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Everything posted by BabayG

  1. {GR} Μάλλον επείδη είσαι απατεωνίσκος και δειλος. zeus-elixir τι ακολουθεί στη συνέχεια? τουλάχιστον ας ήσουν αρκετά άντρας και να συνέχιζες με τον tales...
  2. yes kappa pride advertising methods 2k18
  3. As far as I know it used to be full of Russians. Anyway, I believe they care only about donations.
  4. [GR] επιτέλους ένα πιο σοβαρό ιβέντ, αν και θα ήταν πιο δίκαιο το εύρος των νικητών να αυξηθεί.
  5. Ποτέ δεν σε απείλησα. Αυτές είναι δικές σου κουβέντες. Η αλήθεια είναι ότι θα ήθελα πολύ να σε βρω και να σου κάνω τη μούρη κρέας αλλά δεν είμαι τέτοιος άνθρωπος. 600 ευρώ για μισό τελειωμένο bugged community board. Σίγουρα κάποια στιγμή θα γίνει share για να γελάσει ο κόσμος.
  6. Me to coding pou kaneis kai me th sumperifora sou den prepei na sou ksana steilei pote kaneis, tuxeros eisai pou akoma sou epitrepoun na vriskesai se auto to forum.
  7. Lineageeffect.u this is what you are looking for
  8. The answer to your problem is hidden in Russian forums. Gl :)
  9. 1st solution pay adrenaline in order to be disabled for your server. 2nd solution search for ppl who can add you protection against Kappa unbeatable adrenaline. Not sGuard that's a scam.
  10. Uparxei tropos na apalaxteis ap ta bots xwris na plhrwneis to scam to smart guard.
  11. Most mid, low projects run on scripts, fandc right? Are there any successful examples of sunrise low-mid-rate?
  12. Nice work. Quiz is a nice entertaining feature, but it's very annoying when bots can answer in 0.5 seconds...
  13. As the tittle says, I am looking for logo and website design. Don't ask why I don't send to people who sell these services, I am trying over 2 months to contact them, but it looks like they are too busy to answer, not to mention mega scam Ave. I payed him before 2 months still nothing delivered and no response at all...
  14. all the forces of fire department were in the fire break of kineta, so residents of mati were helpless, It is also worth mentioning that every telephony provider was out of reach due to many people were trying to make a phone call and electricity cut down, so no one could actually be informed about the news...2k18
  15. houses built in these areas, at least most of them where illegal, resulting in bad road structure and escape difficulty, thus resulting in losing many human lives.
  16. What is your aim? Do what you like or have a good income? Most likely if you choose too many customs not many ppl gonna join, so low income. If you run something closer to the standard version of l2, you have lot more chances for ppl to join your project. So I guess it depends on what you want.
  17. Which are the problems you faced with jserver files?
  18. BabayG

    wrong message :D

  19. Imagine that most of the Russian parties/clans and other international serious clans will buy premium/vitality replenishing e.t.c just to take the lead and I can assure you 1000 and more people depending on player base will buy it in a duration of 1-3 days. Premium account in most servers costs between 7-10 $. And as anarchy said probably there is 1 guy or max 2 administrating the project, all the rest are employers, advertisers, e.t.c
  20. Αδερφέ καλύτερα μόνος σου, βρισκόμουν στην ίδια ακριβώς θέση που βρίσκεσαι και εσύ πριν 2 μήνες. Δυστυχώς ο καθένας τα σκέφτεται και τα ονείρευεται αλλιώς μες το κεφάλι του τα πράγματα. Σε περισσότερα θα διαφωνείτε, παρα θα συμφώνειτε.
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