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Everything posted by 'Baggos'

  1. Yea true.. Almost all servers have the same features... 2012-2016(17) and nothing changed.. 6 farm spots 20 rb/grand spots 1 pvp zone C6 gameplay!
  2. If marketplace section don't change rules, until 2030 we will see frozen files again and again... But we can't sell aCis files, because Maxtor accept Tryskell's rules without to know why... So, frozen files everywhere!!!
  3. It's good idea in any way.. Happy New Year broo..
  4. Good share Reborn.. I think max clan members is useless.. I mean, why not Stage1 if clanmembers 10 get x rep Stage2 if clanmembers 15 -//- Stage2 if clanmembers 20 -//- If a clan is with more than 10 members can use stage 2. for clan with more than 15 members, will use stage 3.
  5. I think will be more better without the stars.. Only exp bar. The stars and level must be deleted. Looks like unprofessional.. Just my opinion...
  6. Pointless or not it's something new.. Why not...
  7. Good luck my friend.. I think you can make your topic more beautiful..
  8. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/211340-status-command-image/?do=findComment&comment=2608740
  9. Is in your source.. voicedcommandhandler. Go there and you will see your command.
  10. Nothing changed.. Just an exp.. I didn't think members will get that system seriously..
  11. Εδώ είναι για L2OFF. Στο L2J Section θα πρέπει να ζητήσεις για βοήθεια.
  12. Only from posts.. You will get exp in every post.. I guess..
  13. Yes dude.. I will try this server.. Features seems appealing.
  14. Χρόνια πολλά καθίκι.. Καλή χρονιά να έχουμε..
  15. Hey guys.. Happy New Year to everyone. I hope health and happiness for us and our families. Peace..
  16. Server online.. Must be moved to Private servers. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/211161-l2j-lineage-2-ressa/
  17. Good luck ZOUMHS.. I will report it for move to private servers..
  18. if (!force) player.destroyItemByItemId("siege", 6673, 250, player, true); startAutoTask(true); } Here isn't any check like what system does if FA < to 250?? Or what if item not existing? You should add something like this: ItemInstance item = player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(6673); If (item == null || item.getCount() < 250) { player.sendMessage("Not enough Items for register"); return; } else // destroy item and start the action.
  19. 10.000, 20.000 pvp... xmmm pvp count *1 or??
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