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Everything posted by 'Baggos'

  1. The following Isn't in the video. If I got time I will upload the new video. Added clan teleprot Go to your clan members. Added Change your Main Class Startup system & MultiShop supported now and for frozen. Startup system do not support Preview zones for frozen project.
  2. Startup System [Zones Preview] Watch the video. Multi Shop [Donate Manager] with a lot of things inside.. Price for both 25E Paypal/Paysafecard. You can not ask for 1 of them with better price. 25E for both it is the deal. Supported: aCis 350,365+. Startup system & Multi Shop supported now and for frozen. Zones Preview do not supported for frozen project. [
  3. Ορίστε εδώ ένα παράδειγμα.. #============================================================= # Vote Manager Settings #============================================================= #Enable/Disable Vote Manager Offline Mode.Enable=True/Disable=False EnableVoteManager = True #TopZone Url Link. Change Only id=ServerId. TopzoneUrl = http://l2topzone.com/totalvotes.php?id=6150 #NetWork Url Link. NetworkUrl = http://l2network.eu/details/l2gamers/ #Hopzone Url Link. HopzoneUrl = http://l2.hopzone.net/gr/lineage2/details/91106/L2-Gamers #ITEM Id for Vote Reward VoteRewardId = 57 #Item Count For Vote Reward VoteRewardCount = 10 #Time To Vote on TopZone.Hopzone.Network #Default 60 Seconds TimeToVote = 60
  4. Frozen: Πολλά custom mods αλλά κακή γραφή στους κώδικες. Φυσικά σε όποιο project και να πας, θα πρέπει να ρίξεις δουλειά. Όμως καλύτερα να ρίξεις την δουλειά σε ένα Project που να αξίζει. aCis: Stable project με πολύ δουλειά από την Tryskell σε πολλά πράγματα μέσα. Σταθερό και πολύ καλή επιλογή για κάτι σοβαρό. Δεν υπάρχουν custom mods μέσα, κοιτάει πιο πολύ retail.
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/212734-wtblf-dev/ must be moved to Marketplace [L2Packs & Files]. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/212798-l2jfrozen/ must be moved to Request Server Development Help [Greek]
  6. Εγώ ένα θέλω να γράψω.. Ούτε θα πω αν έχετε δίκιο ή όχι.. Όταν ο MightyNight (κάπως έτσι), βγήκε και πουλούσε το pack του L2Perseus 750+ ευρώ, δεν είδα σχόλια και report τέτοιου τύπου.. Ίσα ίσα "good luck" και τέτοια γελοία σχόλια από πολλούς εδώ στο maxcheaters.. Τώρα που θέλει ο L2Aaron να πουλήσει τον server του, το κάνουμε μεγάλο ντόρο ενώ εκεί έξω υπάρχουν χειρότερα σε ίδιες τιμές και συμβιβαζόμαστε. Τουλάχιστον αυτός τρέχει και 3 χρόνια και μαζεύει άτομα. Είναι γνωστός server, αυτό πληρώνεις, το "όνομα". Προσωπικά? Δεν θα το αγόραζα.. Και ο λόγος γιατί ΠΟΤΕ δεν θα αγόραζα pack από κανέναν. Οπότε δεν θα κρίνω ούτε την δουλειά του Aaron ούτε το report του pirama. Peace..
  7. I'm sure you want to open a server with those files and that's why you ask for opinion. 2 days fixing? Nah... Imagine frozen's shit with arena's shit inside.. You gonna build the best server.
  8. By setting it low rate on configs? AugmantionTopGlow = 1 for example.
  9. I got the proofs from here. You said that protoftw is a scammer, but I didn't see something for scam in the pictures. You're the one who share his files without permission. You can not come here and make threads like this one. You found his files in 4shared account, and you ask for backup.. He didn't give you the backup and you said protoftw is scammer. I wanted to help you with your server by giving you my files without money[As already I did]. But I abhor such behaviors. You're alone now. About your report, I will send both reports to a Global Moderator.
  10. We need more info like pictures of conversation..
  11. Και γω έχω παράπονο που είσαι τόσα χρόνια εδώ μέσα και ακόμη αδυνατείς να μάθεις 2-3 πράγματα και ζητάς βοήθεια για κάτι που σχεδόν ούτε αρχάριος δεν ζητάει.. Επίσης με μια σωστή αναζήτηση θα βρεις τα παραπάνω! Χωρίς παρεξήγηση, αλλά έπρεπε να στο πω.
  12. Give a try inside of Clientpackets/AbstractEnchantPacket.java I don't know the base of this project, but maybe will be there.
  13. Double topic. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/212636-delete-gameguard/ Locked.
  14. Updated: Change your name. Enchant your items to max enchant.
  15. Το παρακάτω το'χεις δει? Έχει μέσα σε ότι Client θέλεις.. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/182405-c4-god-patched-systems-file-editors/ Τώρα κάτι άλλο που μπορείς να κάνεις, είναι να πάρεις το system από l2warland που είναι σχετικά clean, εκτός κάτι μετανομασίες/χρώματα σε τίτλους των NPC. Δουλεύει και σε win10.
  16. I don't.. Really. I answer to Tryskell because he gave 2-5 minutes time to answer in my request for opinion. He said about playerMemo, I didn't use playerMemo in the past, so he help me with an idea for more actions include this one. So, I feel that I owe him an answer.. And for the facts, I hope you're not angry with me for no reason.. I would like to hear your problem in pm. You came to my forum and you know, you said something personal..(I'm not talking about today, you answered with your opinions. Positive or negative, does no matter.) I try to be polite all those years in this forum. It is just a forum, I will never meet you or something, but we are not animals.
  17. What else you need for startup? Delivery pizzas in your printer? a girl for massage in your pvp time? PS: I do not play l2 anymore, I do not play pvp servers, and I do not even like any startup system.. I just made it for sell if any one buy it. Who cares after all.
  18. That's why there is a lot of bugs in codes.. Because you can do it on an hour.
  19. This startup system it is faaaaar miles away from your first version, don't you think? No one startup system it is like this one..
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