the player moves. I don't know what the context of scheduleDespawn() is to help you out with that. GL.
  15. You need to attach the spawned NPCs to the Player first. Then, you need to modify the packets MoveToLocation and MoveToPawn. When the packet is called (which means the player requested to move), you need to find those attached NPCs and delete them. If you need further help let me know.
  16. You keep talking about all the bugs, but never explained any of them. A server with a large community has to be doing something well. You can't give shit to 3000 people and expect them to stay, because in Reborn they stayed. The picture you posted is completely understandable, perhaps the 60IQ was a bit too much, but it's true that people need explaining like they're 6 year olds to understand. Btw, I bet if I made you login in 1 L2J and 1 L2OFF you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. It's not 2010, L2J servers, specially for interlude, have all the features and movement/behaviour is identical. Ofcourse I'm not talking about the stupid servers re-opening every month with lucera, talking about people that actually put effort into making their server. (Btw, nothing wrong with lucera, it's even closer to L2OFF values, it's just that people use it as a preconfigured pack and change only the name that pisses me off.)
  17. You want the npcs to disappear after the player moves? Or make the old npcs disappear when the player uses it again?
  18. How do you separate if it's l2j or l2off by playablity? I know you could easily back in 2010 but projects have evolved and they've got most features complete and working. Btw most people opening interlude on classic client probably have downgraded a classic l2j server to fit interlude gameplay or changed an interlude l2j server to connect to classic client (like im currently doing).
  19. Already doing it nab, perhaps gift me your community board? Too bored to make html
  20. 'One of the worst server' - lmao. 99% of the server's you've played are no doubt lucera based. Same crappy buff book donation, same crappy MUST-HAVE vip donation and admin paying clans to play. No thanks. You've gotten so used to shit servers with shit files you can't actually recognize what is better. Reborn is a good server, the admin's policy is strict and I respect him for that. He has built a community of over 3000 online players (talking about all 3 servers) that is stable and loves the server. But as always, there's gonna be people crying and people hating, it's how the world works. Calling the most populated server the past 5 years trash, with no context and invalid points.
  21. First of all a decent website for an l2 server will not cost you over 500 euro. Also if you cannot afford to pay 500 euro for your website and you can't make your own, don't open a L2 server. The community does not need any more crap servers that re-open every week. Take your L2 server seriously and invest time and resources and only then you have a chance to succeed. It's not 2010, people will not join any interlude that opens every day.
  22. Where you put .java files it doesn't really matter (unless you're using reflection to instantiate or retrieve information about classes, which L2 I think only uses for npc instances and zone types, so you'll be ok). Put it skillhandlers it's w/e. Check my code or kara's reply for guidance on what to write in returnbuffs.java and how to use it.
  23. There is no facts if there is no proof. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty sure Playinnova is a scammer too and I don't even know him or ever talked to him. But people going around topics claiming they know 'facts' without backing them up is pointless.
  24. There are rules for everything. For example if you keep shittalking someone on TV, Facebook, Instagram or online forums calling them liar or w/e, this person can sue you for defamation unless you can prove your points with facts. Johnny Depp actually sued Amber Heard recently for defamation (and he won because there was evidence and witnesses). There's correct ways to expose a scammer and disliking all their posts is not one of them, I'm pretty sure.
  25. https://imgur.com/2bVaLM9 https://imgur.com/CkdUtCz Expressing your opinion is not wrong (I too think this Playinnova guy is not really skilled like he claims), however if you keep trying to defame him it's a bannable offense (Rule #2 in MxC states bad behaviour is not tolerated, I think your behaviour is far from good). One reply should be enough to express your opinion, there's no need to follow him around disliking everything. It feels like you got personal issues with him or something.
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