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Everything posted by An4rchy

  1. Bro, use pastebin.com for large chunks of code. It's unreadable like that. You need to make a new npc with type L2Achievement and add its html in data/html/achievements. If there is already a html there, leave it as it is (only rename with your npc id). If there isn't make sure to include %list% in the html so the actual achievement list can appear. I just had a look at the code, it should work fine unless I missed something. If you find any problems just reply. P.S. Kindly suggestion, don't use orion. If you don't have a developer and need ready features, use lucera. Otherwise pay a developer and use aCis.
  2. If you want to change the color of the message in chat or the color of the weapon, it's client side and not server side. Check Env.int and Systemmsg-e.dat.
  3. Yes I think it's the same. Did you change it or was this the one in your source? Also are you using clean aCis or some custom pack based on aCis?
  4. Can you post a pic with the contents of model/actor/instance in your source? There's supposed to be an Achievement npc instance in there if it was meant to work with an npc and not CB or some command. Orion still has npcs in sql lol.
  5. That's what I'm saying, you don't need to touch the client only the .xml on the server. Add the items to the .xml and you're ready.
  6. Olympiad.java Find this: private static final String SELECT_CLASS_LEADER = "SELECT characters.char_name from olympiad_nobles_eom, characters WHERE characters.obj_Id = olympiad_nobles_eom.char_id AND olympiad_nobles_eom.class_id = ? AND olympiad_nobles_eom.competitions_done >= ? ORDER BY olympiad_nobles_eom.olympiad_points DESC, olympiad_nobles_eom.competitions_done DESC, olympiad_nobles_eom.competitions_won DESC LIMIT 10"; Change it to this: private static final String SELECT_CLASS_LEADER = "SELECT characters.char_name from olympiad_nobles, characters WHERE characters.obj_Id = olympiad_nobles.char_id AND olympiad_nobles.class_id = ? AND olympiad_nobles.competitions_done >= ? ORDER BY olympiad_nobles.olympiad_points DESC, olympiad_nobles.competitions_done DESC, olympiad_nobles.competitions_won DESC LIMIT 10"; Find this: private void saveNobleData() Change it to this: public void saveNobleData() --- OlympiadGameNormal.java Find this: _playerOne.updateStat(COMP_DONE, 1); _playerTwo.updateStat(COMP_DONE, 1); Insert below: Olympiad.getInstance().saveNobleData(); Test and say if any problems. Not very optimal solution because it updates database for every single participant after each match, but I can't be bothered to explain to you how to make it update for 2 participants and you probably don't care to understand, so just use this or study the classes I mentioned and make your own sql statements.
  7. So you're not using 399 then, xml spawns introduced in 402 iirc
  8. Classic client includes all gear in .dat and textures. You only have to add them server side with same ids as client.
  9. UserInfo and CharInfo are one issue, InventoryUpdate and ItemList is another. No, UserInfo isn't a nightmare because it doesn't cause any bugs in-game even if you spam it, however there's other things that cause visual bugs. For example, in 110 if you send InventoryUpdate when a player equips an earring/ring before you send ExUserInfoEquipSlot (it's a new packet that shows equipment for the player), the InventoryUpdate packet has no effect. It took me around 2-3 hours of debugging to figure out what's going on with these packets and to properly fix it (I could just send an extra ExUserInfoEquipSlot before anything else, but that's not a proper solution). Even if some packets don't cause you trouble, I know they can overload the client in some cases. For example in L2Reborn, when we had 150 vs 150 fights there were many networking issues, and I bet it's because of packet spamming. (1 player out of 300, has to receive 299 CharInfo, not mentioning all other skill packet, social action, npc, effect, pt packets etc etc, imagine sending 3 CharInfo per character every single action). I will add you on Discord as I will be using aCis a lot, I've already started reporting minor things in your forum
  10. Please stop using Eola files if you don't know what you're doing, they're a complete mess. Your server will break 100% if you can't maintain it. Regarding your topic: # Spawn Monsters Location. SpoilMonsterLocs = 18011_178008,-15640,-2256;178275,-15690,-2256;178696,-15768,-2256_\ 18012_178990,-16052,-2256;179480,-16216,-2256;179608,-16008,-2256;179432,-15784,-2256;178440,-16024,-2256 public static HashMap<Integer, List<Location>> SPOIL_MONSTER_LOC = new HashMap<>(); String[] data = events.getProperty("SpoilMonsterLocs", "0,0,0,0").split("_"); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i += 2) { int npcId = Integer.parseInt(data[i]); ArrayList<Location> locs = new ArrayList<>(); String[] locData = data[i+1].split(";"); for (String loc : locData) { String[] coords = loc.split(","); locs.add(new Location(Integer.parseInt(coords[0]), Integer.parseInt(coords[1]), Integer.parseInt(coords[2])); } SPOIL_MONSTER_LOC.put(npcId, locs); } for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<Location>> entry : Config.SPOIL_MONSTER_LOC.entrySet()) for (Location teleport : entry.getValue()) spawnNpc(entry.getKey(), teleport, "Event"); Use the config like: NPCID_X1,Y1,Z1;X2,Y2,Z2;X3,Y3,Z3_NPCID_X1,Y1,Z1;X2,Y2,Z2;X3,Y3,Z3
  11. I couldn't agree more. As you know, I've been changing aCis packets for 110 protocol and it's been a nightmare debugging some server packets. For example when a player uses an equippable item, 3 UserInfo are sent in 0.1 second xD The problem though is, you can't simply remove the sendPacket(new UserInfo(player)) because it's being called by methods that are used somewhere else as well, so you either have to add a ton of variables to make checks and things get really messy, or basically rewrite the whole function.
  12. Did you get 5 euro to spam your friend server in all mxc or what?
  13. He can't use aCis cause it's an empty pack(only npc buffer), go for lucera.
  14. Server looks really nice, a few suggestions: - Remove top-tier items from shop - You can keep community board for the npcs, but make it unable to be used outside of town. And spawn actual npcs as well inside the towns. I am very against 'all npcs in cb', I think it's not nice to have people teleporting from anywhere and the towns should be crowded - Add buffer schemes (unless I missed it?), very important for players. GL.
  15. I honestly cannot get where you are seeing this. Even Kamael client was far better than Interlude performance wise - feeling wise. Much smoother. Idk, perhaps you like how it looks or something but I'm pretty sure I speak for 99% of L2 players.
  16. Reborn is the most successful server of the last 5 years, and you can't argue that. I didn't say it's the most successful server in the history of L2. Perhaps you've been playing another game claiming that Interlude is smoother than Classic XD. It's not even close. Interlude is old, textures/lighting/animations are outdated and the performance is terrible if there's more than 30 players in your screen. Please try playing 50 vs 50 in Interlude and 50 vs 50 in Classic. In L2Reborn, we played 140 vs 150 in Antharas with very few fps drops. If you disabled skill effects and soulshot effects there were barely any issues, apart from networking issues which eventually got fixed. Reborn formulas are not good, but they're not bad. They're the same formulas L2 servers have been using for the past 10 years. Unless you put your formulas to test with multiple people, you can't claim you've made a 'balanced' server since 'balance' was never a thing NCSoft achieved with Interlude. Daggers were absolutely broken, archers hitting for 6k without blessing of queen, MC rate of SPS was ridiculous, not to mention the damage. So you can't say a server isn't successful because their formulas are not retail like. Hell, I wouldn't even want retail like formulas in a mid-rate server, shit would be totally broken. Please make a poll asking players about which client they prefer for an Interlude server. I bet it wouldn't even be close.
  17. There is no way to edit a single .class file inside a jar unless you decompile the jar. Stop wasting your time and look for the source of your files, it will be shared 100%.
  18. You must have been googling a lot xD You need to get the source code of your pack and make your changes there, then use eclipse/intellij idea or whatever dev tool you want to compile the jar again. If you don't have the source of your pack, things get more complicated and I doubt you'll be able to re-compile a decompiled jar as you barely know what a jar is in the first place.
  19. Is this a joke or? Check L2Reborn which is the most successful server in years, they're using Classic client and it's more optimized and well-made in every single aspect of the game. That 'old engine' (they're both unreal 2) you speak of is laggy and was made during windows xp era. Servers need to move on to newer technologies as players got bored already.
  20. Most people like to re-use files they have because they're stable. If you open 3-4 servers with the same pack, there's very low possibility your next server will crash or have major bugs / missing things etc. So I can understand why he would want that if that's the case. Otherwise yeah, you should just go for the server with the most content and remove what you dislike. It's not that hard to make a server compatible with other clients, it just requires a lot of time.
  21. I'm pretty sure opcodes changed too, at least some of them. Also you need to setup server to accept h5 protocol. Freya server will also not include h5 items (if any new), so you need to add those too.
  22. In 15 days you can read guides and make your own btw.
  23. Perhaps you misunderstood me. I am not expressing hate, just my honest opinion. It is harsh, true, but it is honest and I did not intend to harm you in any way, I wanted to give you tips to improve. Pop-up is fine, but it should not happen every time you click something on the website. You can leave it at home page and have it pop only once. Also, I said it's 2010 because in 2022 nobody uses facebook (or I should say way less people use facebook). Add a pop up with Discord server (again, only pop one time, two is annoying). When you have such a colorful website, the white background makes an ugly contrast. My first thought was that you don't know how to change it, it just doesn't fit. I don't see why someone would appreciate this contrast, but this up to you I guess, if you like it you like it. Must have been my slow internet connection or something, sorry about that. If you have a ranking page in your website, it's enough. Nobody wants tables of text in home page displaying information that is not clear to understand at first sight. Just an opinion. You can perhaps add a Hall of Fame and includes only Top 1 PvP, Top 1 Pk, First Hero, First Clan etc. Would be much nicer. You failed to address my point about your 2 Donate buttons, yet you claim that money is not the most important thing. Seems a bit sketchy if you ask me. --- Please do not mistake my intentions and I don't want to sound judgmental, but in 2022 if you are looking to attract players, specially in a PvP server (the PvP server fiesta of 2014-2015 is over), you have to try harder. You have to show professionalism and determination for players to trust you and put their hours/money in your server. It's not random that only big Russian PvP servers exist (besides 1 or 2 Brazilian and L2Damage). As of right now, your features seem pretty boring and not unique. With a proper introduction and a good website/discord server, you can turn shit to gold when it comes to L2. Good luck.
  24. What a horrible and annoying site. Remove the facebook popups, it's not 2010. It's 'Information' not 'Informations'. And in the 'Informations' page why is the background plain white? When you click on the 'Gallery' photos, it doesn't show the photo you clicked just a blank small image. Your Rules page is full of grammar/syntactic mistakes, you're making a website not writing a message to your friend. The 'Top Stats' panel in every page in your site (under vote sites) is so badly made (looks like a 10 year old did it) you can't even understand what's displayed at the first look, you actually have to read ranking position because it's not in order top to bottom like it should. Also terrible choice of fonts. Seems like a ripoff site to me with a few changes in html to say 'Combat'. Max 3 days online. GL. EDIT: How funny, Donate panel seems to work fine but you didn't even bother to fix your main site. You even added 2 Donate buttons in your site, one under Server and the other is the obvious one.
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