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Everything posted by BabayG

  1. nice project. Any photo of ecliptic armors and weapons?
  2. x1 will be dead in 2nd day. eu players dont have the time and the patience to play such a server. russians will log in to witness that server is empty and then bye.
  3. pvp server with some custom features wouldnt be a bad idea
  4. +1 . xxdem stop spamming every topic.
  5. well exactly my thoughts. lineage 2 (league of legends style) doesnt seem that much attractive to me , but i guess it's too early to judge. good luck btw
  6. kappa . classic.club is not full of russians? Russian parties will dominate here and rmt like crazy just like they did with classic server
  7. i agree java files are better than off files. but most servers running in java are full of bugs and unbalance. inexperienced devs have lots of problems creating a flawless and stable java server.
  8. mate you really have to find out what is wrong with your project cause every time you open it fails. dreams with final client used to be fun and crowded. p.s. plz dont write hater e.t.c. , i am really bored of this phrase.
  9. in an international server your main language is english not spanish or whatever language you use. Some russian servers represent exactly what you do, they pretend to be international and when you log in game 90% percent of server talks in chat in russian and you cant communicate with ppl. That's why i said it doesnt look international
  10. you call this international?
  11. yes but support roles are not that much attractive nowadays, which means you need great community to fulfill these needs
  12. low rates are not worth it. you will never have the community to do a low rate server this is not russia. so mid rate or high rate are the only choices
  13. another fake off?
  14. x30 rates for custom server with custom gears seems low to me, i would prefer something like x50-100. but this is just my opinion.
  15. time for classic random owners to start their business :D
  16. well obviously it was your fault that there were not enough people to test your server. l2 classic club or whatever it is called had 400 people on their beta phase and all of them were testing stuff in comparison to your 10 ppl online. And now let me explain why there was such a huge difference between your numbers and classic club's number . ~~~~~> ADVERTISE <~~~~~
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