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Everything posted by 'Baggos'

  1. Edit your topic and add prefix [WTS]. WTS ->
  2. Αν έχεις frozen ή κάτι άλλο μέσω navicat ή νομίζω γίνετε και απλά με δεξί κλικ και edit στο npc/mob. Αν έχεις aCis μέσω data/xml/npcs. Κάνεις την αλλαγή, //reload npc το κάνεις spawn και είσαι οκ.
  3. Μέσα στο script ρε αγορίνα μου.. Μην ψάχνεις στο server να βρεις λύση.. Εκεί στο script σου είναι αφού έχεις Control Panel. Εκτός και αν το ίδιο πρόβλημα το έχει και χωρίς να'χεις το script..
  4. Those files are your original files. End of story... Stop selling shits. Also, I have seen your work inside..
  5. Κοίταξες στο script σου να δεις μέχρι πόσα έχει να σε αφήνει? Ίσως από εκεί πρέπει να αλλάξεις κάτι..
  6. Next time use the bump button to bring up your topic. NEW! Bumping rules: You are allowed to BUMP (Bring up your topic/post) your topic only 24 hours after your last post. You have just to press the following button: VIPs & Donators can bump 3 topics per day. Members can bump 1 topic per day. Note: All BUMP posts (any words like "bump", "up", etc.) are not allowed anymore and they will be DELETED(To avoid post hunting through this kind of topics).
  7. There is bump button to bring up your topic. Use it next time.
  8. And why startPvPFlag? Use updatePvPFlag(1); Try this http://pastebin.com/52pdJiWn
  9. It is just a frozen project with "full of shit customs items/npcs" inside.. Never trust the easy words.. No one can provide you "balance". You are the only one who will work for your own balance.
  10. Maybe (And I say maybe, because your code is a mess), but you should go at L2PcInstance and find the method updatePvPStatus public void updatePvPStatus(L2Character target) And add your zone there. For example: (It is better if you move your zone with the others zones package). @@ -4190,6 +4190,9 @@ if (isInDuel() && player.getDuelId() == getDuelId()) return; + + if ((isInsideZone(ZoneId.FLAG) && target.isInsideZone(ZoneId.FLAG))) + return; +
  11. Edit: 15 or 10 Euro paypal for the same noney to paysafecard..
  12. You should increase your memory.. Now running 512 of memory..
  13. Hey buddy.. I forgot to lock this topic.. I found the guy 2 days ago.. Sorry for your time dude.. (I have 5E (useless) on paypal for 5E paysafecard if you want). Let me know on pm. Have a nice day and sorry again..
  14. Trusted guy and skilled.. You will not regret if you work with Reborn. Good luck mate.. I hope the best!
  15. My points is that it's better to have HWID to check what you want, and not a java code for olympiad dual box/events and etc. I don't said l2jkain should add HWID in this code..
  16. Seems cool Interface.. Thanks for sharing this one.. You will help many people to avoid be scammed on their money :P
  17. I feel like 2008 style.. Ahh.. HWID dude..
  18. Hello guys.. As title says.. First the paysafecard(s), and then I'll send the money to your paypal account. Thanks advance.
  19. How much available RAM you've? I mean if you have 2 and you gave 1 into your gameserver, then you have 1 available. You cannot run the Geodata if you've less than 1/1.5GB available. You need at least 1/1.5GB Ram available in your computer when your server is running Geodata.. Give to gameserver memory Xmx1536m Ram minimun.
  20. You can bring up your topic by clicking "Bump" button. NEW! Bumping rules: You are allowed to BUMP (Bring up your topic/post) your topic only 24 hours after your last post. You have just to press the following button: VIPs & Donators can bump 3 topics per day. Members can bump 1 topic per day. Note: All BUMP posts (any words like "bump", "up", etc.) are not allowed anymore and they will be DELETED(To avoid post hunting through this kind of topics).
  21. I gave you 2 options. Use the first.
  22. No. You can't add the name color by editing client side. This is java side. Also, you'll need to check the player on leave party. (Return the namecolor back to normal).
  23. Ναι δεν υπάρχει.. Είναι γενικό αυτό το section. Lock λοιπόν αφού είσαι οκ..
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