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Everything posted by Elfo

  1. acis doesnt mean success. If you were shit when you opened a server with frozen then you'd be shit opening wth acis.
  2. acis is just the only free option. like literally.
  3. I would care more about infrastructure thatn javadocs tbh
  4. So l2jfrozen site is up again and shyla/nefer are looking for some feedback. I am just putting that out here. Site: https://www.l2jfrozen.com/ Forum topic: https://www.l2jfrozen.com/forum/index.php?topic=2.0 Forum poll: https://www.l2jfrozen.com/forum/index.php?topic=3.0 Any thoughts?
  5. That is not always achievable though. What you are describing is the best case scenario. Take acis for example. It's code is sorta well structured, clean and super readable. On the other hand performance sucks so much due to several factors both coding and infrastructure related.
  6. The 0x70 packet on IL is a dummy packet so it's not used by anything. When i said understand i was talking about the server side. Static has a use, it's not the one you suggested though. Will probably add HWID to this if peole want it btw.
  7. Like a give a shit about how they'll use it. I just wanted them to understand how it should work. I hate static things anyway.
  8. It will work if they have the box standard engine dll which 99% of the users have, and if they don't its because they played in a server that has smartguard or any other client protecting which nullifies this anyway.
  9. Pretty self explanatory. This is a new Packet in order to open any url that you want to the user's pc. Can be used in vote rewards and shit like that. It is for Interlude. package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets; /** * @author Elfocrash * */ public class OpenUrl extends L2GameServerPacket { private final String _url; public OpenUrl(String url) { _url = url; } @Override protected final void writeImpl() { writeC(0x70); writeS(_url); } } Usage: activeChar.sendPacket(new OpenUrl("https://www.google.co.uk/")); Client side: entry.dll Engine.dll in case just the entry file doens't work: engine.dll If the two things above don't work either here is the whole vanilla system: system Thanks to Szaka for helping me understand how this shit works btw.
  10. Not really worth the effort. This community is dead.
  11. Just a suggestion. L2 events in general are known for being scheduled at a specific time. If you launch a server with this make it instantiate on demand, so if 10 people register starts an event with those 10 at an instance and straight away waits for 10 more
  12. Dude if i didn't have unlimited internet of my mobile you'd just drain 26 mb of my plan.
  13. Dude are you fuckin serious? 26 MB site homepage and render blocking assets? I hope you didn't pay for this website because it is by far the worst website i've seen in months.
  14. They have completely different usage even though they compile to the same intermediate language. Performance is the same but C# can do way more. Now when it comes down to .NET Core (Which is what everyone .NET is doing now) C# is the only way you can code. Not even Microsoft gives a shit for .NET Framework anymore.
  15. Because you don't need the stupid .net framework installed. It just won't work everywhere plus apps like these are being destroying be windows defender and other antiviruses.
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