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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. after viewing your code i see that you have long way to make this work and i am not talking about light wheighting the code... you could make a fake system with 1 thread and 4 classes MAX (dress(skills, items), ai(attacking, movement skilluse, talking), mechanics(spawns, maps etc), and load) calls with Rnd (wont be perfect but its still shitty :D ) but you created a heavy engine without point that needs alot of work that you wont have the time eventually to finish. after all this years i think the parts on l2 you should focus on creating should be more on new technologies and implementing them as extensions on l2 for example mailing systems live sound like radio for l2 clients live broadcasts you name it and code it this is wasting of your time and skill. if you continue good luck to make it stable.
  2. so players understand the fake and leave server imidietly. thats actualy good and you will ruin it :) it would be best for the event if 1 player enter the rest will be bots to party and etc (they fill the gap) but there is no actual event engine working to work on but good point there PS the guys who will pay for this will have a server that will fail or already failed and 8/10 admin and have waste money on this remember that... the other 2 will play solo because you cant win players with players online and shit servers
  3. for a moment there i thought katherine started sharing again but it was actual dig :")
  4. you should change the tag to discussion or project
  5. best collection until now. keep up the good work
  7. we can agree you are true cancer to the community. thats final post you keep using excuses for the next victims you are lucky I dont have proofs this time, of deleted posts that ware stating what I said. since they let you in this forum (cause in ru you got ban) its none of my buisness I have already stated my position about the report but you keep having attitude i leave this to staff
  8. I asked you to tell me the rules i violated beside the report and you say this... i already aswered the question with an answer if the forum keeps logs of deleted posts we can see the truth. I got all this - Spamming, flaming - Rudeness, insulting posts or purposeless inflammatory posts aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand since you read the conversation and you are interested i am sure you read that yes no? this topic should be locked and I sould reporting him but I will not fall to this level.
  9. so after what you got you go on his side now and out of nowhere you got interested on that spesific topic did he tell you that you get free job if you do that? can you name the violations I did, beside the report itself... the way he talk to me is on rules for you? and as i said if the logs of the forum exist what i said might be exist on the removed posts. and how can i have photos of removed posts i know what is said before but i cant prove it that does not mean its have not happent but he wanted so much to report me and cry
  10. watch your language and your manners you are the one that reported me remember? whats your story here?
  11. watch your language whats your story here?
  12. the posts that was told was on your topic and they have been cleaned up if there are any kind of logs on the IPS forum what I said might be real but why you rage so much i told you what you say to your customers a "sorry" why you are so pissed and whats the deal with this images?
  13. i said if i remember whats the big deal there i am sorry about it as you are sorry for the delay of 1 month for your customers we are equals now there you are
  14. I cant read your language and I thing you already talked for spreading false informations and you do the very same thing for me in second person you're telling that I called you scammer but your clients did not me.
  15. the if statement indicates that you may say what is and whats not real, plus you need manners "NightW0lf - telling bullshits and spreading false informations" for a title shows manners low level dont forget i am not the one that reported so many times with money on the line as you are AGAIN here: and many other times that posts removed and you know it, i will not talk about your topics that are beign cleaned up for the very same reasons for me messing with peoples time and then find an excuse and say sorry should be punishable. learn to talk first learn some manners and then report me
  16. he cant accept truth he cant argue with truth Grandiose delusions if i remember correctly he had told in 2 customers that 2 of his family members died once... and some times that he was in hospital this time he just didnt say maybe excuses ended :|
  17. every time he got a report he uses as excuse life issues its like the god pee on him or something, over the years the same situation he will say ofc he will not do it again and he will do it again he is bad person and what if you lost time and money because you had to wait an updater or a logo you just go and open the server without them while you are less on the budget and you could use this money on something else Mr.Ave was on vications others get block others get ignore. the story will repeat again and again you can use search here or google and check how many times he is reported for the very same reason, in my oppinion he is a cancer to this community and he also is banned on ru forums why indeed? because we are haters not because we see this cancer to cause the very same situation with customers again and again and again and always slip away from the ban. same will happen here
  18. next time to the next person
  19. melron, l2jkain they try and share unique things I think those two deserve a chance to have a push to be more active all the rest of the share section is filled with same updated codes nothing new but them 2 the last months shared unique codes. i think the community needs that cause the old coders are bored and flaming the newbies for bad codes and have also no motives (example events with best codes as you did back in the days with prizes money this time)
  20. elfocrash should be l2mod or l2dev (he is active on winters) celestine must go down, isnt fiting the position not sharing not helping low java knowledge l2-scripts down cause nothing done in a matter of sharing and helping, title is only helping him to sell more. :") those are "must do". edited since original proofs/posts for the second are deleted.
  21. actually yes i dont open skype for many reasons when i dont have free time reasons: battery, spam. actually all this time I thought he changed some colors from the Theme Settings.! Things to be considered here I think he should already check the report section or if somebody told him that he is beign reported and if he had the time to just respond a "wait I will answer tomorrow" he would have done it until now. Why he should scamm now and why 200 euros its not that important as amount specially if he got new job Please dont rush things and instead of raging to maxtor wait another day wont change anything in this situation and he might actually give you the money back iiiiiiiiiiiiif he reply before the ban let it roll and see how it goes. PS sorry for double post i was edditing the previous but shit happens Maxtor this is a particulary same situation I think its the season for the designers to ignore ^_^
  22. you're wrong here I know at least 2 more DenArt and avve and they are both good at the same level as they are but this is not the main topic I also login every day even from work to check some things that I am interest in for maybe 5-10 minutes perday you cant rely on that. and a correction to my first post, I thought that the reported person has a week to reply or he gets ban but that is not working here. next time have in mind that you give an 20%-25% or max 50% of total price to "close" the job and you pay the rest after they finish this is mantatory to many other traders and in real life.
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