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Everything posted by Elfo

  1. Ofc you did :D Anyway, don't overcomplicate your stuff. Simply use the paypal api to check if the payment was successful and if it was use the callback to give the items straight to the player.
  2. It wasn't you that's for sure. You can claim it was but it wasn't and we both know it.
  3. No you didn't. Originally it was on Pride, then another dude did it and sold it here with a complicated email reading way, and then i did it with the API. You came after all that.
  4. "create in php a parser" I might as well kill myself. xpath is better than plain xml but it is still pretty shit to me. Preferences i guess.
  5. So nightwolf just told you literally what basic googling will tell you. That hikari is the best connection pool in terms of performance. The problem is beyond the cp. The database structure is wrong, big time. Using a relational database while having fuck all relations is a bigger concern. The password hashing method is the most basic there is. You can literally google some of the hashes and get the actual pass back. I also disagree with all the items that got moved in the xmls. Now every time I wanna make a external tool I have to depend on the gameserver's runtime to provide me the info I need while I could just use a simple query and get everything I need back. And don't give me the "they are more flexible" thing. They are not. They can only look more flexible if your sql knowledge is shit.
  6. But there is nothing wrong with the droplist. Where do you see the problem? https://xp-dev.com/svn/aCis_public/aCis_datapack/data/xml/npcs/20000-20999.xml Check the Eply with id 20432. You will see that the data is identical with the picture you posted. I do agree that l2j has a massive issue with the database part but it has nothing to do with the droplist.
  7. Spawnlist in acis was parsed from off so (Sweets guesses) droplist should too. The problem with l2j databases is not just the data. Is the way it is set up to work. acis has it's drop data in the npc.xml (I puked inside my mouth a little) so you can't query it with sql (not without using an external lib anyway) All 3 queries you posted can be combined with a join but i guess your knowledge in sql is not that great. Quite honestly i don't get the point of your post and what the target is.
  8. Yeah you are really helping showing your reconnect code out of context without the methods that are backing it up and by just saying "my custom cool thing does that"
  9. 3 years ago maybe. I'm not the guy that wrote IWorld.something tho :'(
  10. It doesn't hurt me. It hurts you because you are poping out of nowhere to show off you "cool little ae event shit" and when someone trashes you to the ground you get all defensive and say it's coded for fun. We are developers. We code for fun anyway. This doesn't mean we have to use it as an excuse. Fuck it I'm out.
  11. Even if you show him the finest code in the universe he will find something to disagree with.
  13. Im actually using MariaDB, and im not using SQL Server so i don't get your points. I just said that MariaDB queries that l2 uses wouldn't be hard to adapt from sql server if that's what you want to do. I do agree that MariaDB is by far the best option and it trashes SQL Server in both performance and expenses.
  14. There actually way more sql databases MySQL queries are almost identical to SQL Server and the only major differences would be the limit keyword in MySQL which is TOP in SQL Server, some update with joins queries and stored procedures that no one in this forum ever used.
  15. You can use the Java 8 Base64 Encoder and then the encodeToString method to convert bytearray to Base64 string. You don't need fancy acis specific classes to do that shit.
  16. Well you definitely need some cancellation token logic there
  17. Don't you think an action queue would be a better idea?
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