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Everything posted by 'Baggos'

  1. I have the diff in the download link with data side. :o I think is more easy for the others.. It is huge code that's why I have the diff. I will give and pastebin ok. Do not punish me. :P I have spyware in the link.. :troll: http://pastebin.com/BkmvZNnp
  2. That's why.. As you can see, even and here has spam.. About his replies, he do not give us proofs about "money back", so don't worry.. Just wait for Moderator actions. Locked topics not mean "solved" or something. We just avoid the spam.. Isn't ignored. I've already report and this one.
  3. Stop the drugs buddy.. I'm not sayning that VIP System is a "new" idea or something. Nah.. I have seen share like this back to 2010/11 without npc or a simple enchant ofc. If we make c/p such easy codes, then maybe we must stop using eclipse at all. I made it just because do not exist around for acis. I'm not saying it's a hard code. I spend more time for npc because my html knowledge sucks. Now, about frozen, I do not using frozen, so you can make it work for frozen. But you will need sql part. That's all my rude friend.
  4. Edit your topic and add Prefix [WTS/WTB]. WTS ->
  5. Too much spam here.. I already send this report to a Global Mod. Locked until they do actions.
  6. I'm not sure if I understand you, but if you want to give a Clan Hall to a clan, you can do it by //admin but I do not know what project you use. So, I will give you an other way.. Go to your navicat, open clan_data table and get the clan_id from what clan name you want. After, open clanhall table, choose the clan hall, and put in there the clan_id(ownerId) and time in paidUntil. (maybe this number will work [1487563097097] ). After restart of server, the clan will get the Clan Hall. Should be like this:
  7. So, he gave you a bugged code and you ask for money back, right? And he ignores you.
  8. Post some pictures nz. We must see something for any actions.
  9. Καλησπέρα παίδες.. Ανανεώνω το παλιό, και βάζω λύσεις σχετικά με το aCis. Λοιπόν, επειδή το Ελληνικό έχει μείνει λίγο πίσω, και γενικά το Greek Help Section δεν έχει σχεδόν καθόλου κίνηση, είπα να ανεβάσω αυτό να σας βοηθήσει βρείτε αυτό που ψάχνετε εφόσον δεν το'χετε και πολύ με τα αγγλικά, και γενικά κάποια δεν υπάρχουν πουθενά. Κακά τα ψέματα, πολλοί πλέον δουλεύουν στο aCis και δυσκολεύονται να το χρησιμοποιήσουν. Ελπίζω αυτό να βοηθήσει σε γενικά πλαίσια. Ας αρχίσουμε.. ========================================================================================= Ερωτήσεις σχετικά με το Project aCis: Πάτηστε το "Show" για να το δείτε. Πάμε τώρα να δούμε προβλήματα γενικά για τα L2 Project. Πατήστε το Show για να το δείτε. ========================================================================================= Ε. Πως μπορώ να βρω ποια L2Projects υπάρχουν τριγύρω, και να τα κατεβάσω χωρίς να κάνω compile? Υπάρχει κάποιο Share? Α. Ρίξε μια ματιά σε αυτό το share. [Some Ready(Compiled) L2J Sources] Προσοχή! Σε περίπτωση που χρησιμοποιείτε κάποιο Project που δεν έχετε τα Source του, δεν θα παίρνετε βοήθεια, αφού και οι ίδιοι θα καταλάβετε στην πορεία, πως είναι ένα τελείως άχρηστο Project, αφού δεν μπορούμε να φτιάξουμε κάποια πράγματα που χρειάζονται Java Code. Στα Project που δεν έχουν Source, δεν μπορούμε να κάνουμε την οποιαδήποτε αλλαγή στα java! Είναι απλά έτοιμα αρχεία!!! Θα χαλάσετε άδικα τον χρόνο σας, αφού με το πρώτο πρόβλημα/bug που θα βρεθεί, η λύση θα είναι καθαρά σε Java code! Ελπίζω να δόθηκαν μερικές λύσεις από κάποιο πρόβλημα που έχετε, χωρίς να χρονοτριβείτε περιμένοντας για απάντηση, αλλά ούτε να γεμίζουμε το Section με τα ίδια ερωτήματα!
  10. Good luck Celestine.. Features seems amazing..
  11. No, I just saying because you ask the same "problem" the same time for the same rev. Anyway..
  12. I think will be better in PM. I do not want this message(because of targets for 6 seconds) if I fight on sieges or pvp. Good idea for remind a player to vote. GJ Merlon..
  13. Ρε φίλε, από Απρίλη θα βγάλουν νέο επισόδειο οι Vikings? Γνωρίζεις?
  14. I have already answer in your PM yesterday. If your other account is janpara. I gave you the change for update the classes every day. Why you still ask for help? http://pastebin.com/nhSw0XUx
  15. Thanks guys.. Enjoy it.. But don't use it then. Sorry for non-frozen version. ;)No one pushing you to use it.
  16. Γιατί τόση ησυχία στο spam topic ρε παίδες? Καλημέρες..
  17. Πάρε το getTopZoneVotes() από εδώ και άλλαξε το config.
  18. You cannot up your topic by "up" post. NEW! Bumping rules: You are allowed to BUMP (Bring up your topic/post) your topic only 24 hours after your last post. You have just to press the following button: VIPs & Donators can bump 3 topics per day. Members can bump 1 topic per day. Note: All BUMP posts (any words like "bump", "up", etc.) are not allowed anymore and they will be DELETED(To avoid post hunting through this kind of topics).
  19. Edit your topic and add Prefix [WTS]. WTS ->
  20. You cannot open 2+ topics. This already exists I think for more than 50 times. (By L2AVICE) Also, it is time for fresh ideas guys.. Every week the same.. "Old-Gold" and bla bla..
  21. You should download Eclipse, and then you should start to learn how to use it. Watch me
  22. Hey members. VIP System Activate by Item Activate by admin command << //vipon [] //vipoff [] //vipon [name] [days] >> Set exp/sp rates Set Adena drop Set Drop/Rb Drop Set spoil rates Set enchant chance [Armor/weapon] VIP Manager [NPC] Only VIP Players can use those services. Get Noblesse Get full rec Change Sex Clean your pk kills Teleport to your party member Teleport to your clan member. Teleport Restrictions: Sieges, Olympiad, Events, Party Rift, Jail, Duel, ObserverMode(oly), Non-Party members. Watch Video: Config Preview: # Do not forget to add the item handler on xml/items 3481. # <set name="handler" val="VipStatusItem" /> aCis 350 DOWNLOAD PATCH INFO: Go to your eclipse, select aCis_datapack & aCis_gameserver (the same time), right click -> Team --> Apply Patch, select <Files> and find the location of Patch in your computer. Code review: http://pastebin.com/j5GEqr8Y aCis 367 http://pastebin.com/fHPWTrq3 || Thanks to AnotherPerson. He gave me this Diff.
  23. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/212819-looking-for-developer/ must be moved to Request Server Development Help [L2J] http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/212827-specialized-developer-το-χεις/ must be moved to Request Server Development Help [Greek]
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