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Everything posted by An4rchy

  1. Don't blindly believe everything you hear. Do you know that LSD is considered illegal only because young people refused to go to war in Vietnam and the president thought it's because of the new psychedelic drugs, so they made it illegal? (While people were protesting with NO-WAR signs all over America.) Do you also know that alcohol is way more toxic than many illegal substances out there but it's the most profitable of all, therefore they allow it to be legal? Do you know that any research regarding psychedelics and marijuana for medical purposes is left aside and ignored, unless it's made by the state? - I'm not saying that all drugs are good or that you shouldn't think twice or read about them before using them. I'm just saying, do your research first before you listen to the news and your government.
  2. Firstly, I appreciate whoever tagged me Thanks. The truth is mxc community is not what it used to be, active members are at least 1/5 of what they were (I used to refresh mxc every 30 seconds to read new topics back in the day). Therefore, there is no need for so many positions and there is no need for so many staff categories. The positions you should keep: - Global Moderator - 1 guy, I would vote for Celestine - Game Moderator - 1 or 2 guys, responsible to apply the rules in gaming sections - Market Moderator - 1 or 2 guys, responsible to apply the rules in the marketplace sections - Gold Member - Temporary position to active members that have proved their worth. Job is to assist the moderators by reporting to them directly (perhaps access to staff boards as well) Positions like L2J or L2OFF moderator, or even Legendary Members I think should not be considered staff members. It's more of a 'flex' to keep any of these positions if you ask me. So you should change these type of staff positions to some sort of 'Rank' or 'Occupation'. Like, why would you have L2J Moderator as a staff member, it's not like the ability to code means you're good at managing boards in a forum. - Also, Co-Administrator I never really understood, I guess Maxtor decided to add this rank in order for people to message them instead of him because Global Moderators are more time online than him. (no hate here, just saying I think it's not necessary to have this position).
  3. So it's based on lucera and you added some npcs to fit mid-rate server? I'm trying to understand where the 700 euros is coming from. What work did you do that deserves 700 euros. The images you posted simply show you recreated reborn npcs. No big deal, not worth more than 50 euro for those 2 npcs. Let us know what you did for these files except for customs to make it a mid-rate. What's so good about this pack that deserves 700 euros, you know what I'm talking about. Because if you're trying to get 700 for lucera work, I don't think it's going to work out that well for you...
  4. I think he's just got a lucera pack or highly customized aCis. It could be an old version of Reborn before they added support for classic client, but I doubt it. Nevertheless, if you price your product at 700 euros, you should provide a LOT more information. What's working, what's been added by you, what tests have been made (any live servers with this pack?). What is the base of the pack, how long have you been working on it? Some pictures and extra info for the mods included too. - Looks fishy to me.
  5. Please refrain from making conclusions so easily. @Celestine, Co-Aministrator of the forum vouched for this Travor guy, so I doubt he's a scammer. Give him an opportunity to respond.
  6. To be honest, doesn't sound like a scam. It sounds like he's got some decent files with badly coded customs inside. If you ignore the customs does the pack perform well when it comes to retail features/behavior? That's what trully matters, customs are not important imo.
  7. They won't because you failed to mention what's missing repeatedly. It's like someone going to the doctor saying they are in pain but proceed not to explain where, what and how.
  8. Don't ever purchase files from individuals, unless they got a very good reputation and you've seen their work. I'm pretty sure one of the people that already replied you is selling Eola shared files for example, you wanna avoid that.
  9. Who would follow you in a van, what u gonna give them custom community boards? Or candy?
  10. L2Mid with SkyLord admin or a re-make? - More than 1 great servers are coming this winter, the classic scene and 'merge' type servers are currently rising imo.
  11. Speaking as someone with 0 experience with l2off, these files look like they're easy to edit, direct access to modify any packets you want gives you the possibility to basically have whatever l2j offers in l2off. But this could be the case for the other files as well. Also interlude off files working on classic client are basically a gold mine waiting to be tapped into.
  12. It's understandable to be angry, it's 500 euros. But since the guy is still here offering his support, you should just take it imo and work from there.
  13. Shame, you could still make so much off of this. Gl tho, trusted guy and definitely skilled.
  14. 1) ZoneBuilder class can be final since you're using a singleton approach. 2) addPoint method can be simplified to this: public void addPoint(Player player, Location loc) { LinkedList<Location> locs = map.get(player); if (locs == null) { locs = new LinkedList<>(); map.put(player, locs); } locs.add(loc); } 3) You should use a singleton holder approach as private static ZoneBuilder instance; should be final. Check similar classes in your source.
  15. Yes I found too ultra hackerman to HACK world bank and give me 3 million euros, all is possible. Btw, I know for a fact some admins pay adrenaline so that they don't sell the cheap version working in their server, only the expensive version so fewer players use it. And I've heard of such an arrangement with a server using AAC too, so I guess it is possible as long as you pay well cause constant updates are needed, as Trance mentioned.
  16. Very true, I think it even happens when you change page quickly in your search.
  17. MxC search sucks since a few years ago when they changed it. You can't even search quickly in the section you're currently looking, you have to press search with an empty input, then configure like 10 different things in order to make a not-so-effective search. Search should be simple and straightforward, go to the section you want to look, type a keyword and press search. Like it used to be. Add a different button for parameterized search.
  18. I always finish project why lie, https://trello.com/b/8MZHlQ5f/acis-110-protocol #notfacts
  20. Download it, open the folder which corresponds to your client, make your changes, then run the bat, press the correct number to compile (based on the client you edited), ready.
  21. The point of emulating the gameplay of a client you like is to be able to modify it and change what doesn't appeal to you. That's why l2j exists in the first place. The bug you mentioned is just what we call it, a 'bug'. L2j fixing this bug is not a bad thing so I don't understand your point about the Critical Hit message (unless you were trying to prove you know all the details about l2off which I already believe you for). I'm not the developer or have anything to do with L2Reborn other than playing in x30. I didn't start defending l2j from you, you pointed out that you don't like java servers and you prefer l2off, that's why this conversation started. And I still believe Reborn is a good server, at least in most players' eyes.
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