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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. do not trust this guy he has bans on hes other accounts
  2. told you already 3 months ago protect your work use prepared statements and you used mysqli_real_escape_string................................... :forever alone like a boss: try to open your lampp ini and enable some of your plugins that might needed like mysqli.... :poker face:
  3. λύθηκε μέσω teamviewer.
  4. measurements about bot/phx? any info about those?
  5. δεν είναι πολλά δοκίμασε το 1.8, αν δεν τα καταφέρεις κάνε με προσθήκη στο skype να σε βοηθησω
  6. 80 και 9014 δεν χρειάζονται άνοιγμα δες αν το ρουτερ σου εχει επιλογή SOHO η στείλε το μοντέλο του για να πάρεις καλύτερη απάντηση, γιατι κατα 99% έχεις ανοίξει τις πόρτες σε λάθος σημείο και επίσης στο firewall πρέπει να ειναι και στις εισερχόμενες συνδέσεις αλλα και στις εξερχόμενες
  7. otan les votemanager ti enoeis gia hopzone gia topzone i gia kana parakmiako web ligo poio sigekrimena
  8. he actually must admit(but he wont) that he's wrong, I am right (there are alot of examples on google with better handle) and aCis lucks of a good SQL connection management actually its half code done in try-with-resources and plus a better DatabaseFactory management can be achieved as I prementioned with changing c3p0 jar, the aCis guys can make their tests and see what I am talking about.
  9. auto ontos den to eixa proseksei ax00xa0ax0ax
  10. 100 mbp/s enoei tin sindesi metaksi tou ipologisti tou kai tou router tou... apo kei kai pera mexri ton ote einai 7Mbps oxi 7MBps apla gia na ksekathariseis kapoia pragmata tha koitas stin taxitita tou spitiou sou me tou ote auto pou plirwneis diladi... kai auto pou plirwneis ante na sikwsei 50 atoma stin giran alla ama anoikseis kana youtube oi misoi tha fan dc kai ta ipoloipa tha ksekinisoun me tous agious
  11. and you know how much random colors you can work on l2 :P 10 or more? :D
  12. you're wrong here, if you dont use statement.close(); result.close(); you have unclosed stuff running around, if you use it like my example and if you see tryskell's link you will see what I mean, and you dont have to use statement.close(); result.close(); on every sql connection ps "At the point where you close the connection all its resources including ResultSets and Statements will close aswell." if I close with statement.close(); result.close(); or this exapmle: try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("blabla"); } catch(Exeption e){} because only in first you are right but as I explained and plus is old way ps I am not working on this more than 6 months now but I know what I am talking about
  13. trusted guy do not try to scam him...
  14. I am sorry I was not very clear here is an example of what I meant: try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("blabla"); } catch(Exeption e){} this is the courent state of aCis try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("blabla")) { // code } catch(Exeption e){} this is what I believe should be more effective on handling the database connections pros less code, better handle - time to code it if you want I can discuss with you in private about a reworked database connection, from small tests I did is faster, but faster does not meant always reliable, I am talking about the c3p0 library. anything else send me a message cause I am out of topic. BB:)
  15. xrisimopiise acis dwrean kai kalo an thes customs pane se frozen/hellas i rwsika ean thes steile mou inbox na sou steilw merika link
  16. why acis still has sql connections < java 7 since you already know that? about the issues its more indeed but i read 2-3 comments, one piece of advice stop using this pack will save you time and brain damage.
  17. please share also the changelog cause i dont see any "fast" info or something like that, keep it up! :)
  18. check your inbox, there is the fix.
  19. 1) i told you that your forum is a copy of a copy and you tell me that its better from "ancient" topzone and i could make a bet on your ( if you find a simple code from topzone send me) you both have used FASART that used SMF with portal system edited dont try to bullshit me i know more 2) That means you're totaly unaware and unskilled of holding a forum like l2network 3) I LOLED HARD HERE cause your previous answer conflicts with your coding skills 4) Use search its a small photo some things work some not and there is a BIG number of users you guys rock
  20. seems you worked alot, looks good server so good luck
  21. and your alter account is called Nevermore` ? cheap trick and if not (wich i doubt) why somebody trust you?
  22. basicly if you can explain what it has and what it does somebody maybe create it
  23. In general thats true, but I am talking about your code there is using deprecated methods that they are old more than 2-5 years, you better watch what you share when you can create something cause ppl will use it (at their own risk ofc) but somebody who has no idea he will have the propability to watch hes server burn someday, and that will be on you. But I still like the old school way of code and ofc the formatting that shows that you have potential to create something good, I recommend to google pdo's and a better connection class in database and it will be secured.
  24. I was wondering where all the Lineage2 players gone... and I just realize that they all become proffesional developers. Still a better project than reunion aka sunrise. Edit: I forgot to feel sorry for the guys who will buy this..
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