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Everything posted by Elfo

  1. Mxc is outside of the regular timeline. It is always 2009 in here.
  2. Are you talking about the shitty HTML or the shitty and confusing observer mode? Cuz they are both one liners with delays. Here have some more ideas to rip off :D
  3. I've seen my startup system in so many different versions its crazy It works but it needs to be coded in a very specific order.
  4. The lucky wheel and the auction house are not everyday things to be honest. I guess you are not into professional web development. That acp would be probably even more than what they are selling it for.
  5. Maybe you know that people haven't used frozen in the 3-4 years of inactivity? Maybe you know that there is a chat you can also use on their site?
  6. What you can do is make it API based. All you need an an auth key to communicate and you are basically done. It's just that you will have to code both the site and the server api to do that and i dont think it's worth it. Good luck with your sales.
  7. It is not bad by any means and the price is reasonable. However no one in l2 will pay for such a thing
  8. You must have some sort of budget and this is the site you bought? Straind? It's like the same site with different color palette over and over again. Anyway, good luck even though people won't give a shit.
  9. Download EditThisCookie. It is a browser plugin Then do this: You will never see the popup again. Fuckin stupid people that can't properly advertise their shit, don't HAVE to put something in other peoples face.
  10. What else do you need to know? It's pretty obvious from the grammar, and the spelling.
  11. The server side API is Java SE and my website is written in .NET Core C#
  12. The problem with ACPs is that they require the player to be offline for most of the actions to happen. A while ago i started coding a acp that connects to a restful api which runs inside the l2jserver, so that every action is instant and it uses actualy l2j code to execute, so the acp itself acts like the middleware. Abandoned it as it doesn't really worth the effort (at least for the way i value my own time).
  13. These values at the petition box aren't in a html file but in the client. Try non breaking space.
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