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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. its 3 stupid lines if(!hopzoneUrl.endsWith(".html")) hopzoneUrl+=".html"; and con.addRequestProperty("User-L2Hopzone", "Mozilla/4.76"); and how to catch the votes is if (line.contains("no steal make love")||line.contains("no votes here")||line.contains("bang, you don't have votes")|| line.contains("la vita e bella"))
  2. make a guide for connecting paypal or some pay service to someway in lineage (community?) or create server-client protected system i think those are the most wanted this days I hope to gave at least some idea and good luck achieve what ever you do cya
  3. the tables already exist incase you know it drop the database and recreate it...
  4. you propably want to say future not feature :P and i disagree 101% sorry :D
  5. no you don't its working perfectly on windows 8.1 64bit maybe your system is bad configured
  6. network is a copy paste lol i would count more on http://www.topbrasil100.com.br/instead of a copy of a copy...
  7. this 2 are the links to checkout yes. after you checkout you propably have red (!) you must configure your eclipse to point at your JDK if you cant google what i've said after you do it wait 1-2 minutes to compile itself and vuala errors gone. you finally build if error on build download silksvn or subversion (for subversion need computer restart) gg i think i cover all the possibilities good luck
  8. its from your mysql problem... try to reinstall
  9. i recommend this server 100% no need luck server is one of the best around.
  10. maybe waiting for their time to be ressurected again (like Terminator they will be back :-beep- yeah: ) you know some times more info like i killed them or i edited something might be usefull think about it... helping somebody understand what you want to tell instead of waiting to be a psychic to know shit about you without tell him
  11. thats the vortex npc from elfocrash? if yes you have to redesign it a little to work maybe ask him but i dont know if he still supports it, or you can buy from the market from sweets he have a good code but i dont know if he will install it on the npc you dont know if you dont ask ofc :)
  12. auta an den kanw lathos einai web servers den kanoun gia game servers ean thes na rikseis ena mati se galikous server einai ftinoi kai para poli kales sindeseis
  13. very nice and trusted administrator designs are carefully and nicely done, i recommend this server (y)
  14. i dont know where you find this code but l2jhellas one used to work the fix is here https://www.assembla.com/code/l2hellas/subversion/commit/504 the rest is here https://www.assembla.com/code/l2hellas/subversion/nodes/505/trunk/L2JHellasC/java/Extensions/Vote
  15. gia to alt+g leipoun arxeia apo to client sigekrimena sto fakelo system... gia to castle manager dineis poli liges plirofories
  16. vale ta ports kai sta ekserxomena a kai sto router vale mono to proto start-end to deftero min to valeis i to antitheto gia dokimi
  17. work on windows 8, 8.1 players?
  18. xa00xa0xaxa00xaxa0xa0xa00 GG theos ma kaneis na min to dei? :D
  19. to host file twn windows les? den xreiazete na grapseis tipota gia na trekseis to server an thes diksto edw mipos exei tpt periergo... ti windows trexeis kai ti programmata trexoun sto pc? oso gia ta port mporeis na mou dikseis fotografies apo 2-3 site oti einai anoixtes? mono 2106/7777 thelw na dw googlare port check
  20. hahahaha einai i ip tou pc sou kai tou router 254 opote internal i localhost i external no-ip i http://whatismyipaddress.com/ auta kai sto login kai sto game server antoistixa kai sto l2.ini i localhost i ektos an thes gia players tote vazeis to no-ip an katafereis na mpeis esi me localhost kai den mporoun oi alloi me no-ip to provlima paei sta no-ip/firewall-antivirus/ports apeklise prwta kapoio apo auta kleinontas firewalls kai meta tha vreis ti ftaiei an den mporeis na to liseis grapse pali edw edit a kai poloi kanoun lathos stis rithmiseis tou no-ip ean exeis kanei ta upoloipa swsta diladi tsekare mipos den exeis tsekarei to host i tin swsti karta diktiou stis rithmiseis
  21. delete && (_text.charAt(0) != '.')
  22. tha mporouses kalista na auksiseis ton arithmo sindesewn sou mysql kai config apo server (kai mesa sto l2databasefactory pane auta sinithws)
  23. uparxoun 100 diaforetika site gia na anevaseis mia fotografia... esi piges stin 4shared? :p http://prntscr.com/6c3s7j opos tha deis stin foto sou exw kuklwsei to provlima tha pas stin vasi dedomenwn kai tha valeis auto to column sto simeio pou xreiazete poio einai to simeio? sou exw valei dio pithana merei me velakia alla sou exw ipogramisei to perisotero sigouro tha vreis stin grami pou leei ton kwdika (to noumero pou grafei stin parenthesi einai i seira tou kwdika) kai tha deis apo poio table lupei auto to column tha to valeis mesw navicat tha kaneis restart to server kai problem solved.
  24. kai profanws vazeis to npc san L2Custom stin vasi dedomenwn sou
  25. ola einai kala ean thes grafika me ubuntu exw analogo odigo edw http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/78668-%CE%B5%CE%B3%CE%BA%CE%B1%CF%84%CE%AC%CF%83%CF%84%CE%B1%CF%83%CE%B7-l2-server-%CF%83%CE%B5-linux-ubuntu-10-%CE%BA%CE%B1%CE%B9-%CE%BD%CE%B5%CF%8C%CF%84%CE%B5%CF%81%CE%B1/
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