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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. that.... and who will tell me that if my server goes well that you wont keep me out of my server and detach me from my server access and you take my files for you anytime? I guess nobody, or I have your word? :happyforever:
  2. you have to make your changes in a patch or in someway a backup that you will be able to transfer "tomorrow" support you will get on frozen for customs support for acis you will get i think in all except customs but i am not 100% sure
  3. more spam for your server :D and as sweety said switch will be more useful instead of if if if if... if
  4. guys this pack is only for leeching do not use it you will get 0 support this is just a warning for those who are going to open for real a server with this files and come to this place: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/190479-toggle-skils-cant-be-dissabled/
  5. use frozen or acis or hellas(discontinued) dont use random packs from random people
  6. how Unique is Shadow of halisha? :dat: the pack you want to take the weapons is installed on your database? no? or it has an SQL folder that you can take them from there
  7. he wont be able to do this they have some revs in timeline that are to many files he will stuck but you're right i hope good luck dude you need it
  8. there is a wheird part on this your port must be also used the check time. so open your login and game server while you test your ports. if you have problems i can join in teamviewer tomorrow from GMT+2 15:00pm to 16:00pm to open your ports and/or configs i have to leave now sorry.
  9. between us I doubt he have so much shit inside or he has extraordinary problems but he should keep a backup before he do anything
  10. opoiodipote laptop kai na anoiksei to interlude to idio minima tha vgalei auto simenei oti den exei texnologia AGP pou einai sxetiko me tin karta grafikwn pes tou oute tha to katalavei alla pes tou stin ousia na to agnoei den einai apolitos tipota to simantiko
  11. guide gia geodata edit den uparxei alla den einai kai diskolo vres to default tis l2j sto google kai peiramatisou molis katalaveis pws doulevei tha sou einai paixnidaki meta psakse to pathgen.exe tou akumu sto google kai tha eisai gg
  12. afise ena keno sto telos pata apla enter <- kai eisai entaksei auto simvenei sta palia filedits vres kapoio poio kainourio
  13. postare to provlima sou sto help section kai tha pareis poio grigora kai malwn tzampa voitheia
  14. mporeis na valeis kati diaforetiko px kati mikrotero opws 5g sto kathe mixanima einai diaforetiko exartate apo to poses kartes exeis kai posa giga ram
  15. sweety... my head hurt now please stop remove this ....!!!!!!!! solution 1 if you know what rev your project is checkout a new project in this rev and copy paste your project inside make a refresh and then use "UPDATE TO HEAD" solution 2 if your files have .svn folders then use import to import your project and you can reconnect it to frozen and gues what... make a refresh and "UPDATE TO HEAD" solution 3 incase are missing .svn files on solution 2. if you have .svn folders use search and delete them from windows explorer search. and use the solution 1
  16. canyouseeme.org check if 2106/7777ports are open if yes check your configuration external IP and internal IP its actually solved many times if you use search you will find many times difrent solutions
  17. if you want add my skype if you have source i will remove it in few seconds ^_^ you can find me mornings GMT+2 from 15:00pm to 16:00pm
  18. exei ena config pou leei poso xanei sto rates.properties px otan ksanapernei karma einai +10.000 an thimamai kala ekei einai kai to poso xanei otan pethenei aliws einai sto l2pcinstance kai tha mporouses na to vreis sto dodie method kai den perimenw na to vreis...
  19. ean den mporeis steile mou minima tha se voithisw logo oti avrio einai argia
  20. try to go in gameserver table via navicat add 1 and 1 and 0 then create a hexid and add for hex code 1 easy >:o
  21. The prices are exotic specialy when somebody reads this Plan for Web + Mail cost 50$ / mo. Plan for Game server cost 100$ / mo. Mixed plan Web+ Mail + Game Server cost 125$ / mo. One-time services for setting up: proxy server (squid) for traffic redirect 20$ vpn server OpenVPN / PPTP 20$ Mail Server (exim4 + dovecot + roundcube) 35$ web server (nginx + php-fpm + mysql, iptables, sysctl) 50$ server for (lineage2, aion, minecraft), full optimization and tuning the operating system with required software 100$ server for (ragnarok, wow), the base configuration of the system to start and run the game emulator 30$ Any other work on setting up Unix systems. while with 250$ you can find your Elite pack and all this services together, I dont know you and thats the "friendly" price that will make me buy I guess..
  22. google... mporeis na grapseis to onoma tis aiterias px hetzner reviews kai tha deis poso euxaristimenoi einai oi pelates tis aiterias tha diavaseis ta terms tha deis ean se eksipiretoun tha matheis poso kalo einai to support tous an einai 24/7 to pososto epitiximenwn lusewn kati pou opoion kai na rwtiseis edw tha sou pei oti tou katevei sto kefali opote pane sto google kai rwta...
  23. well about the import in l2 community the API is not something somebody does every day but thats okey, i said it because i think you already done something similar if im not mistaken. about the second its all encryption but nobody explains the "how to" but w/e :) as i see there is a more interesting code the "follower" seems nice idea and will decrease or increase the bot use i am not sure :D
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