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Everything posted by Elfo

  1. "Your own" allikitos13 request. Code by Elfocrash.
  2. Get bootstrap and make this look presentable. 2008 called. They want their <tables> back. Edit: Also Javaserver faces?? REALLY?? Learn some modern technologies mate.
  3. Nick you are trying to do too many things at once. Babysteps.
  4. Did you just copy paste http://forum.ragezone.com/f578/sql-basic-sql-statements-1092848/ ?
  5. But you can code it with HTML if you are willing to play a little bit with the bypass handler
  6. Exactly what mxc was missing. Now i am so motivated to share my knowledge in order to get points that mean nothing. (Just because stackoverflow can pull it off it doesn't mean you can do it too)
  7. Maxhackers, like you will ever be hackforums. Just expand on what you got.
  8. The server is great and I am having a blast seeing people play there. There only problem is indeed a small 0.5-0.9 seconds no matter your internet connection. I am in London with 100mbps connection and i am having minor but noticeable action delays. Still a great game experience by the looks of it. Players seem to enjoy it.
  9. Wow the template is strong with this one. You can really tell because everything looks nice and blended in and the Lineage and HighFive look like shit and out of place. You didn't even bother to add some shadow to make the lineage logo legible. On top of that the only responsive thing i can see is the Nav. The rest is just fluid. Jeez
  10. Get ready guys, it will be awesome.
  11. You have no idea what a Singleton is do you?
  12. Every time you are using the static keyword like this a little panda dies
  13. I think i will mark this day in my calendar as the best day of my life. :D
  14. I really dont like them for two main reasons even though there are more. They really take a huge shit on testable code. They violate the single responsibility principle I do like the enum way of doing singletons in java but just for the fun of it. I find DI way better to manage and use. (My point is they are fine but there are very specific cases that you really need them)
  15. You shouldn't be laughing. A game designer has absolutely nothing to do with a game developer.
  16. Well i gave you the best way. I actually agree with xDem on what he said anyway. Btw every time you use singleton a little baby panda dies.
  17. Want a serious answer? An xml contains data. This data can be converted to a java model. You have an ArrayList<YourModelHere> or HashMap<YourModelHere.id,YourModelHere> depending on what you want to do. In your loop during the parsing of the xml you will add a new instance of YourModelHere and add it to this lost. Then you can access any object from the list or map. What is hard about it?
  18. This is so entertaining. This is more like one to ones with tk, xdem, sdw and tessa an occasionally Access the retard will pop up and say something irrelevant and stupid. Mxc 2017
  19. I love how people are surprised with prices like 50 quid. In the real word (outside of a shitty forum where people sett shitty packs for 20 quid) something like Unity or aCis would cost at least 3 digits to buy.
  20. Hello, I am looking for a Web Designer to create a medium sized project. The project will be bespoke designs for an game account management website. If you think you are good enough please drop me a pm and i will give you my skype. Portfolio or previous work is required. Thanks
  21. L2Khaos was one of the very first servers i was invested in as a young L2 player back in 2006. The server had a huge community and features ahead of it's time. To launch a server as it was back in the day after 10 years and still be relevant is something that only a handful of servers would do and L2Khaos is one of them. I played L2Khaos at all times whether that was L2Khaos, Prominence or even DieHard and i enjoyed my time there because there is always something to do. You just can't get bored. Time change and people have less free time to invest on a "hard server" but i would highly recommend checking it out. It's not just Nostalgia. It is well structured gameplay and server economy that makes sense. Give this one a shot.
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