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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. its an outdated shit with bad writting it drows attention because it comes with client and db backup for the noobies
  2. except logos any other work?
  3. 2018 there is still people using this files for real?
  4. did you upload the files and the list that comes on out folder to remote folder?
  5. Hi, show something that YOU shared, then express that shit oppinions to others, until then keep those shit oppinions to your self and if I cannot use my vote as MY oppinion then your argument is false.
  6. this shit is so old it should be removed for bad writing...
  7. this is a frozen problem to fix this search at Disablers.java:590 line 590 its propably some skill that used by rb on a player possible fix is to skip something in the for loop i have no idea what frozen has there
  8. are you for real? no its not the right thing to do, the right thing is to warn the user no? let me refrase you with an example: you have a car and you parked 80cm away from the pavement (I DONT LIKE THAT) according to your sayings I can come and take your car and park it closer to pavement. so warn the user FIRST to do it himself CORRECTLY I think is the right choise NO? let me make you a coffee and i will put inside 5 cubes suggar BECAUSE I LIKE IT THAT WAY. in my case you lost all the polls of work done with customers witch is unretrievable data when you edited the topic nobody restored nobody gave a fuck and I said ok it wont happen again and here you are. in general about the title of topics it should be done in the core of the forum not having idiots to edit according to their likings. about the bumps i know alot that the bump button dont work on them cause some "client" said thanks and they reply when they bump the second topic third etc...
  9. specially when you have the power to do it and you edit a user's topic and uppon save polls are lost cause you personally dont like it, ring a bell?
  10. you cant say that if it was :D Rnd.get(100) > 15
  11. he actually shared something after all its mind blowing!!
  12. everything is explained, now i know why you have this signature so you dont forget......... i got stunned.
  13. bad aproach should be on npc and should be on shift+click -> drops with chances.
  14. so 1 dedi in europe 1 dedi in russia 1 dedi in africa 1 dedi in canada 1 dedi in amurica 1 dedi in brasil and you have 0 lag globally according to your results: perhaps, maybe, could be, cause i dont see any other use the game data cache is still away from game servers so game server 1 to gameserver N+1 will still have lag to send player1 actions to player2
  15. the error comes when you mess with utx files
  16. You successfully called me crazy mother fucker, low quality and IQ, wannabe, nerd as fuck, seller in other forums, big man, my computer low quality of 500€. And you have already got a ban once. And all I said was "you're not worth a reply", thank you. PS: If I did not say the truth feel free to correct me.
  17. Hello, guys don't get me wrong here but the 2 members .elfocrash (once global mod) and gamepsychology have already been banned in this forum once and while elfocrash is giving valid questions and did not provoke I think its to early some of the questions and about the second guy is just not worth the reply, about the topic is a new start for a team I personally dont know them but until they prove them selfs wrong is wrong to acuse them or downgrade what they try to do here.
  18. is this paid job?
  19. thats very old codes weldone but my eyes hurt some of those makes no sense the code need improvement
  20. we all had to start from somewhere no shame on that just enclose all the big code inside of this and it will be activated with 50% chance if (Rnd.get(100) > 50){ //paste the code here }
  21. good share but missing the "chance" of what you describe. the description is first xx kills enchant 100% a random item that player wears. also i am sure its already shared here before i think it needs credits
  22. okay dudes calm your tits, firstly brut did not come here to apologise for his behavior but create other reasons and his stance is defensive that means he fucked up and he know that, now paypal has refund the money Brut is on rage mode but he never gave the pack. conclusions 1) Brut has attemted to scam the buyer by holding him hostage without source (his words) the first days of server opened by changing the deal. 2) Before the refund he was not going to give him a shit cause until now he only trash talks while he could give a fucking date of him handling the source. 3) There is no second person or third THE ACCOUNT BRUT CLOSED THE DEAL not me not maxtor not my grandma 4) Brut threats the customer with load of shit talks UNACCEPTABLE! 5) Brut if you are pro and you work with $.$$$ you could refund and say "cant do the job take your money back" no matter if he is a gambler WHO GIVES A FUCK IF YOU GAMBLE SPECIALLY WHEN HE IS A CUSTOMER TO YOU AND YOU ARE A SERVICE NO IF IT WAS ME I WOULD NOT GIVE A FUCK YOU HAD A JOB YOU HAD A DEADLINE EXTENSION AND YOU COME HERE TO TRASHTALK TO YOUR CUSTOMER YOU ARE TRASH! BAN.
  23. i cant agree more with baggos also back in the days the abuse of reputation system was bannable lose rank etc.. last couple of years friends like each other and abuse it and today we like posts and you get reputation, its not maxtors fault its IPB problems that need to be solved and more welljudge people on the team.
  24. giving time for the accused to answer for himself its not something bad and maxtor should make it as a rule actually. yes some cases are 100% bannable but what if there is some info that change the whole situation? plus there should also be a note to buyers not to pay all the money upfront but a part of it to "close the job" and when the job is done then get the rest, cause if you pay all the money in front and they are for example 200euros many tempted to scam get ban make new account... and guess what paypal usually after a short of period cannot refund you usually thats a deadline for a work of amount of 200euros. PS: [4:54:58 μμ] Dev-BruTuS: We have double deal we should see the deal conversation it will explain alot cause RIP english [5:11:03 μμ] Dev-BruTuS: i got customers there [5:11:07 μμ] Dev-BruTuS: i can code they can sell [5:11:16 μμ] Dev-BruTuS: u wont archiveve anything [5:11:58 μμ] Dev-BruTuS: u just make yourself a target [5:12:25 μμ] Dev-BruTuS: ill just ask a fr to ddos all new gve servers and ull never open it anyway [5:13:02 μμ] Dev-BruTuS: i offered u a good chance to brake the chains [5:13:39 μμ] Dev-BruTuS: oh btw ill change my net and ill get an old acc with 1500 posts [5:13:52 μμ] Dev-BruTuS: and still u wont achiveve anything :P [5:32:13 μμ] Dev-BruTuS: cuz i don't care lFinalFantasyl if you want my opinion stick to paypal and refund your money with "unauthorized account activity" and that you did not make that payment, 99% you get the money back if (i am not sure 40 or 60 days) has passed from the transaction
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