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Everything posted by 'Baggos'

  1. Beautiful share Celestine.. Thanks for sharing..
  2. No easy... Just find something shared for frozen..
  3. The photo with virus total, is fake.. I found the thread like the others.. We are in year 2016, community is not stupid..
  4. Flame.. Author already took answer.. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/210630-coin-of-luck/
  5. There is no way for coins. KRHTH your anti bot can't even drop adena from mobs..
  6. If is gevorakoc files, then there is many bugs.. But good luck anyway..
  7. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/211194-kalhmera-sas-psaxno-to-l2goldin-to-patch-opios-to-exei-na-mou-pm/?do=findComment&comment=2607681
  8. Chinese everywhere.. :O http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/65-report-section/ http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/12-newbies-introduce-urself/ http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/16-general-discussion-english/
  9. Χαχαχαχαχ Access... Ε άμα κάνεις αυτό που λέει ο Access και δεν δουλέψει, δεν ξανά μπαίνω maxcheaters. Βασικά και αυτό που είπα δούλεψε, απλά περνάς τα source από το παλιό σου eclipse, ενώ σου είπα κάντο μετονομασία το workspace και πέρασε τα sources χειροκίνητα. Αν πας στο Shares and files, διαβάσεις στο τέλος του topic μου < Ready compiled projects > εκεί που λέει "πως περνάμε sources" σε 5 λεπτά θα λύσουμε επιτέλους το Κυπριακό. Sorry for Greek language, but with English we failed.
  10. Ρε φίλε, άνοιξε πάλι το eclipse και άλλαξε απλά το workspace.. Δηλαδή να δουλέψεις πάνω σε νέο. Πέρνα τα source που έχεις ή ξανά Κάνε compile από SVN και θα είσαι οκ κατά 95%. Αλλιώς βάλε την προηγούμενη έκδοση. EDIT: Στο ερρορ που αναφέρεις με το Luna, έκανες όλες τις ρυθμίσεις για το compile?
  11. If you use the latest eclipse, close it and re-open it with another workspace name.. Then try again.. Not success? Download previous version. I had the same problem. The first time I fixed that by adding tools.jar The second time, I used another eclipse.
  12. I've heard all that words for years.. All is about money nowadays. Nobody cares about community.. I hope you will keep your words. Good luck.
  13. About interlude links yes, I add links from tablet.. There is same links.. pff.. About lucera, I prefer to give topic's link because I don't know much.. When I will sign in from laptop I will fix the links and descriptions.. :P
  14. Trusted & skilled. I will leave feedback when I will sign in from my laptop. (Mobile now).
  15. Tazerman2 is the owner of those files..So, shut up and kiss me..
  16. Άλλη έκδοση eclipse άμα βάλεις, ή κάνεις τις ρυθμίσεις απ'την αρχή θα είσαι οκ..
  17. My friend, there is a code "Daggers/archers can't use heavy". In your frozen pack on UseItem.java just stole and modify these lines..
  18. Ναι βρε.. Κράτα το καθένα διαφορετικά.. Αυτό κάνω και εγώ.. Το ίδιο είναι.. Γιατί το θες σε 1?
  19. Try to compile first datapack and then gameserver. Not both..
  20. No! I don't have something against you.. But 1000 people online? Come on! I don't believe there is servers with 100% balance/skills working or something.. Everyday you will find something bad in your server. Even if you have ""1000 online"". Anyway... Propaganda is everywhere! Good luck..
  21. It's sad nowadays sellers they think that we are stupid.. I think maxcheaters need new rules. Those topics with lies must be deleted..
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