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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. you can see the connection methods and see if its secure post one and we can tell you if its secure (I dont have time to check it but I can answer if I see a code from it)
  2. with little google you can fix it and use just java without bots
  3. no no no 3 was a troll keep a buckup first about 1 you have to search in the patch you got or files for the following getVotes() then replace it with the same method from here https://www.assembla.com/code/l2hellas/subversion/commit/504 if you cant do it buy from sweets in marketplace the vote system he will propably help you install it
  4. depends of the work specially if you work in microsoft :P (no reason you propably are rich) well i offer him an "easy" solution and i think he will be good with this build
  5. 1 you have to change the getVotes() method 2 you propably mean in model/instance/[search here] 3 delete but yes. ^_^
  6. here you are http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/190787-shareicontable-in-java/
  7. because you pay programs over the internet i guess :P same of you talking of something like that in a cheating forum xaxaxaxaxa well phpmyadmin requires apache to run so if you have the available resurces i recommend a lampp engine like xampp or wampp they are easy and fast.
  8. navicat easy fast hard to get C++ exception
  9. this is because aCis is to lazy to add in their builder some small code 1 line to make this for you
  10. tou testara ta ports einai open to provlima tou einai i se configs i sto client giati eixe system apo allo server opote den to psaksa opoios endiaferete na ton voithisei exei na tou ftiaksei mono ta configs tou eipa na katevasei neo client kai na valei neo system apo to client section pou einai shared
  11. nice dig no you just dont add it or compare it to account and then dont add it
  12. how hard is find an acm from l2j and change some queries? :) http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/129204-setting-up-l2j-web-account-manager/ edit it and if you have problems a help section exists
  13. to lisame mesw teamviewer apla ton ekana add 2 wres meta lol
  14. na to kaneis install gia na to entopisei kai na grapseis swsta ta stixeia sto navicat.
  15. Elfo will close this project again like Esios and like all other's dudes and hes words are like blah blah i will do and i will share and and... until he makes it/share it he should stfu and this topic needs a clean up. about absolutpower is one of the most skilled devs i personaly know and i have work with him on l2jhellas and i vouch him, if he said he reworked he means he totaly changed the core of this events actually so i bet for him. and the guys who drop on him blame that does not share in free version they are big sharers so big that we can open a torrent site.. so relax and let this topic free of spam since hes from the small list that he deserves some respect. edit the only and i say ONLY guys who will have to say something about the free share is me and boorinio the others should be ignored so... :you serious?:
  16. bad way of thinking but ok its your work you have done other works on the past so you know better
  17. It would be better if you include the source if you want my opinion. Nice to see you back in l2j but I was expecting something more interesting w/e keep it up.
  18. tha eimai to mesimeri spiti kata tis 3 me 4 steile mou sto skype egw tha to ksexasw exw pola pragmata sto mialo
  19. use PDO and $con = new \PDO('mysql:dbname=l2jdb;host=localhost:3306', 'username', 'password'); you can change port with this addition btw for a +1 security reason but the question was how to access open the port 3306 pass it from firewall create a user in navicat that will access the database from outside make hes ip wildcard % if your ip is changing after a router restart install a no-ip and use in your site your ip or no-ip to connect your sql codes
  20. you dont know how to register the server and you want to open a server? at least search first
  21. its not hard to take one and change some sql statements.. (if they need it)
  22. hellas create a folder with server ready to open in C:/ frozen creates the zip you need to place it somewhere configure it and open acis compiles and then you gather the files and place them somewhere and configure it to open
  23. I am sorry but thats the truth you must handle it... and be ready for bigger problems later DDOS/Protection from hack programs like bots and phx and ofc bugs that sometimes are from pack and some times you create them with simple changes :) you have to search a pack very good and work it on its 100% to learn from it.
  24. exei polous odigous se auto to forum gia to pws na grapseis ena aplo kwdika stin java o baggos malista exei prosferei para poli xrisimous odigous rikse ena mati aliws psakse sto google java gia arxarious java for dummies
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