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Everything posted by Elfo

  1. Added features Rename player (works instantly) Clear PKs (works instantly) Set nobless (works instantly) Change sex (works instantly) Feel free to request more features. Will be moving to the admin area now
  2. The store is not static data. It is content manage dynamic data. You might wanna lower the price or add an item. What are you gonna do? Open an flatfile and edit it? Nah. You will just do a sql crud operation. What makes static data static is that it will NEVER change ever.
  3. xml and json is terrible for that kind of thing. I want admins to be able to content manage on the fly. Writing xml and json is baaad. Thats why it is sql. Because it is not static data. (The server retrieves the sql and sends it as json to the site) And yeah my next step is the admin area which only accounts with accesslevel 127 will be able to access.
  4. Added donations with paypal and donate points. Will be finishing off purchases with donate points today. The first version of the acp will be sold soon
  5. Added a poll to see what you need more.
  6. Yeah enchanting is just an example. It could be set name or set title, Augment or even kick and jail. It can be server restart, announce text, pm a char. Anything. I also had a discussion with Sweets and i really liked the way he sees it.
  7. Good point actually. Not the useless bit, the admin panel bit.
  8. Hey guys, So about a year ago I started making a L2ACP with the intention of selling it. However due to many reasons (including experience at the time) i discontinued it and shared it for free. One of the main reasons why ACPs don't really work for is because of the fact that the player needs to be offline for them to work, as you are editing the database with queries. So in this concept preview i wanna show you an alternative to that. In the video below you will see that all the actions are real time, without restrictions. The data is coming back from the gameserver itself and not a database. How is this done? The gameserver is also running a baby RESTful API. The site is communicating with the webserver and not with the database as any other ACP. The webserver then parses the request and validates it. If everything is ok it responds to the site. What this means is that EVERY action can now happen real time no matter if the user is in or not. That makes for great user experience. It also allows us to get advantages of many other features. I'd like to know what you think and feel free to propose features that you might wanna see. I won't talk about money or payment models. I wanna make a cool product first and I need your opinions. Test server is now up. You can check the site on http://l2acp.com/ If you want to log in the server then set the ip on your ini to be (The ACP Management and Server Management) buttons in the admin area are placeholders for now. Every account will have 100 donate points to spend. If you need admin access or more donate points let me know. Disclaimer: The theme i am using is a licensed version of INSPINIA: https://wrapbootstrap.com/theme/inspinia-responsive-admin-theme-WB0R5L90S Updates One of the main reasons the site will be on my end is updates. Every update cycle you will be able to just replace a jar file and the whole system will be updated. All the updates are FREE no matter the features added (And i can tell you i have some very nice ones in mind http://i.imgur.com/Ipl2NYY.png) Custom requests In case of a custom request you need to provide a full description of the feature and i will give you a quote and an estimate for this. Please feel free to ask any questions.
  9. Easy target. You have nothing to defend yourself with. :D
  10. Lock this btw. Too lame of an idea. Make good servers :D
  11. Decent work, but you UI needs work. Looks confusing in the human eye
  12. Just a thing i noticed. Unless those players are actual players connected to your server then you are proving nothing but that you pc can render up to X amount of objects. They are super lightweight and in fact they don't even have AI to stress the server in any possible way. People that actually know their shit laugh on tests like this. It's like you loaded 5k npcs without AI.
  13. Wait a second. Since when, telling our opinion and having conversations is spam?
  14. I wouldn't sell it at all. Register and login php system have been out for years. Also you are using out of the box basic boostrap so ofc it will be responsive. I would at a lot of features and then sell it.
  15. Im listening then Edit: Please tell me you are not talking about Fissban's engine either.
  16. Nah that phantom engine is not really what im going for
  17. yeah i know. i had h5 server owners telling me that phantom is shit and that it causes crashes if you load too many players :D
  18. You'd be really surprised if you knew the servers owners that pmed me for that. I could pay a couple of big servers to add some code i wrote for data mining and then i can create patterns based on human behavior to create a machine learning scenario. It is both achievable and feasible. The real question is if it really worths the effort. It will definitely sell let's just face it. They already do fake shouts and fake numbers and some even try bots (obvious ones).
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