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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. thats not a share, its a selling service/shop fix your tag
  2. i see your point there thats something else...
  3. there is the google internet snapshots use it wisely
  4. there is no hate in sharing thanks for your work and keep it up!
  5. on the config i presume cause it says its loaded successfully, try to open any file named config with notepad and edit the credentials (username/password)
  6. to solve the unreadable issues of messages there is some options that prevents the rename of spesific or all methods same goes for classes and variables as far I remember so
  7. its propably because the whole script needs update mine shows perfect except the first transformation
  8. This error means wrong username/password.
  9. true my mistake on the word "crack" it should be unreadable as you say you select what you want to encrypt and now that we bring that matter to the subject is better to avoid encrypt the main class, the system messages, gameserver, login classes (or you will find out eventually) cause nothing will be readable on the console. and as elfo said this is to much for sharing.
  10. yes search for obfuscation for java but you have to read the manual, i did this with yGuard but eventually if someone wants to crack your code he will.
  11. since you don't have to bytecode encrypt your code it will be less mb about the exploits, none said spesificly what are they... they just exist right? propably some guys that paid for this version and don't want you to have it free now spread rumors of shit cause thats a mega share no?
  12. for starting he should go on frozen or if he want to really learn acis project he will be lost in l2off
  13. poorly written and used to much effort to keep the name // RECACHE PARAMS $wFile = fopen($recacheFile,"w+"); $updated = time(); $line = "\n<configs>\n<atualstudio>Cache script by Atualstudio.com</atualstudio>\n<updated>".$updated."</updated>\n</configs>"; if(fwrite($wFile, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<recache>".$line."\n</recache>") === FALSE) { die("Unable to generate cache! (Não foi possível gerar cache!)"); } else { @fclose($wFile); } things like that indicates the rest of the code is crap and after I saw the protection levels I deleted it... to those who intent to use it I dont recommend it unless they know how to fix the security issues from xss attacks to the error handling system (there is none) this share is an example of how NOT to code. PS: from the error given in a file inside PHP Warning: session_start(): The session id is too long or contains illegal characters, valid characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and '-,' in /home/lavarkas/public_html/captcha/securimage.php on line 124 you can see that the captcha is a big problem for this files :) and a big backfire
  14. i am not spamming i am curious about the price, what competition i dont sell updaters ... omg
  15. skype button? half of what you say makes no sense so you want to sell 2 - 3 updaters and thats it thats why you sell it £150.00 ?
  16. Game Updater(patcher,launcher) + Compiler sources £150.00 Source code to create your custom game patcher(launcher) using Embarcadero (Delphi) 10.2 Tokyo WHAT THE F IS THIS £150.00 look man you paid 20-30 $ for some random guy to fix this code (thats shared) and you sell that source code for what its not worth more than 20-30$ total plus the design ...
  17. some things I did not like: 1) much old code. 2) fake players 3) all comments non english 4) no updates on shared codes 5) useless comments like /** constructor */ 6) many ! points on code I rate it 3/10 its just listeners that got the 3 the rest of codes are just adapted nothing new or updated its also have bad code from some shared codes in the mix.
  18. well point taken keep it up!
  19. i think its bit slow and blur
  20. sometimes I cant understand why should I use this instead of the client or why you dont get the l2jserver and this and create new game? I really dont see the use of it ...
  21. you can't even read how to apply, why bother to apply? :D
  22. 2016 is 4 years leter than mine and i described the basic work i did so you can start think better for yours already shared my thoughts with you and how you did wrong the main think of it and its not always about sharing code i shared some of my experience i had with something that has to do with your engine and i tell you again that the core is wrongly thought you can do better and i know thats why i told you all that, aside that i wish you the best
  23. you dont understand the point of thread excecution and i cant explain it cause i dont know java by book the thread numbers are examples the how to use them is the point imagine a wheel running at 300km/h and you pick actions for each player you created to many wheels at 300km/h that do actions but i am curious what you can do as always you have the skill but you dont go smart you go all the way arround i felt a small satisfaction that i created it before you and it took me 4 hours creation 2 days to adjust timings (since it took me 2 hours each time to automaticly load the player count of 6000+- cause you have to fake even the login hahahahaha ) every time i was opening the server but you are right i am not the sharing person i keep "big" things for my self i dont find reasons to share
  24. 1 thread was propably bad example should be 5 threads running every 5 seconds to act as the nerve of each class then the Rnd will do the rest, i say this because its working fine and not 200 but 5000 bots with 0 cpu tolerance its like normal server witch i tested it actually it didnt effect at all the cpu or ram
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