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Everything posted by Elfo

  1. Maintaining the color pallet is a good choice The theme is not consistent. You should either go for curvy buttons or rectangles. The hero banner on about the header nav looks a bit out of place. Good nonetheless.
  2. Exactly what xdem said. This forum's community was driven from the l2j development community. Now that this is dead(l2j server, acis, frozen) there is nothing left. Imo you should create a topsite (which is the only thing that will generate money if you have the traffic) and leave the forum as it is now.
  3. Have you even checked there prices for freelance web designers? And no. Redesign means creation cuz you redesign therefore recreate.
  4. You are aware that you are looking for 2 probably 3 proffesions right? Web designer, front end developer and backend developer or a fullstack. Highly doubt you gonna get all that with 1000 euros. What community? Muahahaha
  5. It is so easy to hide a backdoor in a SP or a trigger, and the l2 community will never know cuz their sql knowledge is 0
  6. We all begin from something don't we ? :D
  7. Wow you really have to try very hard to suck at coding such a basic concept.
  8. Update time. Been pretty busy over the last couple of weeks and i still will kinda be till this Friday. However i now have more time and i started working on the project again. I reworked the way you create a admin command. You can now use attributes to set the command's name. It looks like this: Voiced commands will follow the same structure and they are the next thing to be added, mainly for testing purposes. On a site note, starring and forking my project is always appreciated so if you would drop a star I would be grateful. Link: https://github.com/Elfocrash/L2dotNET Thanks
  9. Im well aware of the difference. Im am just saying that wow (that it has people that know their shit, which are capable of coding emulators for the game in C++ and not getting leaked files and extending them) is not completed yet then l2 no matter the software will never be completed.
  10. He is talking about interlude in general not off specific.
  11. Did you honestly thing there is ever gonna be such a thing? There is no fully functional WoW emulator and that thing has an actual community backing it up with emulators written in C++. There is never gonna be a fully completed fully functional emulator. Let's just deal with it.
  12. And basically l2 as anything else is pretty shit and dead already.
  13. Don't even bother...Access is a 3d animator. It shouldn't be a concern for you as you can buy resources from their marketplace.
  14. No Unity is C++ too. You can script everything out using C# but it will compile to machine to in the end. It's using reflection to do that.
  15. UE allows you to go deeper with many things but Unity3D has anything you might ever wanna do in a mobile game so UE is overkill for mobile. Also licensing is another thing.
  16. Unity3D will do, and there are more tutorials than an Integer can hold.
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