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Everything posted by 'Baggos'

  1. Not me... vampir mentioned about variables. :P http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/211555-java-guide-java-if-else-statement/?p=2611401
  2. I think many people wouldn't read it because the examples isn't for L2. I'm not saying it's pointless or something.. I like guides like this one.. But they would find it difficult because they want easy steps. Maybe not easy steps, but easily and understanding steps. Good work... Thanks!
  3. Let's wait for new update.. 2 steps for everything. 1step for class, level, items, buffs 2step for teleport to main town. :P Npc and onenter the same steps. It's pointless for 4-5 steps. With A-Grade items. Not S.
  4. I was mistake/forgotten line.. You're right about that... When I updated my code yesterday I saw it.. So, an easy way is to give SP when player got the items. Then, add a check like: If (player.getSp() >= 1) return; + else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("items")) + { + final ClassId currentClassId = player.getClassId(); + if (currentClassId.level() < 3) + { + player.sendMessage("First Complete Your Third Class!"); + return; + } + + if (player.getSp() >= 1) + { + player.sendMessage("You already took Items!"); + return; + } + ClassId classes = player.getClassId(); + switch (classes) + { + case adventurer: + case sagittarius: + case duelist: + case titan: + case grandKhauatari: + case phoenixKnight: + case moonlightSentinel: + case fortuneSeeker: + case maestro: + case dreadnought: + case hellKnight: + case evaTemplar: + case swordMuse: + case windRider: + case shillienTemplar: + case spectralDancer: + case ghostHunter: + case ghostSentinel: + case soultaker: + case mysticMuse: + case archmage: + case arcanaLord: + case elementalMaster: + case cardinal: + case stormScreamer: + case spectralMaster: + case shillienSaint: + case dominator: + case doomcryer: + NewbiesNpc.giveItems(0, player); +player.addExpAndSp(Experience.LEVEL[0], 1); + break; + } + } + No need something else..Also, you can create a new player system. Like first login.. When players got the items, then will be not new player anymore. But why to do that.. My way for SP seems fine. Always new players have 0 SP.
  5. I think banned accounts for scamming shouldn't get unbanned. With or without reason as everyone will say.. Nobody got ban without reason! Bring back the spammers/trollers members but not the scammers.
  6. Yes.. I've seen many guests exists and viewing topics... It's a good way for hidden sections.. But maybe more sections should be hidden.. Like Shares and files on L2. More registers, brings bigger activity..
  7. I don't think that is necessary.. If that rank needed then Maxtor should keep it.. Maxtor is trying to return old activity in this forum. If that success, then some ranks will be necessary for maxcheaters. So, with or without expiration time, will be judged by forum's activity.
  8. Good luck then buddy.. I hope you will find it interesting.
  9. Good luck with your server dude..
  10. Μην σπαμαρεις σε όλα τα topic με απαντήσεις για το antivirus..
  11. Thank you dude.. When I will go home (maybe tomorrow), I will add and startup system (onEnter) without NPC. Nothing to do with this one.. Totally different. I will not delete this one. Maybe some members wants NPC and not onEnter.
  12. Nice one buddy.. Can you share with us or just with me if you want, the background of your npc? I Need it for my project.. I will reward you if you wish..
  13. Don't please.. Don't waste your time with frozen.. Get < clean aCis > and start working on this with your way. You can easly to get < custom aCis > based on latest free sources [350] if your Java knowledge Isin't good..
  14. Where you will find "Real Lineage 2 Experienced members" nowadays? Those years players community are sucks..
  15. Send us here your database settings. Right click --> Edit --> Copy everything and paste here using without space.
  16. I voted yes! Mxc born from Lineage II. The others boards are useless and pointless. It is time for change! I think one Rank yet must be added like: LineageII Project Owner Members who own a verified old Private/Public Project in Lineage II will get this rank. I guess Tryskell must get that Rank. He will have access(as already has) in aCis Board. ;)
  17. It's the same because players can't move to other without get the third class.. Also with steps is already idea from elfocrash. [Not shared I think]. I won't do the same. I already have a other version and I will add it only in my project in next commit.. Thanks you..
  18. Hello guys. I create this Newbies Manager[start up] for my project and now I want to share it with you! Player can't get Items/Teleport without to get the Third Class. Diff Link
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  21. Welcome to our forum buddy.. Have a nice stay and don't forget to read the rules.
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