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Everything posted by BabayG

  1. to be honest i dont think someone will share cloaks like these.
  2. show us how much money have you received from each server you open and how many servers have you opened and closed until today and i will tell you why
  3. You should feel sorry mostly for those who join
  4. Well I would suggest making a more professional topic, so that people can see what you can offer.
  5. If you only want the visual then you can't use the already existing one, hero skills are a packet with the aura. Someone needs to make you another abnormal effect which does not add the skills. Someone with more experience can confirm that I am not 100 % sure.
  6. I didn't say he is forced to do it. What I meant is big clans are spoiled and join servers only when they have such advantages.
  7. well. no paid clans. not enough advertise to russians. that's enough i guess
  8. Well we owned his pt in 2-3 servers in a row. So bored of the same. Never joined a single interlude mid rate since then. Btw lightness, maybe you should find something less promising (3k+ online as their advertisements say) and certainly not skylord's server, la2dream and l2 blaze. All of these servers pay every clan with more than 3 cp.
  9. Retail like pvp experience? Are you serious?
  10. This is considered as spam. What you can do instead is add your video at the same post or at main topic and bump it.
  11. No difference. I have restarted and saved the options... I really don't get it.
  12. Hello guys. i am having a problem with max camera zooming distance. I am setting different numbers, i have also tried to change other staff apart from maxzoomingdist and minzoomingdist but they dont have any effect on the game. Any suggestions?
  13. well i guess adrenaline users are ready to destroy your server. gl :D
  14. Ps4 for the exclusive games
  15. ti tha ginei re mlk skylord tha paiksoume?. eleos me to ddos
  16. Elite once was so populated that gm deleted system from site, which as far as I remember is still missing. NCsoft tried to close their server but eventually they didn't
  17. Honor and pride is a decent project. Just low population
  18. Only asterios is still full of ppl after many years but ppl there have really good gear.
  19. well for those who like custom projects and pride like servers it's good opportunity for a fresh start. Community is 50-70 daily and increasing. we are doing our best to bring more ppl through voting. gm's are also helpful and trying to solve most of the problems. <3 Dimos <3
  20. i know mate i just wanna see the reply
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